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Scream Spec (Carnage PvP)


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Shii-Cho form is what the Marauder community has been overlooking.


You have 2 talent points to spend where ever you think will assist your play style (I put mine in the Annihilation Tree).


That has to be the worst spec imaginable. BW does not give us enough characters in a single psot to explain what is wrong with that.

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Force Scream on a 6 sec cd and costs 1 rage, I dont see the problem :confused:


Force scream will only crit once in a blue moon when dogs and cats will lie together and pigs will rain down from the heavens.


Massacres cost 3 rage


No extra damage from ataru strikes


your massacres do less damage than a vicious strike becuase they wont do ataru strikes now.


The fact you got Cloak of annhilation with your "extra" talent points proves how much you know about a marauder spec.


You dont have quick recovery.


You got malice? no ataru strikes. why even get it?

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This spec favors survivabilty and throughput in PvP. Keeping the target locked down and limiting movement in order to wear them down. It seems to favor crit the most to compensate for the RNG factor because you are not PvE spec'd for Ataru Form and all the talents associated with having the PvE based Ataru Form "Blood Frenzy" talent. The "Cloak of Carnage" talent is there to mirror the "Blood Frenzy" effect of generating rage, because in PvP you're inevitably fighting someone at some time in some place, wherein PvE if you're getting spec'ing to get hit, you're doing it wrong.


no ataru strikes means your force scream is worse than a slash....
You got malice? no ataru strikes. why even get it?

The 6th tier talent (Sever) is why both Force Scream and Massacre are still worth using in Shii-Cho form. In other words, there is no stance requirement for the 30% crit damage bonus.

your massacres do less damage than a vicious strike becuase they wont do ataru strikes now

While the base damage of Massacre will be lower, the crit damage from Massacre will be higher than any vicious strike crit.

The fact you got Cloak of annhilation with your "extra" talent points proves how much you know about a marauder spec.

On my first post I stated that those last 2 talent points were throw away ones, I placed them there to test out the synergy between the other Cloak-relevant talents (Cloak of Carnage and Ravager).

You dont have quick recovery.

How often are you AoEing vs. Single-target dps?

Edited by Gruddy
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I see his logic in the spec. It is flawed, but then again, what spec isn't? If you guys weren't hard-headed l2p fools you'd see it. I think focusing a spec around ONE ability has its strengths and weaknesses. After actually LOOKING at his trees and making sense of it, there's a damn good reason why he would choose such things. First of all, he didn't spec into Ataru Form because if you actually read the first sentence then you would see it is based around the SHII-CHO FORM, not Ataru.


/end rant


On the serious side, if you've been using the spec for a while and it works for you, then go for it.


To everyone bashing this guy, post constructive criticism instead of wasting thread space.

Edited by CoolJaZ
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dunno why I am even posting this.. I know it will not outperform anything.. but if you really want a scream specc you should go for this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000zZGGrM00rRMcZG0Rr.1 I mean the others are right.. if you leave out ataru form.. you could shift your main focus back to VS .. but still.. dunno...


atleast this way you .. ah well dunno... still looks weird to me

Edited by itstoasted
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Constructive criticism:


With my gear, my force screams will hit without a crit for 1100. Using your spec they wont very often at all, a 1:3 chance it will, given an 18 second window, you could pull off 3 screams, lets say1 will crit, mostly likely all three wont, but ill give you the benefit of the doubt. they will do 4700 damage.


My screams crit for 2.8k on average, int he same amount of time, my screams will do 5.6k damage. 900 more than with your spec, even though it cost the same amount of rage.


Quick recovery has nothing to do with doing aoe damage. You use it to build fury when you are between engagements as you dont need a target or hit anything to build fury. Your rage will otherwise degrade. Fury however takes 30 or 60 seconds to dissappear, i cant remember.


3 seconds of reduced scream cooldown does not make up for making scream no longer an instacrit.



While the base damage of Massacre will be lower, the crit damage from Massacre will be higher than any vicious strike crit.



