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PvP Problems


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Honeslty?i dont agree with your point.

Im working 8 hours per day, im married and i like to go out and drink with friend sometime. i am also a HUGE gamer, i love playing mmorpg and im doing it since i was 15(im 25 now)and i dont see why i shoul get killed by someone who have more free time than me.

you talking about skill but it only seems that you are intrested in gearing faster than casual gamer in order to pew pew.

and abut the efford stuff, i dont see any efford in someone who play 18 hours out of 24 per day.

try to work, pay your bill, make a woman happy and find the time to play, thats an efford mate :) or at least the one that should be rewarded.


Spoken like a true closet nerd.


To hell with you guys and your gear. This dude is right. *$ you.

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Funny post, the fact you missed that the open world pvp planets have resources you will need for crafting is even funnier. You see this in turn means people will be fighting it out to gain a foothold for resources and farming. The best pvp is when Farmers and Fighters end up helping each other out.


This guy made me spoodge.

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Funny post, the fact you missed that the open world pvp planets have resources you will need for crafting is even funnier. You see this in turn means people will be fighting it out to gain a foothold for resources and farming. The best pvp is when Farmers and Fighters end up helping each other out.


I agree with this completely. This reminds me of EVE in 0.0 Many great 400+ vs. 400+ battles took place over resources and territory. If swtor can make the need of these resources strong enough it will definitely encourage a massive open world PVP aspect to the game that will keep groups of people playing just so they can maintain control of territories. :cool:

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While I agree with some of the OP's points personally I detest PVP reward gear when it is different than pve reward gear. Meaning I hate PVP only stats. If mobs HP and damage can't be scaled in such a way with players to make it so that players attacking each other don't need such insane performance reducing stats on armor just for pvp.


I want to play to play no matter where I am. I wouldn't mind getting some custom styles obtainable only through pvp and pve respectively.. for appearance only.


I know I make up a small portion of pure pvper that wants no grind at all regarding pvp and let my choices of appearance be relegated to my preference instead. SWTOR is sooo damn close to achieving this with the gear mods and upgrading.. why oh why did they have to drop the ball and pigeon hole all pvpers in to one specific pvp set of gear.. yay for pvp battles where everyone looks the same..



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While I agree that more effort = more and/or better rewards, I think there should be a limit or diminishing returns.


What people want to do it be the best RIGHT NOW, then go pray on lowbies when they get bored being one of only a few at max level. Then you'll be on the forums in a week saying the game sucks do to lack of content.


I'm not saying this system is the answer, but someone has to put their foot down and stop the damn madness that is peeps with God complexes building god-like characters and acting like they are the victims when the peeps 50 levels below them QQ over getting farmed by them.

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PvP is about having fun and killing other players ... and i will agree that gear should matter a bit ... but it should not be everything ... one of the best systems for rewarding those who enjoy the play more get bigger rewards was vanilla WoW .. titles and ranks based on your weeks kills and honor gained ... it was a epeen bonus for those hardcore players who wanted to show off how much they played with a cool and exciting title and kept things balanced gear wise because people still had access to close to the same gear. sure there was the odd person who way out geared someone else but most gear was on par with the rest and pvp was still super competitive because everyone wanted that higher title ... they kept the titles in check with a honor decay per week so you couldnt just cap out and keep your title you had to actively play if you wanted to keep it.


It rewarded both those who played a lot and allowed casual players to stay competitive.

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one issue that PvP has right now the same rewards no matter what your effort input .. people who sit back burner all game still walk away with similar rewards as those who strived to win it. Capping flags should be worth effort points .. killing a ball handler in huttball should be worth points for killing blows ... winning should be worth more then losing etc etc etc ... right now win or lose kill or AFK you get the same rewards ... this might be one point to look into more then playing more gives more rewards etc ... reward effort in the warzones
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lol true i hope they dont have the 1 gear set sort of stuff i meen they did this on DCUniverse hopefully the legecy system will kick *** and we wont all be 501st (btw dcuo is awasome should check it out while you wait to get invited into the early acsess)


another point i noticed with the fighting system is whats with costently having to click on a bad guy to hit they should have an auto attack :) so you can focus on skills.


i hope they turn space combat to a flashy version of swg that was awasome online it reminded me so much of freelancer or dark star one insted of kingdom hearts style of space combat that 2 yr olds can kick *** on


btw i know im being a bit of a troll now like but dont you think this game needs wookies i meen if oj can use chewie living on endor in his defence i think its epic enough to be in a game

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First thing first... Life/games is UNFAIR, :eek: learn to handel it.


