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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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TOR has the budget and team to make this game a success.


Those that expected end game content on par with WoW…… an MMO that’s been developing end game content for years....... can go play WoW for a couple months while TOR develops their own.

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My rough estimate is 2.5M Active Subscribers

What's yours?:p


More than Rift but less than WOW. How's that for a guess:cool:


Does it really matter what the active subscriber rate is? As long as the server we play on has the proper number of people playing on it, I could care less what the active subscriber numbers are.


As long as there are enough subs to keep the game running and enough to keep the devs working on this game that is all that matters.

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.


The hype monster strikes again. Careful, it'll devour you like it did those who set their hopes too high for this game.

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What I don't get is why everyone is so obsessed about having another MMO beat WoW (as if).


As far as I know, MMO games are NOT Highlander.. There cannot be only one.


NO, what you shouldn't get is why do so many people have such a hatred for a game that:

1) Clearly has paved the way for every MMO after it.

2) Clearly has the right forumula for sustaining success

3) A game that they probably played for quite some time.

4) A game that they never even played


Most likely its because they wanted to be special and be one of those people who played a game that not too many people were into only to have there heart cut out when basically their game of choice tanked, which of course is due largely to WOW's massive sub numbers.


Sorry all you EQ, DoaC, WH, AoC, UO, and every other extinct MMO that WOW destroyed.


WoW is just like the sports teams we all ove to hate. We privately acknowledge just how great and dominating they truly are but we would never admit it in public.


Yankees, Patriots, WoW............all in the same class. Mass Success breeds Hatred. Always has and always will.

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GW2 = Not interested in the least, so no research required.


How can you know you're not interested in something without looking into it first? It's like saying "I don't like ice cream." Without ever having tasted ice cream in the 1st place. Granted you may not like some Flavors of ice cream, but it's foolish to just toss something aside as uninteresting or no good unless you've looked into it yourself, through research or actually trying it.


Naturally there are exceptions such as drugs but, that should be obvious.


I wasn't interested in it at all myself actually until I played SWTOR, it taught me a good lesson, look into things before you shrug them off. You could be missing out on something great. SWTOR made me realize just how done I personally was with grinding gear to kill players to grind more gear, or grinding gear to kill monsters to grind more gear.


Just seems pointless now, really. I'd rather play a game that's about the game, and not the loot, even if it's covered up with a story - in the end, it's all about the loot. It may not be about the loot FOR YOU, so to say. But that's still the absolute undeniable focus of the system they have in place for level 50 players.


Check it out, it might surprise you. You might like ice cream.

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How can you know you're not interested in something without looking into it first? It's like saying "I don't like ice cream." Without ever having tasted ice cream in the 1st place. Granted you may not like some Flavors of ice cream, but it's foolish to just toss something aside as uninteresting or no good unless you've looked into it yourself, through research or actually trying it.


its entirely possible to say you don't like GW2 without looking at it, if you had 0 interest in GW1.

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its entirely possible to say you don't like GW2 without looking at it, if you had 0 interest in GW1.


This is incorrect. GW1 and GW2 are completely different games. They are designed completely differently. The world and story are all that persist. Everything else is completely different. Therefore judging 2 based on 1, is pointless.


Research would have told you this.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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Sorry all you EQ, DoaC, WH, AoC, UO, and every other extinct MMO that WOW destroyed.


Are you living in some parallel universe where those games don't exist/aren't officially supported anymore? If so how the heck are you able to write on these forums? 0_0

Edited by Safiir
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This is incorrect. GW1 and GW2 are completely different games. They are designed completely differently. The world and story are all that persist. Everything else is completely different. Therefore judging 2 based on 1, is pointless.


Research would have told you this.


Geez you getting paid my the referral so something ? some of us are just sick of "fantasy MMOs"

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This is incorrect. GW1 and GW2 are completely different games. They are designed completely differently. The world and story are all that persist. Everything else is completely different. Therefore judging 2 based on 1, is pointless.


Research would have told you this.


so GW2 is going to be a heavily pve focused game with minimal pvp and no patches altering anything about pve for the same of pvp?

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so GW2 is going to be a heavily pve focused game with minimal pvp and no patches altering anything about pve for the same of pvp?


1. Go to http://www.youtube.com


2. Locate the search bar


3. Type in the search bar: "Guild Wars 2 gameplay"


4. Find a video suited for your question


5. Click the video and watch it



That's all for today's lesson in "How to figure out things, instead of relying on others all the time".



Have a nice day :jawa_angel:

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so GW2 is going to be a heavily pve focused game with minimal pvp and no patches altering anything about pve for the same of pvp?


The sake of pvp you mean? Correct.


GW2 will feature an open persistent entirely PVE based world to experience the story, classes, and skills. PVP will feature competitive structured matches where all skills do not do the same things they do in PVE, thus making adjustments to them not reflect on one another nearly as much, if at all. EverQuest 2 did this pretty well.


World PVP will be handled by WvWvW, 3 servers matched against one another, every 2 weeks that you brawl it out in a massive area with controllable keeps trying to push the other servers back to their home area. Again, skills will function differently here.

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Geez you getting paid my the referral so something ? some of us are just sick of "fantasy MMOs"


That's a much more reasonable and perfectly acceptable answer. "I don't care, haven't looked." Isn't. Ignoring information for No reason is just a terrible thing. If you don't want fantasy, that's a-okay.


Also no. I do not get payed.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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Greetings, folks! While we understand that it's common for users to compare other games to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, and while we do allow that, we do ask that threads remain centered around discussing The Old Republic and not derail into giving opinions/updates on other games.


Thanks for your understanding!

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greetings, folks! While we understand that it's common for users to compare other games to star wars™: The old republic™, and while we do allow that, we do ask that threads remain centered around discussing the old republic and not derail into giving opinions/updates on other games.


Thanks for your understanding!



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Ill tell you what, fail. WTFLUX WHERE YOU THINKING BIOWARE? Make a crappy single player RPG with horrid graphics and bugs problems, make it instanced where people can every now and then run into each other have no need or reason to group up, call it an mmo, and charge 15 bucks a month for a failure. Thank you. Sub canceled
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My rough estimate is 2.5M Active Subscribers

What's yours?:p


Once GW2 comes out I'm thinking the sub numbers will drop. BW seriously need to get it in gear and fix stuff faster, and stop letting it linger. The warzone bugs have been in the game way too long not to mention the myriad of other bugs throughout the game.

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when GW2 comes out (if) it will drive players to play Swtor ... just mark my words

GW2 will make the people want to go back to real RPG-MMOs ...


maybe SWTOR will be the last succesful classic-not-superficial-streight-forward MMO

of our time ...


graphics are not much interesting in GW2 ... animations and cutscenes are

mediocre till subbar ...


oh, and I cant wait to play an RPG char defined by 4 stats every class shares

(epic fail? ... time will tell)

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some number <=> 1.7m.... It is impossible to predict the future.


No it's not. You'll just probably be wrong.


I can see swtor growing though. Especially if they get things polished up, I wouldn't be surprised if quitters resubbed.

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