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How far after the Treaty of Coruscant are we?


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In a guild-class tonight, a small argument came up around how far after the Treaty we are currently. I was under the impression that we are about 10-15 years, but a prominent guildie seems to think we are approximately 35-40 years after the Treaty.


Any links to good timelines?


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In a guild-class tonight, a small argument came up around how far after the Treaty we are currently. I was under the impression that we are about 10-15 years, but a prominent guildie seems to think we are approximately 35-40 years after the Treaty.


Any links to good timelines?



Different devs have said that the game's class stories start between 8-12 years after the Treaty of Coruscant and that there are differences between the stories' starting time; I assume the Force sensitive classes can start months if not years before the non- Force using omes.


The class stories in the game apparently are intended to take years. Several months have been said to pass between a different chapter's ending and the beginning of the next chapter alone.


At some point it was intended for the game to start 30 years after the Treaty of Coruscant, but that was changed.


Even in the end game we can't be much more than at most 15 years after the Treaty of Coruscant I assume.

Edited by Rouge
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Before the Pre-Release Forums were wiped, Daniel Erickson stated that TOR takes place between 10 - 12 Years after the Treaty was Signed.


Yeah, it used to be 30 years but when Bioware realized that would mean Satele was going to be an octogenarian in the game they changed it to 10-12 years so she could still look somewhat hawt :p

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She must be in her late fifties if not early sixties. Since she was already an adult when the war started, which took 30 years, and then add another decade after the treaty of Coruscant.


Maybe not adult, but in late teens, considering that she hadn't yet reached her full potential based on how she fares in Return.


If she's born let's say 3700-3697 BBY, then she would be anything from mid-fifties to early sixties in the game. Average lifespan for non- Force using humans have been said to be 100-120 years in SW and apparently as a result of an unequal opportunity at healthcare, has been confirmed to be at least 300 years for those with deep pockets. Satele, as a Force user - which should prolong life according to canon sources - and as a scion of a famous and apparently wealthy family considering the position Revan and Bastila's son achieved could well live centuries if she doesn't die an unnatural death.

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"The time in which the game begins is less than 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant."



That's as specific as they stated.



There has been some confusion about this due to a press release which mis-stated the dates. The time in which the game begins is less than 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant. In general, we've tried to keep this a little vague, because the Old Republic doesn't take place in a single moment of history but over a period of a few years. Suffice to say, the Treaty's been in place long enough for it to start fraying at the edges.
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http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Treaty_of_Coruscant - 3653 bby


Second Great Galactic War which starts at the 2nd act of Warrior's story (and prolly other classes) - 3,642 BBY


11 years. There we go.


"The time in which the game begins is less than 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant."



That's as specific as they stated.


Then it means that game begins at least (9 years) in 3644 BBY and act 1 takes approximately 2 years, to answer one of the posters above. Provided we take that "less than 10 years" as 9. In my opinion, this is a very reasonable amount of time. Between the time we meet our characters and act 2 (2nd Great Galactic War) begins.



I really thought it was 30 years. No clue how it managed to change...


Regarding Satele:


born in 3,699 BBY, @ the time of the start of Warrior's 2nd act she is... 57 years old in the game.


Imo she looks too bloody young in the Threat of Peace in which is she is like 46 years old. =[


Hope trailer takes place in 3,667 BBY. Satele is 32.

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Regarding Satele:


born in 3,699 BBY, @ the time of the start of Warrior's 2nd act she is... 57 years old in the game.


Imo she looks too bloody young in the Threat of Peace in which is she is like 46 years old. =[


Hope trailer takes place in 3,667 BBY. Satele is 32.


Satele is a major Jedi I'd Like to Forcepush.

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