I agree on your point when coming to the effort in the battles that has always anojed me in all MMO games.

BUT... If there are to hard for ppl not playing at your level of PVP (time wise that is) to gain gear the will quit with PVP, and that fact leaves you with fewer PVP moments.

There are no eacy way of ranking it like your system in a BG you can just jump out if getting to low ranked and leve fore a new game.

That leaves the 1s realy trying with fewer players in that team and maybe a loss.


Better to have casual and ranked matches/battlegrounds then imo.

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Your complaints are ridiculous.


Clearly you are a "hardcore" (time investment) player and want to be rewarded with gear for not having a life. Want to know why I quit WoW? Because I was sick and tired of the grind.


Every season I would compete for gladiator title and every season I would have to do the agonizing gear farming grind, sacrificing time with friends, work, family etc. All this just to be competitive.


I love how in this current build i do not have to put in the time to remain competitive. I want everyone to have the same chances as me. Ive met so many skilled players in WoW who didn't have the time to farm and couldn't compete with myself and peers.


You are also expressing grievances about a brand new PvP system before the game even launches. Most MMOs have no PvP system at launch. You are spoiled to have what we have. Bioware will most certainly work out the kinks in upcoming months.


Stop complaining.



This person pretty much sums it up! Really the game is not even out! and yet there people all ready crying !

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Time ≠ Skill


PVP should reward skill not time spent. Commendations reward your effort.


Anyone wanting to be rewarded for spending more time "grinding" for PvP gear is just looking for an advantage that in their minds exceeds skill.


I like the current system as a "casual" player with you know; a Job, wife, kid, house and so on...

Edited by Lavacon
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OP: I see where you are coming from, and I agree and disagree with your points.


For instance, I think hardcore gamers should get rewards faster than casual gamers. As others have pointed out, that's life. Athletes dedicate themselves to a specific game, so I shouldn't expect to be just as good as them. Someone made the comparison of people going to a gym for hours, and eating right, and maintaining an entire lifestyle to being in shape vs the guy who runs 3 times a week and eats like crap and drinks half a case of beer twice a week.


With that said, I also don't expect to COMPETE with athletes in a game of football, and I don't expect to have to compete against these fitness gurus in everything I do. I do expect to compete with other players in this video game.


So I think spending more time and effort doing things in-game should get you rewards quicker, but I do not think that the gap that provides should be large enough to overwhelm casual players. If a hardcore gamer can get something in a day that takes a casual gamer a week - I don't see that as a huge disadvantage. Please note: I'm not saying there must be a week lag, just using it as an example.


To expect to play twice a week and be the best is setting yourself up for failure in anything you do in life. However, while talking about a video game, I think it should be normalized a little so the gap isn't so bad.


TL;DR - Hardcore rewarded faster but don't create large gaps between them and casual.

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Sounds to me like you people do pvp to gain reward from it so you epeen or get the advantage over lesser geared ppl.


How about you actually roam the world and kill ppl for the sake of "coz I can" instead of doing it for the gear.


It seems like everybody gotten so spoiled by system many mmo games run that rewards you for killing people in a battleground.


You need reason? World bosses, remember the old days of vanilla wow? utter grief fest, how about making a name for your self on the server by killing the **** out of ppl ?


You dont need any ranked system to prove to the community that you are one mean mother f++ker


Uuu no need to do ullum coz of no reward, get the f++k out please dude. You don't need a reward to wipe floor with someone. Geezes if you have played any hardcore pvp game like darkfall you would quit after a week!

Edited by edvardgj
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Self improvement is a major incentive to keep playing, and getting better gear is a major component of this. If acquiring gear is tuned towards casual players, i.e. easily acquired or RNG based, the more hardcore players will be bored very fast. The incentive to keep playing will be very low when a casual playing a fraction of the amount a hardcore does has the same gear. The sense of accomplishment is also lower if gear is too easy to get.
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Our desire when we started testing was that Bioware would make a story focused game and implemented both PvE and PvP with equal measure, sadly this has not come to pass, I am not sure how the PvE currently stands but the PvP really leaves a huge amount to be desired.


