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The reson PvP is considered broken


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The reson PvP is considered broken is actually pretty simple.


Its player versus player witch means roughly 50% of the times (youre expirence might differ) you are going to loose witch does not fall in good taste with the majority of mmo players these days. It has been made pretty clear by the massive random QQ'ing that everyone enters PvP expecting to be rambo shredding the opposition apart single time.


Guess what! Even if you're mama says so, you are not really that special.


Tips. JOIN a freeking PvP guild and play with premades.

If youre premade is contantly beeing beaten, find another guild-

If you loose no matter who you play with, maybe YOU are just that bad.

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The reson PvP is considered broken is actually pretty simple.


Its player versus player witch means roughly 50% of the times (youre expirence might differ) you are going to loose witch does not fall in good taste with the majority of mmo players these days. It has been made pretty clear by the massive random QQ'ing that everyone enters PvP expecting to be rambo shredding the opposition apart single time.


Guess what! Even if you're mama says so, you are not really that special.


Tips. JOIN a freeking PvP guild and play with premades.

If youre premade is contantly beeing beaten, find another guild-

If you loose no matter who you play with, maybe YOU are just that bad.


You are right in that this is a MMOG and groups beat solo's.

You are mostly likley right about that causing a lot of complaining about over powered classes. Hard to kill someone being gaurded and healed while they are focus firing and can respond with voice com.


You are wrong about that being the reason PvP is broken.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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yeah not so much. Class balance is horrid. Ranged owns melee. There is entirely too much CC in pvp in this game.





There is nothing fun at all about being chain stunned to death. How about those 5 juggling knockbacks from players right into a flame that kills you? PVP needs some serious balancing to happen before they even think about adding anything new to it.

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Problem 1: All factors equal You are going to loose 1 out of 2.


That´s balanced pvp.


Problem 2: All other factors being equal, those who play as a team in *team-pvp* will win.


That´s team-pvp.


Problem 3: All other factors being equal, the player with more experience, preparation, discipline and/or understanding of his char will win.


That´s skill-based pvp.


Problem 4: All other factors being equal, the player with better equipment will win.


That´s equipment based pvp.



-----> Now lets consider how likely a defeat becomes if someone with a severe lack of all these 4 factors enters online PvP alone and unprepared and expects easy victories....

Edited by XElementalX
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yeah not so much. Class balance is horrid. Ranged owns melee. There is entirely too much CC in pvp in this game.


As melee I own ranged. With all the "CC and interrupts" in pvp in this game ranged are easy to stop.


Since there are counter arguments, it breaks down more to individual cases than system wide. Guess what they only difference between different people are....the people behind the keyboard.

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The reson PvP is considered broken is actually pretty simple.


Its player versus player witch means roughly 50% of the times (youre expirence might differ) you are going to loose witch does not fall in good taste with the majority of mmo players these days. It has been made pretty clear by the massive random QQ'ing that everyone enters PvP expecting to be rambo shredding the opposition apart single time.


Guess what! Even if you're mama says so, you are not really that special.


Tips. JOIN a freeking PvP guild and play with premades.

If youre premade is contantly beeing beaten, find another guild-

If you loose no matter who you play with, maybe YOU are just that bad.


Well, thanks for destroying the English language and logic in one short post.


Here I thought PvP in Swtor was broken because of ability lag, the lag-fest called Ilum, low fps, badly optimized coding (can't handle dual core well, it's based on dx9 etc), bugged animations and their effects on so called mirrors (which is especially hard on republic, and I don't play republic if you wonder), and so forth. But no, it was because people aren't special enough. Well OP, I think most people here agree that you are really special.

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Im yet to experiance alot of those issues, except ilum that really is a lot like watching a slide picture show.


Tbh if you dont se the logic, i do not think its me that are a bit under privelidged in the thinking department.... but then again you might be right people in general DOES evaluate their own awsomness and skill level really accurate.

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The reson PvP is considered broken is actually pretty simple.


Its player versus player witch means roughly 50% of the times (youre expirence might differ) you are going to loose witch does not fall in good taste with the majority of mmo players these days. It has been made pretty clear by the massive random QQ'ing that everyone enters PvP expecting to be rambo shredding the opposition apart single time.


Guess what! Even if you're mama says so, you are not really that special.


Tips. JOIN a freeking PvP guild and play with premades.

