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Darth Jadus Bugged - Spoilers


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I just finished this after dying many many times and reading the work arounds i still can't do it as a lvl 29 sniper, i had a friend from guild help me. As someone who defends bioware this really is inexcusable this is a MAJOR bug. I sent in a ticket and the response is we know wait for next patch. this is a class quest that cannot be skipped or bypassed and is near impossible for a large percent of players. It has been know for what 5 months. I understand things take time and some bugs are easy some are impossible to fix but 5 months for a major class breaking bug really is unacceptable, bioware I thought you were better than that.
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it is a bug they need to sort as i do think it's putting players off.


notice it on my server, was afew snipers and operatives, (not as many as sith but a good few) up until this point and ever since alot of the time i'm the only agent on the planets i am on, or maybe 1 other at most.


tis clear only afew bother to come here reading about it or find the solution or ask a friend to help, others just give up because i don't see alot moving into the late 30, early 40 levels.

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I am a casual MMO player with a level 35 Sniper with at least Level 62. My Kaliyo has at least level 62 gear. I've tried all the trick listed in the post and have been trying to get past phase 1


I have been fighting non-stop from midnight until 4:00pm this morning and all I have to show for it is frustration, anger and 70,000 less credits in my account from repairs, trauma kits and stims.


I'm putting my Sniper into hibernation until this is fixed. I'm also giving serious thought to pulping her.


When a game stops being fun, maybe it's time to stop.

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I have have been playing since day 2 of the full release and have reported a HUGE list of bugs.

I'm somewhat understanding and patient. I know that it takes time to address bugs in software.

However, it would seem that BioWare is aware of these bugs and yet they have decided to continue to add more content and more bugs without first fixing the current bugs that are driving people like me away.


During the last 3 days I have run into SOOOOO MANY bugs with my new Agent that I'm finding myself hating the game! This is not how entertainment should be!



This bug with Jadus has cost me over 40K Credits and 2 Bug eggs and still, I can't beat him in the final battle after 2 hours of trying.

Yep, I know all about interrupts and management of them, using med packs, etc. But when I roll into cover under his nut sack, or get hit for a 60% drop in health 2 seconds after I interrupt his cast... or when I get blasted deeper onto the bridge and can't get off...


So, I'm going to go burn off some testosterone at the gym and decide what I'm going to do.


I am looking at two options:

1. Delete my account... if BioWare doesn't care enough to fix bugs before they add new content, then screw 'em.

2. I could say screw the class quests and go on leveling using planet quests until I feel like I can come back and beat Jadus easily. I'm level 30 now, so maybe at level 35.


Part of my decision will include the acknowledgement of several other friends who have left the game because they are not willing to deal with the bugs and the spread out servers. I have to decide if the game is fun enough to say. At the moment... NO.

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The bug has been fixed as of 1.2.

Prior to the patch I spent over 60K in repairs and stims. Nearly 30 attempts to kill him.


After the patch, it took me 3 tries to get the rythm of the interrupts and then he went down like any other elite.

I should note that prior to the patch he was able to put myself and my companion into whirlwind (or whatever it's called) over and over, back to back. In one fight, he did it 7 times back to back. That appears to be gone with 1.2.


BioWare, I appreciate it but really, you f'd around WAY too long on it. I'm betting you lost quite a few people because of it. You have almost lost me because you take way too long tending to bugs, ESPECIALLY the big ones like this! It is NEVER a good idea to upgrade the seats and wheels when the engines are failing.


The game is impressive but you've left a very bad impression with your lack bug handling.

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This is the FIXED version? I and Vector sure seemed to be in whirlwind an awful lot back to back, to mention one thing that still doesn't feel fixed, though I didn't count. Was to busy trying to stay alive.


I feel like a real sucker now for rolling an IA. Amazing story they said. Bioware knows how to write story.


And this is the end of chapter one?


It's possible I'm just too stupid to know how to play this class, :o but it's been mucked about so much I'm not convinced.


Last chance, I guess I'll reroll my IA, who WAS going to be my Legacy founder, if I could have figured out this fight. (and NO, "bring a level 50 buddy along" is NOT an acceptable answer, ftr, Bioware.):mad:


Hopefully, by the time I get up to this fight again, I will either know how to play it at whatever the current mix of skills and nerfs is, or they'll have fixed it in a way that doesn't leave it seeming an awful lot like the UNFIXED version.

Edited by TxAstarte
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This is the FIXED version? I and Vector sure seemed to be in whirlwind an awful lot back to back, to mention one thing that still doesn't feel fixed, though I didn't count. Was to busy trying to stay alive.


I feel like a real sucker now for rolling an IA. Amazing story they said. Bioware knows how to write story.


And this is the end of chapter one?


