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Same-Gender [Flirt] Prompts


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Posting as the thread originator, yes, it gets tedious with the toggle issue, but it is germane to the subject, which is in-game same-gender affection.


How is it germane? Simply that it's the only content that people are asking to be able to toggle so that even the option is invisible. And I still haven't seen anyone explain why.


Not the only one as I pointed out before.

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The lack of same gender flirts is really glaring on more than one occasion. For example on my female smuggler, during the class quest...



...on Tattooine a female sith openly propositions the captain, saying 'you get me what I want and you can have the pleasure of my company - unless it's something more material you're after.



There was no option whatsoever to flirt, and when I declined the offer, it was a very strained rebuke - obviously tempting but dangerous to accept tone to the response.


Had s/g flirts been in then perhaps the Captain would have been able to flirt back to get more information or to let the sith at least think she was on-side.

The same for the imperial Agent, many occasions she would have liked to flirt to further the mission (especially when the female npc is obviously flirting back) but had to resort to violence or intimidating words instead.


As much As I'm enjoying the game, these moments really hit home how much better and more immersive it could be, especially for naturally flirty characters like the Agent and Smuggler.


A flirt doesn't always have to lead anywhere, it can be a powerful tool in the right hands, it's just those hands were obviously pulling a sickie the day flirting was taught in agent/smuggler school :D

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Posting as the thread originator, yes, it gets tedious with the toggle issue, but it is germane to the subject, which is in-game same-gender affection.


How is it germane? Simply that it's the only content that people are asking to be able to toggle so that even the option is invisible. And I still haven't seen anyone explain why.


Actually they're also asking to toggle chat bubbles on and off, and BW's agreed.

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Wouldn't you say that story content is perhaps on a different level than ui customization when it comes to toggles?


Yep. And its a lot different from a profanity toggle too, so the sooner they drop that argument, the better... But they won't.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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Wouldn't you say that story content is perhaps on a different level than ui customization when it comes to toggles?


Not at all. It is all about customizing the play experience to suit the player. Options are always a good idea if they can be implented and this one would be rather easy as options go.


If my character is gay then he or she would never entertain even the thought of flirting with someone straight and vice versa. If they are bi then they can leave both options open. Really no reason NOT to provide options to players if you can.

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So, essentially, the argument for why same-gender content should be able to be turned off is that, unlike the rest of the content in the game, this is the stuff you don't want to see.


That's about what I thought. But thanks for the bump. :)

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Choose female character -> Apply short hair and body type 1 -> Male name -> Flirt with men.


Choose male character -> Apply long hair and body type 1 -> Female Name -> Flirt with women.



Neccessary ingredients : Immmaginationnnn.


well lets apply that right back to you


make something you know you wont enjoy, and keep doing it just because someone else tells you to.


(ill wait patiently for you or someone like you to respond with the one and only answer you have the "Immmaginationnnn" to ever think up: "well if you dont like it just quit then")

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So, essentially, the argument for why same-gender content should be able to be turned off is that, unlike the rest of the content in the game, this is the stuff you don't want to see.


That's about what I thought. But thanks for the bump. :)


And again I state there is other content on toggles. And even more coming with toggles and options. The sole reason you allow such options is to improve the game play experience of the player. Why would you purposely go out of your way to ruin the gameplay of a player?


The answer of course is you do not.

Edited by Parali
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And again I state there is other content on toggles.


There are no toggles for story content. The 'toggle' is a player's choice to either participate in a quest or not. If a player chooses to participate, his/her 'toggle' is a choice to do either good, bad, or neutral things. If a player makes a decision that they did not intend or do not like, they can hit ESC and re-do the dialogue.


SG content should be treated no differently.

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This has been a good read this thread. Quite mature for a subject that can be so inflammatory at times.


I agree that this content should be added to the flirt options without toggles.


I'd like to think that in future (or more advanced, racially diverse) societies, peoples sexuality choices would be a non-issue.

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It's a game with romance. Why should you get to enjoy romance and flirtation but those interested in playing homosexual or bisexual characters be told "Straight people only"?


Where have I said that? I have for the record concurred that they should add more content as is requested but also requested not to be included in said content. No offence but that is a valid request and I do not apologize for it.

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I'd like to think that in future (or more advanced, racially diverse) societies, peoples sexuality choices would be a non-issue.


That's essentially my view as well, though I'm of the opinion that Star Wars doesn't have a society any more than our world does. Our world is made of of hundreds of societies and a galaxy-wide scope only brings more and more societies into the mix. Really, there's likely to be thousands of societies for whom sexuality is a non-issue - and thousands for whom sexuality is very, very much an issue.


This concept that 'gay has no place in Star Wars' just... befuddles me.