If youre premade is contantly beeing beaten, find another guild-

If you loose no matter who you play with, maybe YOU are just that bad.


reson = reason

Its = It's

witch = which

times = time

youre = your

expirence = experience

loose = lose

witch = which

enters = entering

youre = your

contantly = constantly

beeing = being


Your point is made a lot better it it doesn't contain so many basic spelling and grammatical errors. Might I suggest you start using Firefox which has a spell checker.

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i used to reply with in depth explanations of important issues to people, but seeing as no one actually takes to heart anything that anyone else says on these forums unless it is something the already agree with, i'll give you the bullet points


-classes are balanced as a whole, not one against the other

-melee getting owned by ranged means you chose the wrong target at the wrong time. Its an l2play issue not a balance issue. don't engage a kiter if your gap closer, break free, snares are on cooldown or IF THEY HAVE A FULL RESOLVE BAR! you are gonna get owned.

-pvp isn't about being able to take down any target you come across by just dpsing them. cause they are just as capable of killing you.

-if you lose, don't think about why they are so op you can never beat them, think about what you could have changed to give you the win.


read it and learn from it, or don't. i don't care. but don't say pvp is broken because melee can't kill ranged, you're doing it wrong.

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Problem 1: All factors equal You are going to loose 1 out of 2.


That´s balanced pvp.


Problem 2: All other factors being equal, those who play as a team in *team-pvp* will win.


That´s team-pvp.


Problem 3: All other factors being equal, the player with more experience, preparation, discipline and/or understanding of his char will win.


That´s skill-based pvp.


Problem 4: All other factors being equal, the player with better equipment will win.


That´s equipment based pvp.



-----> Now lets consider how likely a defeat becomes if someone with a severe lack of all these 4 factors enters online PvP alone and unprepared and expects easy victories....


I love the pvp . its nice to know that your not going to lose every game. because the game is matching you with people that are geared out.

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reson = reason

Its = It's

witch = which

times = time

youre = your

expirence = experience

loose = lose

witch = which

enters = entering

youre = your

contantly = constantly

beeing = being


Your point is made a lot better it it doesn't contain so many basic spelling and grammatical errors. Might I suggest you start using Firefox which has a spell checker.


Hurray! More grammar police. FINALLY! I missed the way you guys contribute to the subject.


Now this thread and it's serious (though not so well spelled) point can finally be fully studied. We might even solve the problem or atleast enlighten the devs not that you've grammar policed this thread!

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yeah not so much. Class balance is horrid. Ranged owns melee. There is entirely too much CC in pvp in this game.


Range Doesn't own melee, I play both and find that, my melee toons in 1V1 are far more devastating than my range toons, what does happen is my melee dies much more and the reason is range see the melee guy, they fear the melee guy, all range focus fires the melee guy and melee guy dies (alot).


On the CC thing I totally agree there is way way to much CC without diminishing returns and it really needs to be addressed.

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I complain on these forums a lot, but have never complained about any kind of class balance because most class related complaints are l2p issues, and can be neutralised with teamwork.


pvp is broken in my opinion because the systems to support the actual act of pvp were never given enough consideration during the development of the game so we have a boring 4 instance gear grind and a joke of a faction system that is more about storylines and cosmetics then it has ever been about faction vs faction interaction.

Edited by Roak
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Range Doesn't own melee, I play both and find that, my melee toons in 1V1 are far more devastating than my range toons, what does happen is my melee dies much more and the reason is range see the melee guy, they fear the melee guy, all range focus fires the melee guy and melee guy dies (alot).


On the CC thing I totally agree there is way way to much CC without diminishing returns and it really needs to be addressed.



Actually I see the reason why some people feel range is better than melee is because us range ... we position ourself near structures and just sidesteps if other ranged dps try to focus us ...


However, with melee, they have to go balls deeps and commit and they immediately get a lot more focus. Theres nothing they can do when that happens other than pop immortality if theyre marauder or assassin ... which might allow them to get 1 kill or not. In a 1 v 1, theyre very strong however.


I dont even bother trying to 1v1 marauder and assassin if I think their immortality cd is up... its pointless

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Range Doesn't own melee, I play both and find that, my melee toons in 1V1 are far more devastating than my range toons, what does happen is my melee dies much more and the reason is range see the melee guy, they fear the melee guy, all range focus fires the melee guy and melee guy dies (alot).


On the CC thing I totally agree there is way way to much CC without diminishing returns and it really needs to be addressed.


Did you proof read this before you submitted it? Range doesn't own melee but by your own admittance your melee character gets focused and dies a lot more than your ranged character. That is pretty much the exact definition of "range owning melee."

Edited by Cowflab
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