While I agree with many of the specific points in your post and think they would be good changes/additions for the game, I disagree with the general dismissal of SWTOR PvP in your post. Mainly because it doesn't address PvP in the game.


Yes, rewards are important, but if you are an experienced pvp'er (which you claim to be), the actual combat and fight is the most important aspect of PvP. You may be miserable, but I've been having a blast so far.


So I disagree with your final point which is that PvPers will abandon this game because the reward system is lackluster. As an avid PvPer, rewards are just a nice icing on the cake of some good fights and unpredictable pvp action. If BW makes sure the actual PvP combat is fun and relatively balanced among classes and groups, then this will make for good fights, and in the end, keep the PvP player base happy.

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Real competitive gamers want Skill > Gear in PVP. The only people who want Time spent > then skill are the individuals who care only about winning, not competition.


i dont agree 100% on this, as an adult gamer who has played quite a few MMOs and achieved very high pvp ranks and rewards in them i do appreciate the skill>gear argument, however i do like having recognition for my skill or efforts, whether that be a cool title or a different colour/style of gear so when i join a pug warzone or im wondering around in world pvp im not treated the same as the keyboard turning moron who just afk'd for 5 weeks straight on his school/work holidays to look the same.

Normally i dont care what people think of me or my character but it does have an impact on the game if a healer primarily heals the other geared player who is doing nothing. Or the dps your healing runs off with the other player who is just doing an abysmal job, therefore impacting the outcome of the game and resulting in your team not performing as well as possible.


This is a very distinct and specific situation but there is quite a few situations similar to this that even cosmetic rewards for skill can help eliminate. The biggest issue introducing these rewards however is implementing them in a way that:

- doesnt alienate people who dont have those rewards

- doesnt promote botting, afking or other general exploits

- doesnt cause players to find the quickest easiest method of achieving this rank, that is, turn the title or gear race into a mind numbing grind in the same warzone or area where it no longer is about teamwork and fun, but about (wow term inc) honor grinding.


i believe the comendation system swtor has implemented inside warzones where you chose a player as an MVP of sorts is a very good idea at attempted to do this, and maybe have these comendations more governed somehow and have them a seperate currency used to buy said titles/achievements, or use them on a sliding scale per week to give you a ranking? something similiar to this would give players a sense of need to be involved in the battleground while giving them an overall incentive.

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100% agree that PvP is a joke. PvE is great, but PvP is seriously lacking. As my main focus is PvP, if no improvements are scheduled to come along, I feel it may be time to stop playing. Running around killing AI all day is not my ideal commitment. PvP needs a rework as suggested by the original thread poster. While along those lines, class balance is a major issue as well and needs looking into. And why the hell does a Juggernaut have almost the same Endurance as light armor classes? Some tank a Juggernaut is...FAIL!
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Exactly, Pvp should be skill based not gear based. This garbage about getting high lvl pvp gear faster only because you play ALOT more ruins endgame pvp. This was one of the reasons T4 pvp in Warhammer sucked, the new 40's had no chance against us. Some of the best fights in any pvp is when there is a risk of death, there is very little risk of death when you have your enemy outgeared unless you ...... or don't try. Anyway i'm sure BW will go the way the OP wants eventually because thats how every other MMO's has gone. The very vocal minority will push BW for the changes they want and the casual to semi hardcore will get ... Either way i will be here.


So much this.


I understand wanting incentive, or a reward for accomplishments.


But inequality in a game that is supposed to be a contest of skill seems to me to be an oxymoron of sorts.


Find another way to award pvpers. Free month of gameplay, or titles, or recognition, or special quest lines.


Gear progression /makes sense in a way/ for pvers so they can continue to advance in content and story against tougher and tougher NPC fights...for PVPers the advancement should be facing other EQUALLY skilled players, wouldn't you rather have a fair challenge so you know your actual skill worth in a ranking system?


The joy of pvp is that people are capable of skill and surprises. Diluting that dilutes the quality of gameplay.


Consider this. FPSers have only a little in the way of gear advancement, are built around accolades, and many are known for having international competitive competitions. Why shouldn't rpg pvp have a similar system?

Edited by Casandra
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Real competitive gamers want Skill > Gear in PVP. The only people who want Time spent > then skill are the individuals who care only about winning, not competition.


Skill is not rewarded in any way shape or form in SWTOR. You can run around in a warzone currently and still get huge amounts of XP, full credits and commendations. You can even afk and get all the above.

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