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Leavers are ruining the PvP game!


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My server is becoming notorious for having people leaving the warzone right after someone scores, grabs 2 nodes etc,. This is getting out of hand, its really making the whole competitive nature of PvP a disgrace. If this doesn't get addressed soon me and a bunch of guildies will unsubscribe! I know they stated they didn't want to penalize people just yet due to bugs dc'ing folks. It's been almost 2 months since the game launched, when will this issue be looked at again?
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My server is becoming notorious for having people leaving the warzone right after someone scores, grabs 2 nodes etc,. This is getting out of hand, its really making the whole competitive nature of PvP a disgrace. If this doesn't get addressed soon me and a bunch of guildies will unsubscribe! I know they stated they didn't want to penalize people just yet due to bugs dc'ing folks. It's been almost 2 months since the game launched, when will this issue be looked at again?


Have you asked yourself why people are leaving? I try not to leave the warzones I play in, but in servers where one faction dominates the scoreboards consistently, people are going to get fed up with losing. Yet, you need to play go gear up, so they queue up fishing for a winning game.


The competitive nature of PvP died when Bioware decided to go with the current gearing model, and it further died, when they made the mistake that allowed a faction in a server to gear up creating such a disparity that makes it a complete uphill battle for the other side.


The fact that I felt very competitive from 10-49 (even when I was a lowbie, in fact ,when I hit my twenties I felt like I was contributing), and that it just vanished the moment I hit 50 because of gear, to the point that I've just stopped caring about winning or losing as much and just push through the match for the sake of the commendations tells me, that the competitor in me is not what it used to be.

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I leave sometimes, but for a different reason altogether. The moment anything even slightly goes wrong you get some punk nerd raging at everyone. I don't have any patience for that so I'm out of there. I report these people for abuse, and hopefully they will eat bans. Once these jerks learn to **** then I will stay and finish the game regardless of winning or losing.
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It is wrong but what do you expect. The pvp daily is what is causing it. Some people only get a few hours a day to play and when trying to get 3 wins for your daily it can take alot of time. If I have 1 win to go fr my daily and dont have long left to play sometimes I will leave to try get that win.
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They do it because there is no penalty. Deserter buff needs to be put in place.


If deserter debuff is as long as the game i would leave anyway and do something else then play a game i can't win. if debuff is longer then the game i would just cloak up and go afk.


Punish someone because they don't want to play something doesn't work. To fix this they need to make premaid vs premaid and pugs vs pugs and let us choose what game we want to play. Sure ppl would still leave, but no way as many as now.

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I was in a Huttball where we're up 4-0 about 5 minutes into the game, and then one guy quit the game, and then we had a bunch of 'guy joins game, guy leaves game', and I think at some point another existing player left the game too. I'm not sure what better game you could possibly get into that's 4-0 5 minutes into the game (probably won't lose, still got time to get medals). My theory is that most people are conditioned to join a game and then immediately leave it doesn't actually matter what the actual score was. Or maybe they see 4-0 and just assume they must be on the losing side without realizing that they're actually on the side with the '4'.
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for clarity:


bioware not putting in any punishment for people ditching warzones is adding to the ruination of pvp.


you can't blame the players, basic game design states that this should have been considered in development and systems put in place to ensure it doesn't happen or at least have some kind of cost.


in addition, anyone losing connection should have a grace period to get back into the same warzone, not just be insta kicked, imo.

Edited by Roak
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I would like to have a bit of a larger timer of AFK reports at least, because I was in a Warzone with quite alot of lags, and decided I'd see if the lag was reduced if I lower the resolution.


I don't have the fastest computer and loading after resolution check takes maybe 10 to 15 seconds, during that time I had been kicked from the warzone for trying to REDUCE my lag, and all the suddenly shipped to a imperial fleet, instead of the questing area I was at the first place.


So for trying to reduce the lag, I was kicked and shipped to a fleet, having to spend 10 minutes getting to my questing area once more. I find that a bit of ******** because I don't see the value to ship me to a fleet in the first place. >_<

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VoidStar, Last Night Imps V Repubs, -Repubs brake the Door (Several -Were Gonna Lose Were Gonna Lose, Jump ship, (Others Join) And Help PerCeed to Whipe the Floor With Them,


The Repubs Dident Make It Over The bridge, Next round They run Around Like headless Chickens, While We Brake Though every door within a few minutes,


Stop Thinking Just becouse the other team has Broken Though the first Door, or 1/0 HuttBall or Taken that 2nd turrent, You,re auto going to Lose, Becouse if You Resolve You,re Self to


Were Gonna Lose - Of course you,re gonna Lose BeCouse you,re not invested to win, or Jump Ship, Which lets Someone Else into the match, Who hasent been Playing from the start, -


Who dosent have any Kills under Thier belt, And Easy Pickings for Ones on the enemy team -Which (i hear offten (An Enemy Is unbetable)


In Games Where No one leaves 99% Always win -Why Damn sure The Other teams Not Gonna (Uless its imps V imps, Then it comes down to Whoever has the more Sorcs, or Dosent have 5 level 10-20 Running on you,re side)

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Well it's either that, AFKers, or dudes just remain dead where they are. Why waste time in a game that you know is auto lose and they will just end up farming you for the full duration?


Personally, I'd just soak a deserter buff and not play at all in those circumstances.

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I'll take a leaver rather than an afk-leecher anyday.


at least leavers forfeit their gain and make room for new blood. an afk-leecher gets pretty much the same gain as you, for being a parasite dead weight.


so No.


before you implement a deserter debuff, implement a working anti-afk-leeching mechanism first, or we will have a lot of those losing matches with a lot of people standing around instead of leaving.


I hardly care about leavers, but i want to punch any pathetic afk-leecher in the face.

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Also consider this is farming, not PVP for fun.

Should PVP be fun or just an easier way to level and get gear? Perhaps separating PVE and PVP gear (cannot wear one while doing the other)? Perhaps make PVP an almost totally separate game?


Or you can keep things as is and have people do whatever they can to maximize their gain, be it AFK, leave early or gank lowbies.

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