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Everything posted by Khelzar

  1. Latency has been an ongoing issue for me. I half blame Comcast, half Bioware at this point. Never had any problems playing any other games. But yeah, I'm experiencing the same thing. I'd go from 80ms and oscillate to 2K-3K then back 80ms and keep doing that back and forth back and forth. When this happens, my wife can't even connect to the game. Latency wasn't an issue for me back in the beta weekends, but it's been just so frustrating during the release.
  2. What the people saying 'Just go gear yourself up noob' fail to understand is how the whole thing works in the overall picture. Once a faction is at the top gear, they'll just stay there. I laugh every time someone says 'You must be Sith, easy mode' because in my server Republic dominates the 50 bracket. But it works something like this. Top Faction got their gear first (through Ilum exploit, more players speed leveling what have you). They reach overall Battlemaster level before the Non-Top faction. From there on, is hardly a contest. The Top Faction more often than not will field a team of mostly Battlemasters, while the opposite faction might have a couple. The Top Faction wins. This continues. The Non-Top Faction gets frustrated. Their BMs queue up less and less because they end up paired with people not as geared up because they're gearing up through LOSSES. While the Top Faction's new players get their gear much faster, because they're gearing up through WINS. So usually it's easier for the Top Faction to carry a few new players and as it is, they will gear up faster than the new player in the Non-Top Faction. So as this happens, people in the Non-Top Faction just reroll to the Top Faction, why not? It's way easier to gear up. Thus, the powerbase of the Top Faction increases yet again. I rerolled after I got my first level 50. And on that second character, I mostly PvPed while doing my class quest while I was leveling. When I reached 50 I saw people I PvPed against in the 10-49 bracket get Battlemaster waay faster than I did, because again, regardless of them being new players, they're gearing up through wins ,while I gear up through losses. That is the actual issue with this system. Not anything else. But the fact that there's no competition at all if a faction for whatever reason, became dominant much faster than the other faction.
  3. Not until they've fine tuned the mess that is level 50 pvp right now, and fixed the good number of bugs of which a decent subset, kick you out of wzs.
  4. It's not just losing, losing is part of the game. I'm talking, gearing through mostly losses. Like I mentioned in another response, if their intention is that PvP should be done only by premades, don't even let me queue up solo then.
  5. Nope, but hardmode flashpoints with a somewhat random team? Very possible. If they intend for PvP to be pre-made only, by all means, make it so that only premade teams can queue. I rather not be given the illusion that I can do something by allowing me to queue on my own, than being encouraged to do so, and then slapped on the face when I do. I don't know that PvP in this game is any more difficult than PvE. You CC, just like in PvE. You interrupt, just like in PvE and you DPS heal or even tank (in this game) just like in PvE. The difference being that unlike PvE where encounters are tuned for a specific level of gear, PvP throws in everyone with all kinds of gear into the mix, and if you're not in a group with people with gear chances are, you'll get destroyed very quickly to the point of making it impossible to execute any teamwork.
  6. And was it fun, to lose a lot I mean? Is there somewhere that says that they couldn't design the system so gearing up at 50 is actually fun? I love both PvP and PvE and nowhere do I remember seeing that I had to choose which one to go for, no in fact the game advertises providing both experiences for a player to enjoy. Getting my level 20 and 40 sets for my character? That was some fun pvp. Win or lose, it was just fun. Level 50, not so much and the idea that we need to engage in an unfun activity, gearing through losses, in order to be competitive is just ridiculous.
  7. This. I happen to be in the less geared faction in my server (those that didn't get to farm Ilum during the bug). So I've adopted the philosophy of trying six games if I don't get -1- win in those six games, I just stop PvPing for the day. I'm not turning this into a job. As the above poster mentioned, I also get my fix from the 10-49 bracket. Of course this means that my daily is not really a daily, and usually it takes 1-3 days to complete. The whole system is flawed. The dominant faction in a server with the best gear has the best chance at winning games therefore they finish their dailies faster therefore they get geared faster. So what's the point? Queues at level 50 are becoming longer and longer because people are just not queuing up and instead spend their time in the 10-49 bracket, which of course, now has faster queues.
  8. Nor is the level 50 bracket, really, unless you're in a premade. Otherwise, I've seen the same amount of people making the same usual mistakes in the level 50 warzones that I've seen in the level 10-49 ones.
  9. No, it's not. It's an excuse people make to justify having to put up with it. If your team is getting stomped to the point of being three capped in Civil War, -due to gear-, you're not learning anything. Because you don't have time to learn anything and your exposure to combat is being destroyed the moment you step down from the bike landing zone. Just look at the 10-49 bracket. I've seen players do great in that bracket, even in the lower levels, just to be destroyed and get fed up with level 50. If you love PvP, you probably PvPed your way through 10-49, I know I did. It was enjoyable. If you didn't learn how to PvP during that time, no amount of getting facestomped is going to teach you anything.
  10. Have you asked yourself why people are leaving? I try not to leave the warzones I play in, but in servers where one faction dominates the scoreboards consistently, people are going to get fed up with losing. Yet, you need to play go gear up, so they queue up fishing for a winning game. The competitive nature of PvP died when Bioware decided to go with the current gearing model, and it further died, when they made the mistake that allowed a faction in a server to gear up creating such a disparity that makes it a complete uphill battle for the other side. The fact that I felt very competitive from 10-49 (even when I was a lowbie, in fact ,when I hit my twenties I felt like I was contributing), and that it just vanished the moment I hit 50 because of gear, to the point that I've just stopped caring about winning or losing as much and just push through the match for the sake of the commendations tells me, that the competitor in me is not what it used to be.
  11. Khelzar

