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Should troopers/mercs/sorcs be nerfed? and why?


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In my humble opinion all of these classes are pretty much fine. My only issue with them is their knockbacks and the fact that I can't instantly cancel them the same way I can cancel any other cc with my cc breaker.


I'm playing a level 50 Operative and my playstyle of choice is PvP.

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So, at the very end of this rant, you reveal your true purpose. Melee vs ranged.


Why is it that ive seen marauders rip my face off? Why is it that ive had juggernauts take my dps rotation and barely notice the 8% of health they lost?


Why is it that ops STILL kill me, even though i was able to fight back this time?


Its because melee is fine.

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Those 20% Troopers are hardcore. PvPing without an AC.


PS: either name classes or ACs and yes nerf them all... Or take a different approach. If all others are too strong, maybe you are too bad?

Edited by Twor
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Haven't read a thread.


My mate, who is a scoundrel, kills my vanguard in about 3-4 seconds. All because he have no cooldown on his opener. 10m kiting don't work since he's still doing damage from that range. It feels the same like it was before the patch. They're still capable of a very high burst you can't prevent.


I'm assault specced. And I'm a vanguard, that means, I'm a trooper and I really want to know in what way exactly am I OP. I'm capable of doing good damage and most of my damage ignore armor, but that's it, I have almost no escapes, almost no CC, no heals (comparing to sorc here). I take it people whine about commandos and mercs, but they always call them "troopers and bounty hunters).


And before you look on the tracer missle miracle - look at operatives one more time, and look at sorcs already.

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"ow comon!! The sorc is light armor! Why can't I blow up one when we're 1vs1? Remove the knockback/sprint/every utility he has, nerf the bubble and let me explode them!!"


Makes perfect sense


Yeah, I play a Sorc


And yeah, I currently have 620expertise


Anyway, if a merc targets me I've no choice then run away and hide in los, making my whole team losing A LOT of healing. And yet you'll nerf us because I will not die after the first couple of tracer missiles.


You guys are awesome

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So, at the very end of this rant, you reveal your true purpose. Melee vs ranged.


Why is it that ive seen marauders rip my face off? Why is it that ive had juggernauts take my dps rotation and barely notice the 8% of health they lost?


Why is it that ops STILL kill me, even though i was able to fight back this time?


Its because melee is fine.


Why is it that ive seen marauders rip my face off?


Because you let him stand next to you and go through his whole rotation without using any of the many tools you have to get him off you.


Why is it that ive had juggernauts take my dps rotation and barely notice the 8% of health they lost?


Because they popped their 3 minute CD cooldown. Just CC them until it falls off, then you can melt them at your leisure.


I won't answer your last question because you'd probably find it insulting.


I've played both a Shadow and a Sorcerer to 50 and let me tell you in no uncertain terms: Melee have it 100x rougher than ranged in this game.

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Why is it that ive seen marauders rip my face off?


Because you let him stand next to you and go through his whole rotation without using any of the many tools you have to get him off you.


Why is it that ive had juggernauts take my dps rotation and barely notice the 8% of health they lost?


Because they popped their 3 minute CD cooldown. Just CC them until it falls off, then you can melt them at your leisure.


I won't answer your last question because you'd probably find it insulting.


I've played both a Shadow and a Sorcerer to 50 and let me tell you in no uncertain terms: Melee have it 100x rougher than ranged in this game.


I play Sentinel, Guardian and Vanguard DPS. Melee does not have it bad. It just takes someone with at least half a brain, unlike ranged. I don't see any class in this game as OP or UP. On my "UP" toons, I have no trouble wrecking in PvP.

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People need to be more specific with their gripes and arguments with regards to their nerf cries. I've ran into no class I can't beat, just players. Gripes are being thrown at classes as a whole, a merc for example (like all classes) has three trees, by saying mercs need nerfed is tarnishing all with the same brush. And with regards to the tracer missile spam, people need to look at how reliant the tree is on it. I don't find it OP on my geared 50 when going up against a similarly geared Aresnal Merc, completely the opposite if anything.

That said having tried it I would say the mechanics could be adjusted so that Arsenal Mercs can put out the same damage they can now with a slightly more interesting rotation. I found it mind numbingly boring, but that might just be me. If anything Arsenal Mercs can be the easiest to take out if you focus them, they have limited cc, and once you interrupt tracer, they have to fall back on sub par abilities that are only strong if you let them build up other talents on you with tracer first.

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YES, see the pandoras box that you opened? You nerfed the crap out of Operatives. Ok thats fine. But fair is fair... if you say they were Overpowerd.. FINE.. im ok with that.. but i expect balance now.


Commandos are just as ******** as Sorcs.. next time your in a WZ have a look around.. its so easy to pick what is to easy/powerfull atm..


I challenge anyone to dissagree with these guesstimates. I have purely pvpd since lvl 10 on 3 new toons (none of which are in the top 3 and all of which are 45+ now) and since the up and coming pvpers are the future of the game this is what we have to look forward 2.



average warzone (sub 50) meaning re rolls from Marauder/operative/assassin/Sniper @ 50 Or fresh players hot off these forums finding out which class is OP


35% Sorc

20% Trooper

20% Mercenary

10% Assassin

10% warrior type (2% marauder)

5% Agent (ofc no 1 is rerolling agent now)


*OFC these will fluctuate each game but on average i think that pretty much sums up my server.

