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How ranged is Pyrotech Powertech?


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I have played a mercenary for quite some time, and i´ve been enjoying pyrotech a lot so far, however after watching several powertechs using pyrotech too, i decided to roll one powertech myself.


I´m still low level so i haven´t been able to explore the build just yet. I would like to know if the powertech/pyrotech is some kind of 10m/30m hybrid, or if it is necessary to go into melee (4m) to be effective. So far every time i went into melee range (to use rocket punch) i ended up dead quickly.


My favorite skill so far is flame burst, which is a lot better than the mercenary equivalent (powershot). I also get the feeling looking at the tree that the powertech has a better synergy with the tree than the mercenary does. I would like to play a powertech that do most of the damage at 30/10m, play it like a skirmish ranged class that gets close from time to time.


With my merc i found that often i would get carried away and go into close range anyway (like shooting at 10m instead of 20m+), that is why i thought a powertech may suit that kind of playstile. I would appreciate if someoene with more experience with powetech could tell me if this is viable or i am picking the wrong class.


Thanks in advance for any comments.

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The Pyrotech Powertech is certainly not a melee class at all, but attacks from all distances.


Ok fine you will mainly want to be about 10m away and often stepping in for Rocket Punch and to Quell them, but IM, RS and TD do a lot of damage at 30m range.


For the sake of proccing railshot you do need to be in the 4-10m range.

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Your main abilities as a pyrotech PT are Rocket Punch and Flame Burst for the Rail Shot proc. I tend to start my fight from distance e.g. Electro Dart, Explosive dart, TD, IM or W/E and then i would grapple or approach my target and get my hands dirty with rocket punch and flame burst and rail shot whenever it procced. Unfortunately you wont be effective using it at 10m+ And it really is mainly a melee class with some ranged abilities to start the fight off.
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You want to be in 10m range, but not in 4m range. You only step into 4m to Rocket Punch (every 9 seconds) or Quell (every 8 seconds). That's it. Other than that, you have no business being in 4m range of anything.



So every time you rocket punch you back out then move back in for the next one? lol why?


Pyrotech's are melee classes and meant to be melee. You're gimping yourself if you stay at range.

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So every time you rocket punch you back out then move back in for the next one? lol why?


Pyrotech's are melee classes and meant to be melee. You're gimping yourself if you stay at range.


Erm, sorry pyrotech isn't quite melee for a few reasons:


- aside from RP, every attack for the DPS pyrotech works at the 10m or greater including autos, meaning stepping in and out works fine and does nothing since the only channel dps ability we run is unload which can be done whenever...


- atm, many bosses are melee unfriendly, you make heals happy when you can avoid such damage by not being melee, for the most part 10m is unaffected by many moves bosses do (annilator's smash hits for 10m, qq)


There is no dps loss for PTs if you shift in and out from 10m.

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Pyrotechs should not stay in 4m standing still. You can move and sometimes even run circles round enemies.


Sweltering heat slows enemies down and allows you to kite them to some extent.

When fighting jedi knight why stay in 4m range when you can hit them with Flame Burst from 10m range?

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Pyrotechs should not stay in 4m standing still. You can move and sometimes even run circles round enemies.


Sweltering heat slows enemies down and allows you to kite them to some extent.

When fighting jedi knight why stay in 4m range when you can hit them with Flame Burst from 10m range?




PT, irregardless of spec, is a highly mobile class thanks to the fact that only 2 of our abilities are non-instant(Unload and death from above).


I prefer to be up close, especially against healers since you never know when youll have to quell them(or carbonize).

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PT, irregardless of spec, is a highly mobile class thanks to the fact that only 2 of our abilities are non-instant(Unload and death from above).


I prefer to be up close, especially against healers since you never know when youll have to quell them(or carbonize).


You also forgot Flamethrower which I often use as a last resort if getting ganked by a ton of melee users. I don't think I even use Unload at all.

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