The crit damage for Massacre will be no higher than that of a Full blown correctly spec'd Carnage marauder. So my statement is still correct. A real Carnage marauder will still do more damage because of the Ataru Strikes.


Also, malice effects only force abilities, massacre is not a Force ability. but enjoy your 6% extra crit on Scream, ill enjoy my 100% chance and garaunteed 30% extra crit damage on every one of my screams. that talent doesnt effect your screams if it doesnt crit.


Also Erupting Fury is the worst talent int he marauders tree. And what happens when you have all that extra accuracy at the higher levels? you cant take points out of narrow hatred to make up for that, your stuck with it.


I see his logic in the spec. It is flawed, but then again, what spec isn't? If you guys weren't hard-headed l2p fools you'd see it. I think focusing a spec around ONE ability has its strengths and weaknesses. After actually LOOKING at his trees and making sense of it, there's a damn good reason why he would choose such things. First of all, he didn't spec into Ataru Form because if you actually read the first sentence then you would see it is based around the SHII-CHO FORM, not Ataru.


/end rant


On the serious side, if you've been using the spec for a while and it works for you, then go for it.


To everyone bashing this guy, post constructive criticism instead of wasting thread space.


I lol'd at this. It doesn't take an in depth analysis to see the obvious flaws in his spec. there is no good reason why he chose any of that other than "hey i thought of something no one else thought of, i r smrt!"

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dunno why I am even posting this.. I know it will not outperform anything.. but if you really want a scream specc you should go for this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000zZGGrM00rRMcZG0Rr.1 I mean the others are right.. if you leave out ataru form.. you could shift your main focus back to VS .. but still.. dunno...


atleast this way you .. ah well dunno... still looks weird to me


Without Overwhelm, Ravage gets wasted on the people that move away from it :S

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Wow, this is bad. If you lock up 1 million monkeys with 1 million talent calculators, I guess maybe, one day, one of them will come up with a spec that is as bad as that one. And then the others would beat him to death for it.


Seriously, it is bad. Like, really bad. Bad as in you trade a lower burst for lower dps, but hey, you will have 2 more fury after your teammates kill someone!

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With my gear, my force screams will hit without a crit for 1100. Using your spec they wont very often at all, a 1:3 chance it will, given an 18 second window, you could pull off 3 screams, lets say1 will crit, mostly likely all three wont, but ill give you the benefit of the doubt. they will do 4700 damage.


My screams crit for 2.8k on average


Hitting for 1100 means you're more than likely around 1k strength at most, then criting for 2800 means you have roughly 125% surge before the additive 30% crit modifier from the 'Sever' talent... sure, why not!

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Wow, this is bad. If you lock up 1 million monkeys with 1 million talent calculators, I guess maybe, one day, one of them will come up with a spec that is as bad as that one. And then the others would beat him to death for it.


Seriously, it is bad. Like, really bad. Bad as in you trade a lower burst for lower dps, but hey, you will have 2 more fury after your teammates kill someone!


Nah, trading some burst for some survivability since this favors Shii-Cho over Ataru.

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Hitting for 1100 means you're more than likely around 1k strength at most, then criting for 2800 means you have roughly 125% surge before the additive 30% crit modifier from the 'Sever' talent... sure, why not!


your obivously not taking the opponents armor into the equation, but then again, my numbers could be slightly off, its a rare chance when my screams dont actually crit....

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Hitting for 1100 means you're more than likely around 1k strength at most, then criting for 2800 means you have roughly 125% surge before the additive 30% crit modifier from the 'Sever' talent... sure, why not!


wait, what?


2800 / 1.3 = 2154


2154 / 1100 = 1.958


Which means enough surge rating to add 45.8%. My gear certainly isn't the best, only been 50 for less then a week, and I have 242 surge rating which takes my crits up to 81.19%. Meaning that getting them up to 95.8 shouldn't be that difficult.


As for your estimates of how much strength he is rolling with, are you taking armor into account? More likely he is in the 1450-1550 strength range and is taking armor into account.

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