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every one roll a sorc


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Every class will have its day in getting a nerf, when it comes time for the sorc to be nerfed it will be buffed instead.


learn from wow and ghostcrawler, if the head dev plays one then it will always be OP. would you nerf your own main?


So the answer is simple, roll a sorc and be merry. QQ about sorc will only get them buffed.

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Quite honestly the whining about Sorc/BH all the time is tiresome. They will be nerfed/balanced in time, Im sure its not as simple as changing 2 abilities.. They dont want hybrid specs. which Sorc is all about for max dps right now. So like we see with assassin Im sure some things will change, but they dont want to ruin the viability as well, or what each tree was "intended" for.


We are only look at 1.1.2, we havent even seen/talked about 1.1.3 etc as of yet, the next content patch is coming in march, thats a whole 3+ weeks away at earliest.. So atleast 2-3 more patches Id assume,. Plenty of time for balance fixes for other classes.

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please if your targets range is 25-30 and you cant kill him before he reaches you then you need to l2p.


if you cant leap at a sorc you have no chance of getting in melee range before your dead and in the slight change the sorc sucks and you make it to him he can just super speed run away to 30m range.


nerf this stupid class already because if someone unlike you is in control of one then your toast

Edited by sdlaurin
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75% of the population already rolled a sorc/sage....

20% rolled BH/Troopers

And the other 10%.... they get the nerfs...


Its all about cash. Why upset over three quarters of your playerbase when they can look busy with the other 10%.

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More like learn to shield+heal+forcerunaway bub...


You gauge a class's ability based on how easily it can run away?


Lemme rephrase...


You think sorcerer is overpowered because it can avoid the tail end of someone's burst?


I really dont even know how to respond to this... the same logic can be used to say some pretty bizarre things about this game's class balance.

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any form of sustained attack on my sorc will kill me , let me shoot at you without doing anything about it, i will kill you . not a OP UP situation just basic L2P.


dont try to outsmart this, u know sorc have advantages over others, same as with BH.

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I don't know about that. The only major imbalance I've noticed in PvP is that ranged classes can easily knockback, stun & kite melee classes and that playing melee like Knights or Warriors puts you at a disadvantage, especially in 1 vs 1 fights against ranged DPS. Sorcerers and Sages definitely seem to be the superior healing classes but they don't seem all that overpowered to me. If you get a couple of DPS sages focusing on one target they can do serious damage, but if you focus against them they are pretty squishy.


I will say this though, if they nerf Sorcerers and Sages, PvE group content is going to get a lot harder. The other healing ACs don't seem to be anywhere near as good.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Team-Based Objective WZ am I missing something here? 1v1 fights are usually pretty irrelevant.


If you dont have dpsers focusing down the other teams sorcs/sages you will lose cause your beating on the brick wall wondering why your not killing the target. Press the tab button and go kill the guy doing the healing. Not sure what so hard about this.

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without pvp gear are easy to kill a fully geared sorc is impossible to heal especially when there is 2 or 3 of them.



grav round and tracer missile are insane. they need a 3 second cool-down to stop the spamming or a higher cost on them. It eats through everyone but assassins. sniper dps requires way more casting time for less dps.

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Team-Based Objective WZ am I missing something here? 1v1 fights are usually pretty irrelevant.


If you dont have dpsers focusing down the other teams sorcs/sages you will lose cause your beating on the brick wall wondering why your not killing the target. Press the tab button and go kill the guy doing the healing. Not sure what so hard about this.


Healers are a problem when they have protect on from a huge tank and have enough cc to lock down melee DPS. But we are all supposed to play range DPS I know. I always kill healers but there is a wee bit more to it when you are melee against a competent team with protect.

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lol so true bw employees only play sorcs so cmon

1. Im pretty sure you're wrong

2. Even if this was true, I have enough faith in Bioware to assume they would care more about the integrity of their game than having a slight advantage over other players in a game they probably don't play that much because they're too busy working on it anyway.

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75% of the population already rolled a sorc/sage....

20% rolled BH/Troopers

And the other 10%.... they get the nerfs...


Its all about cash. Why upset over three quarters of your playerbase when they can look busy with the other 10%.


I love the fact that people have the nerves to post their statistics without posting how they got those percentages. Hence, unreliable (throw this post away).


I don't know how people know that the "devs" only play sorcerers... Come on people, devs aren't allow to tell you in-game that they are "devs"! Stop QQing and begin to post sensibly. What I mean by that is, if you see a problem bring it up and possibly give a solution(s). Crying about the issue wont change the issue. The way people complain about things is very childish and uncalled for.

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Every class will have its day in getting a nerf, when it comes time for the sorc to be nerfed it will be buffed instead.


learn from wow and ghostcrawler, if the head dev plays one then it will always be OP. would you nerf your own main?


So the answer is simple, roll a sorc and be merry. QQ about sorc will only get them buffed.


go play low level WZs


every match is at LEAST half sorcerers


i think people are already heading that way

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75% of the population already rolled a sorc/sage....

20% rolled BH/Troopers

And the other 10%.... they get the nerfs...


Its all about cash. Why upset over three quarters of your playerbase when they can look busy with the other 10%.


You need to work on your math lol

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75% of the population already rolled a sorc/sage....

20% rolled BH/Troopers

And the other 10%.... they get the nerfs...


Its all about cash. Why upset over three quarters of your playerbase when they can look busy with the other 10%.


I'm glad you covered the entire 105% of the SWTOR population with your detailed and thoroughly referenced analysis. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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I'm glad you covered the entire 105% of the SWTOR population with your detailed and thoroughly referenced analysis. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


I guess he meant 5% have rolled both a BH and a sorc. I know I have :)

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I will say this though, if they nerf Sorcerers and Sages, PvE group content is going to get a lot harder. The other healing ACs don't seem to be anywhere near as good.


maybe they shouldnt nerf them but bring the other classes to the same lvl ppl always crying for nerf this nerf that noone ever saying BOOST ME! :D

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The best way to tell if a faction or class is op | Today , 03:27 PM


#1 percentage of games won by faction

#2 on winning side what class is the most prevalent



That being said imo sith inquistors are op there is really no resistance to thier attacks especially when there are seven of them hanging around same area.

I would like to see resistance to stuns regardless if the stun was made by one person or seven different people. perhaps a timer that states immune to lighting bolt for 3-5 seconds.

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