    Solo que

    I've been jokingly considering starting a blog called 'Grinding through Losses, the life of a Level 50 PvP Pugger'. In our server the gear disparity caused by a certain bug is such that pretty much one faction dominates the scoreboards, most of the time I've played. The Daily is not really a Daily, is whenever I can get 3 actual wins. If you're not in a premade, luck better be your friend and hope you land in a team with a pre-made that is geared up. While I see a lot of 'It's called progression nub, gear yourself up' on these boards, I can't help but think, really, people enjoy this? People enjoy just getting gear through losing most of the time so they can then flex that gear on others? They call this MMO PvP, I think it's just an excuse, because MMO PvP doesn't have to be this way. People compare this to PvP progression, except, in PvE, you have a period of wiping, and that might be, assuming people stick it out that long. Lately it's been very long queues, and when they pop it is wz after wz of being outnumbered at the beginning, and in a wz like Voidstar this can be just devastating. But, this is the way Bioware decided to go, and the pill we have to swallow. I don't know how people find it enjoyable, but I hope it gets better. For now, I've just numbed myself of some of the competitive spirit I carried through 10-49, and accepted that at times I have to just sit at the one node in Civil War, with the rest of my team just killing whoever comes to try and take it, because it's the one node we're able to hold against superior numbers and forces.
  12. I'm not sure that there is that large a population that wants arena. As it is, in WoW the arena population wasn't large at all. That said, the only way I wouldn't mind arena is if you don't get any additional gear benefits from it. If you can't get PvP gear faster with it, by all means, have an arena. I think it's a horrible PvP setting, but, to each their own.
  13. Warning. Resetting the quest resets the whole thing. Meaning, you'll have to start the quest from scratch. Not just the instance. This is a stupid bug that should not have made it to Live.
  14. You can set keybindings for the Zoom in the Preferences, under Keybindings>Camera. Also, as someone else mentioned in my case more than the camera being out of control, when I turn around with my mouse, sometimes the camera jumps to look at the ground or whatever. I can live with it, but wasn't experiencing it until this patch and it's rather annoying. In particular when trying to tank.
  15. It usualy doesn't bother me, until it does. Meaning, most of the time I don't think about it, when I do notice it, I can't stop noticing for a while and it does get annoying.
  16. So curious, do most concealment companions stick with Kaliyo for leveling? Or do you switch it her out for another companion down the road?
  17. I'm also leveling as Immortal, and I have to say, I much prefer a DPS companion than a Healer companion for regular play. Yeah, I pull out Quinn (our Healer companion) when I want to solo Heroics, but things go WAY faster with Vette during regular questing (soon to get Jaesa, the Melee DPS companion you're talking about). I'd say, give the Tank/DPS Companion combo a shot. It's very powerful for questing.
  18. So I see a lot of posts talking about Vengeance spec when talking about Juggernaut DPS, but not many (if at all) talking about Rage. Anyone out there with some experience and thoughts on Rage as a DPS spec? Anyone out there that has toyed around with both Vengeance and Rage? I'm currently Immortal spec, but if there are too many tanks in my guild, I might end up respeccing to DPS, because I love the 'two-handed saber' feel of the Juggernaut.
  19. I'm 26 and so far I've never felt slow leveling as Immortal (compared to my level 21 Operative, and my Sorcerer). Vette is more than enough DPS and she wrecks stuff. Originally, I was leveling in Shii-Cho stance, but around the early twenties switched to Soresu, because Vette is a little aggro stealer. You basically lose the 3% damage bonus from Shii-Cho, but gain so much defensive stuff that you're a sight to behold when you jump in the middle of groups holding them as Vette destroys them. I pull out Quinn for some Heroic 2s if I want to solo them. I intend to switch Vette to Jaesa when I get her.
  20. The Warrior does seem to get more Dark Side Points when out of Korriban, but it seemed to me it was more a case of the Warrior storyline in Korriban having more Dark Side opportunities. As it is, my Inquisitor is Dark Side I at level 14, and I was getting Dark Side points fine during repeated runs of Black Talon. That said, my Juggernaut definitely seemed to have more of a jump on the Dark Side bandwagon, but I'm not sure is due to a bug.
  21. Can't speak to Vengeance, as I'm leveling Immortal and having a blast to it (might switch to Vengeance later on if my guild has too many tanks, but for now, Immortal it is). Based on my experience in PvP with my Operative and my Juggernaut, it seems to me that if you want a class that will rack up kills and damage, you're better off playing something else. However, as Immortal, I have a pure blast PvPing with my Juggernaut. A healer and I can hold a point pretty successfully, unless going against unreasonable numbers. A well played Juggernaut has a good number of tools to throw around that while might not put him or her at the top of the damage lists in PvP, keeps enemies of those that are putting up the high numbers. Chilling Scream is my friend.
  22. Heya, I apologize if this has been asked before, but couldn't find anything after searching for a while. I know Elicas has a pretty nice Medicine/Lethality guide out there, but I wonder if anyone knows of any Concealment guides? For Both PvE and PvP? Thanks!
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