Some games i see 50% troopers, some i see 50% merc some 50% sorc.. but the one constant is that its ALWAYS those 3 classes. I think its a safe bet that in the imediate future we will not be seeing a 50% marauder or 50% Sniper , 50% Operative WZ.. you see what im getting at.


So why?? you have to ask the question:


Assassin is an underrated class in my opinion but from most WZs i do they are few and far between and Melee (assassin +warriors+operative) in general is being pushed away from PVP AND PVE because you can successfully and more efficiently clear the entire games content using ONLY the top 3 calsses... Like i said.. disagree but you cant deny the harsh reality and something needs fixing.


Best Pve + pvp healers : Merc +Sorc

Easiest pve Class to tank with : Trooper

Easiest / Best pvp classes with amazing synergy (peels,protection,cc,heals) = Merc , sorc , trooper.


Ive added and added to this post and its frightfully big now, but ill leave you with one question.


If you were joining a premade WZ grp and player skill is equal. What would you rather see in that grp, Sorc, trooper, merc? Or Operative,Marauder,Jug?? (tip: compare the utility and healing power XD)


Now your Forming a HM grp, once again.. who in their right mind is going to take an all Melee dps/tank team with an underpowered healer...you can probly do it.. but itl be 50% harder as you will have ALOT of pressure on that Operatives heals. Absurd.


So in summary, buff melee or nerf ranged.




If you are going to rant about class balance.... you better talk about CLASSES... not flip back and forth between classes and AC.


You say troopers ... when troopers are Vanguards and Commandos.....


Yet you say.. Mercs without lumping them as BH....


Your entire post is garbage just for the above facts....

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Thing is the Merc, has heavy armor and can do the highest output of ranged damage in the game. That's the main problem.



I'd have to agree that in PvP Merc seems OP, and doesn't seem to need a huge amount of skill to get their kills. Needs maybe 5-10% dps reduction.

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I'd have to agree that in PvP Merc seems OP, and doesn't seem to need a huge amount of skill to get their kills. Needs maybe 5-10% dps reduction.


They are incredibly weak in solo scenarios though at least. That, and they are practically immobile and are vulnerable to interrupts/lockouts.


Easy to play? Yarp. But being a simple class does not warrant a nerf if there is no balance issue when viewed in the context of 50's high tier group pvp.


Most are merc/commandos are bad and by all means should feel bad but there isnt really a balance issue at the moment that needs addressing.

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Head on over to the Commando forums where they post asking how to kill sorcerers :p


I have a strong feeling Bioware nerfing Shadows to pander to a large group ( because of overwhelming numbers of Sorcerers ). Even as a non shadow it makes no sense to go out of their way to target Shadows. Removes lotsa of stance swapping and innovative gameplay.

Good shadows had non 1 dimensional play and tend to adapt to the situation in the warzone. Many other classes will just keep doing the same ole crap over and over irrespective of situation. Meanwhile other classes have glaring things that probably should have been looked at first. Like too many tools in sorcerors arsenal and needing to tone down Grav shot a bit. ( ( I am A Commando )


It is some sort of flawed thinking /initiative to show Bioware are listening to their playerbase. Well guess what, they are listening TOO MUCH to player-base & reading too much into all the whine threads. Should be focusing more on Internal matrices for balance.


It is pretty evident Bioware are basing these decisions off the fact that many prior MMO that did not perform well had Devs / management that did not listen to their playerbase until to late. Bioware is accutely aware of that history. Well going the other extreme and pandering to everything is also going make the game imbalanced and bring disaster.

Edited by Stovokor
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If I were developing a MMO I would never nerf any class. If people were playing a class in a specific manner in which I had not intended, then they are having fun and playing the game.


That is kind of the reason I made the game in the first place to entertain and have fun.


What should be done to bring the gameplay more inline with my intentions as a game designer would be to buff up or improve the playability of the other classes to compensate.


Ops should have never been nerfed, it detracts from people who were having fun and puts downward pressure on future profits. Let us use this as an example, what was happening that was undesirable was Ops popping out of stealth knocking someone down and killing them before they could get up, in other words an 'I win' button where player interaction was nullified on one side and without notice. A better way to handle the problem is with added game mechanics to counter the unintended mechanics.


Say all classes had the added benefit of once knocked down from stealthy opponents the cooldown on their cc break was cleared but a debuff was added for 6 seconds. If they used their cc break within 6 seconds the cost would be roughly 30% of their resource (energy, force, heat buildup, etc.). So an Ops pops out of stealth knocks a sage down and the sage has the ability to use their cc break but at a cost of 150 force. So now anyone can counter the unintended mechanic and the Ops still get to have fun.


Developers need to be careful of their actions this game is still 6 months to a year before they show any kind of profits, and at a year they have to be working on new content for expansions so that means more investment. Alleviating downward pressure on subscriptions is important to make this game successful in the future.

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from actualy playing mercs and commando's i find them actualy quite bad.



if you spam your grav round you leave yourself with no ammo to defend yourself with other abilitys.

as most of commando's decent abilitys are channels you have to stay still all the time which leaves you vunrable.

comando's are also pretty easy to put down.


i was so wrong about these clas's being OP they are actualy quite balanced.




did someone say nerf assasins/shadows ? im sorry when your carrying a double bladed tooth pick and robes made of toilet paper i realy dont think they need a nerf.

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All i see here are tears.


I thought the same thing at first, but he's right. I have seen groups made up entirely of sorcs. I almost never see ops anymore.


I disagree with the ops suggestion. Don't nerf, buff the underpowered classes, if there are any.

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