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keep 'all' sexual inuendos out of gaming please.


no to same/opposite sexual gameplay, no maytter how small or unassuming.


there is no place for it here.... all it does is cause another two sided non-winning war.



take it all out, problem solved, no whines about "what about me?".



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keep 'all' sexual inuendos out of gaming please.


no to same/opposite sexual gameplay, no maytter how small or unassuming.


there is no place for it here.... all it does is cause another two sided non-winning war.



take it all out, problem solved, no whines about "what about me?".




You know, I could really get behind this. if people want to roleplay 'relationships' with PC's, more power to them... but the NPC relationship thing strongly resembles self-activity without the payoff.

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I actually think that the level of 'romance depth' in the storyline actively inhibits roleplaying. It's basically sort of like... what's the point of even having this as an MMO?


It's basically mass effect with 'coop play' and 'pvp' as added features. stuff that, realistically, should have been added to mass effect. It really feels like it's just EA trying to find a way to make gamers pay them monthly for KOTOR 3.


I mean, up until now, what have been the features of MMO's?

open world play?-nope.

choosing how you level, whether quests or grinding?- nope.

interactive stories with other players?- nope. There's a storyline. veer from it at your peril.

a player-based economy?- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

coop?- well, in many cases your companion fits the bill better than another player would.

the ability to personalize the world in some way?-nope

the ability to influence the universe storyline?-Not a chance.


Err...is anyone else starting to feel like, the minute they play to level 50 through the 8 storylines, they are never coming back?

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I actually think that the level of 'romance depth' in the storyline actively inhibits roleplaying. It's basically sort of like... what's the point of even having this as an MMO?




Err...is anyone else starting to feel like, the minute they play to level 50 through the 8 storylines, they are never coming back?


I hope it doesn't come down to that for you, and that you find something worth the sub to keep playing the game. It's always a terrible drag to find you've wrung all the fun out of a game.


Myself, I fully understand why people get that 'Mass Effect MMO' feeling whilst playing it, but for me it doesn't inhibit roleplaying because I view the majority of the class story lines to be private entertainment that's almost entirely out-of-character.


I mean, we can't ALL be the Hero of Tython in-character, can we? So when I'm RPing with other people (which, believe it or not, I do actually do - and enjoy) I'm sort of considering the class stories as non-canon for my character, if you see what I mean.


It means I need to develop an ongoing story for my character as I go but I've always done that in the past with characters anyway. The class stories are more sort of a character development break for me, and an interactive lesson in the lore of the game.


They help because they don't just tell a story, they explain the universe as well, and that can be used in face-to-face roleplaying - but I don't consider my JK to be THE actual Hero of Tython. Not when there's almost certainly another Hero of Tython standing right next to her.

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I actually think that the level of 'romance depth' in the storyline actively inhibits roleplaying. It's basically sort of like... what's the point of even having this as an MMO?




Err...is anyone else starting to feel like, the minute they play to level 50 through the 8 storylines, they are never coming back?

I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the options we see in conversational prompts from mission NPCs to [Flirt]?


Whether the content ought to be in the game or not is beside the point, because in fact it is.


Since it is, and since BioWare claims to support same-gender content, some of us think it rather limiting that only opposite-gender content is featured.


Perhaps there might be a thread in which your concerns regarding the game are more topical.

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all I know is: the longer it takes for them to implement it, the more I think it will never happen.


and that's rather shameful, because 'having the option' was actually something I've come to really enjoy in BW games the last couple of years...

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Greetings everyone,


We have removed some of the posts in this thread because they have gone strayed into off-topic areas. As a reminder, the purpose of this thread is to suggest types of same gender [Flirt] prompts that might be seen in game.


As stated by Online Senior Community Manager Stephen Reid, same gender romance arcs will be in the game in future content:


Official statement follows:

Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in
Star Wars:
The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.


Please remember that we ask everyone to refrain from discussing real life issues and opinions on this subject as those types of discussions are inappropriate for these forums.


Thank you for understanding and for your cooperation!

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Greetings everyone,


We have removed some of the posts in this thread because they have gone strayed into off-topic areas. As a reminder, the purpose of this thread is to suggest types of same gender [Flirt] prompts that might be seen in game.


As stated by Online Senior Community Manager Stephen Reid, same gender romance arcs will be in the game in future content:




Please remember that we ask everyone to refrain from discussing real life issues and opinions on this subject as those types of discussions are inappropriate for these forums.


Thank you for understanding and for your cooperation!



This is too hot of a topic. You need to close it until such time as same gender content is added to the game. right now, the discussion of whether same gender flirt prompts should even exist precludes the discussion of whether or not certain existing NPC's shall have them, especially since we do not even know if it will be world, raid, flashpoint, or other such content.

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