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How far after the Treaty of Coruscant are we?


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The comics were never official in how the characters looked, as stated by multiple devs


It goes far beyond how characters look like. By that time...


Satele had already been a mother, yet you see her behaving as an immature and annoying brat, more of a padawan or so, allowing Tavus' advances, regardless of the thing she had with Jace Malcom.


Again, I have no issue with that so to speak, since it's clear a lot of stuff got changed since then but once more, it goes far beyond how the characters look like, physically.

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I really thought it was 30 years. No clue how it managed to change...

At one point durring development that seems to have been the plan, developers said so once, but it was for certain aspects unreasonable, so they dropped it an dreduced the time of the cold war to about ten years. I think they would have liked it to have it for 30 years because then it would have been more like our real cold war and so people could better relate to it. But they wanted to keep to many chracters from the war still around and didn't liked how old they all had become (my guess here), so they reduced it to ten years... and I think plenty of people playing the game have no clue about how the real cold war was so it doesn#t matter for them how long it is in the game anyway.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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And you felt the need to bump a 1.5 year old thread for this?

Sure, some thread necromancy is pretty much stupid, but I think he had a good question there, so I am okay with the necro in this case... you on the other hand have left a rather useless post that is in no way, shape or form any better than the useless thread nercomancies you are complaining about.

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Sure, some thread necromancy is pretty much stupid, but I think he had a good question there, so I am okay with the necro in this case... you on the other hand have left a rather useless post that is in no way, shape or form any better than the useless thread nercomancies you are complaining about.


You're right I should have just left it at reporting it for what it was. Will try to remember next time I get annoyed :p

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