It's possible I'm just too stupid to know how to play this class, :o but it's been mucked about so much I'm not convinced.


Last chance, I guess I'll reroll my IA, who WAS going to be my Legacy founder, if I could have figured out this fight. (and NO, "bring a level 50 buddy along" is NOT an acceptable answer, ftr, Bioware.):mad:


Hopefully, by the time I get up to this fight again, I will either know how to play it at whatever the current mix of skills and nerfs is, or they'll have fixed it in a way that doesn't leave it seeming an awful lot like the UNFIXED version.


Did it at level 33. LOS is not fixed in all spots but get in the middle area where it is clear up the steps at him and interrupt the thunder blast or whatever it is (has thunder in the name) and I got him. Didn't worry about lightning or anything else as I wanted any interrupt, stun or knockback available when that one came cause it will waste you.

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so, is there any freaking way to get at friend to help u in this quest? Or is it supposed to be a solo quest? If a solo quest, how do i restart it so i can "talk my way" out of fighting? Edited by ViffeN
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Dear BW. There is a fine line between challenging and just down right annoying. The "cannot see target" bug is still there. Jadus' attacks are still overpowered. And I'm frankly tired of dying for the 30th time in a row. I cannot advance my class quest line until I get past this. Thanks. Thanks a lot for all of the anger and frustration. I will not quit this game as I still love it. BUT. For the love of god.... NERF THIS HORRIBLY DESIGNED AND ANNOYING BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dear BW. There is a fine line between challenging and just down right annoying. The "cannot see target" bug is still there. Jadus' attacks are still overpowered. And I'm frankly tired of dying for the 30th time in a row. I cannot advance my class quest line until I get past this. Thanks. Thanks a lot for all of the anger and frustration. I will not quit this game as I still love it. BUT. For the love of god.... NERF THIS HORRIBLY DESIGNED AND ANNOYING BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!


Bring a friend, i finaly could bring my friend if we both went there using my ship:)

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You sound a lot like my friend, Cessna. Shes a sniper, and she asked me (at level 37, inquisitor DYING To try this..) and it went pretty smoothly. while we had some trouble starting it, we made him attack us, and she spent most time tanking (even as me being an assassin), and the "panels" seemed to go pretty smoothly.


just getting him to fight us was a problem.

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Hello all,


We know encountering this issue is frustrating since it affects gameplay and completion of the quest-line. This is an issue we know about and according to the Known Issues thread in the Customer Service forum, it is on the list of high-priority issues.




I leveled my sniper on Daviks in January, I /bug reported this then, I bug reported the same issue on Alderaan in the final stages of the nobles room with the guards there as well. Its now April, I have leveled another 50 sniper on Fatman, again encountering the exact same issues as before and reporting them as before. To say its on your "list" of high priority issues is a flat out lie considering its now in the MONTHS of time you have been well aware. My apologies to the snipers out there for my ill tone, I am a little thin skinned with them atm.


The best work around i have found for it is using Vector. Melee range attacks work, as a whole, send him in, the second he agro's your pet, passive him and pull him back to you.


As your looking at Jadus, set up on the right side behind all the purple looking HUD screens, they will LOS his attacks and force him down, every attempt from there has worked clearing out the "not being able to hit him with ranged attack bugs" and renders his 2 biggest attacks moot if you ability interupt one as you can and LOS interupt what you can't.

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I finished this mission at level 30 with the MM/Eng combo set up.I used Vector but I also brought up his companion rating to over 4k and he is pretty decently geared up, maybe that made a bit of a difference.Vector does not hold aggro but he does some pretty decent damage that makes Jadus attack him if he cannot attack you.


At the onset of the fight I got cover next to a terminal, sent in Vector and then disrupted him.He comes straight for me at the onset everytime..........RUN and lose LOS, he will turn and start on Vector when he cannot LOS you.Turn and hammer him with all you have, use explosive probes, interrogation probes and all shots you can until he turns his attention back towards you.Leg shot, knife stun, disrupt whenever you can when he is on you and get back to where you can lose LOS when he is CC'd and pop whatever heals you can.When he cannot target you at this point he turns back to Vector.


Simply rinse and repeat until he is dead.

Good luck.

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Hello all,


We know encountering this issue is frustrating since it affects gameplay and completion of the quest-line. This is an issue we know about and according to the Known Issues thread in the Customer Service forum, it is on the list of high-priority issues.





Got an ETA for fixing this? Kinda looking forward to get my legacy goin ;)

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A guildmate just beat Jadus at level 29 on his sniper after only 4 attempts. I tip my hat to him, I remember wiping 10+ on my 31 operative. So I waited till 34 on my Sniper and it was easy. But 29....damn. Edited by chuixupu
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