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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Short Version: Are companions going to be expanded upon?


Long Version: Will companions ever see changes in what they say/do in correspondence to their affection levels? Right now there's no difference between -10,000 and 10,000 outside of their side quests(and the slight increase/decrease in success chances on crew skills). On the same token, will we ever see cutscenes crossed when multiple companions are over a certain affection level(even if it's only something along the lines of jealousy or group bonding)? Will additional companion voices ever be heard during space missions? Will even more in-depth quest lines be added that can be considered along the same lines of end-game pve/pvp content(a quest line that can literally take weeks/months to complete with each companion that starts once reaching 10,000 affection)? I know it's a lot of little questions, but it all falls under one major category.

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You have a great community of PvPrs here. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say all we need is Ilum and rankings.


What are you plans to to break the base camping fishing that's going on, and to make Ilum as epic as it can be? We are willing to wait on Ilum, but we need communication.

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Will you be added a proper masterloot and group loot system into the game?


many times now even on master loot we cannot control where the loot is going so it ends up going to someone who doesn't need it were as someone who does need it misses out.

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Short version:

Which rating has Crafting ingame in your eyes?


Long version / Background

Will crafting be more necessary for endgaming by getting better as the Token/PVP Sets?

Actual I for example am burning money for maxing Cybertech - but will not use at the end ony of my items, because they would make my Char weaker...


Its really too easy to max the skill only to 400 - you don't have to even build hard items for this - due to this some are rerolling theire crafting from to bio in one day up to 400... That shouldn't be possible.

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It has been said that legacy will allow the purchase of perks to customize your leveling experience.


Will these perks take from the entire legacy pool on a particular character, or will they be unique to each character, allowing you to customize each characters leveling experience they way you wish?

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What role are the Scoundrel/Operative supposed to fill in high end PVE/PVP according to BW? And will one or more of our lines see some boosting to fulfill this role better?

Reasons behind the question.


After the nerf to the Sc/Op our only real role in pvp got a serious hit. Before the nerf they where a good counter to the strong healers you met in warzones. But after the nerf, the healers can just laugh at you after the initial knockdown and walk away. (exaggerated ofc, but a sorc/sage surviving burst can knockback, speed away, snare and do dots on the move)


This would be fine on a durable character with less energy management. But the combination of weak armor/hitpoints, the energy management and the lacking sustained damage (compared to other classes in game currently) make this a hard task.


In PVE the Op already had no real role of its own. People prefer the other healing types since they can handle burst and aoe better. And without damage meters and the nerf, people dont believe the Sc/Op can do well in the damage area as well (shortsighted perhaps, but still reality when looking for groups). So where is the niche for the Sc/Op?


All this results into a class that is less good than others at all roles it can fill.


For all roles: We are very squishy. A lot of enemies (myself included) will switch to the Scoundrel/Operative to kill first since they go down rather easily.


Healing: For healing we lack AoE and synergy in our spells. If we burst someone back up we are on the steep end of our energy regen and we have few tools to recover.


Damage: Our burst got cut by quite a bit (no numbers available due to no damage meters). Our sustained damage was nerfed in the beta and isn't easy to maintain with energy management.


Stealthing: Without our burst, we seem about on average with the shadow/assassin. However they can boost their armor rating, get guard (and some 'free' medals) and have more utility tools for warzones. For example speed burst to score in huttball. The only thing we'd bring to the table that they don't have is a heavy energy consuming heal.



The Scoundrel/Operative is subpar in all roles available to us. This means that high end guilds/groups often prefer the other archetypes over the Scoundrel/Operative in many situations. Leaving the Scoundrel/Operative on the bench. What role are we supposed to fill and will one or more lines get boosted accordingly to make us viable for groups.

Edited by Nayna
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Hello, I'm curious whether or not you'll be able to trade in tionese crystals for tionese comms? I know there are people out there who have way more crystals than they do for comms. I.E 30 crystals for 10 comms similarly to trading in warzones comms for merc comms.
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Will there be one and when?


Because it's just too much hassle to get to the Fleet, lfg, post in the General Discussion and hope that 3 of the 20-40 other people at the Fleet are around your level and looking to do Flashpoints.


Then there's the chore of getting back to a planet. Too much work for too little reward.

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Will the expanded mod system allow us the ability to swap set bonuses? For example, a PvP player who wants to use the 2 piece perk from a Rakata set, while not sacrificing our expertise stat. Perhaps through a new "set bonus only" mod slot.
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Definitely have a lot of questions but one I will add as I have seen quite a few mention this and that is chat bubble. Would really be nice to see what people are saying around you wether it be the same or opposite faction with the ability to turn it off if you wanted to. Really miss the social aspect of this as it was great for communicating with friends, allies, enemies etc. Its really great to hang out in the cantina, fleet, nar shadda or whever people like to get together and socialize, find groups and make new friends. I believe it would be beneficial in more ways than one. Is it a possibility that this will be implemented in the future?
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Having leveled a Jedi Guardian myself, and watching someone else level a Jedi Sentinel, it seems that both classes on a whole really struggle with the leveling process much more than other classes. When will we see these classes get the buffs they definitely need?

What he said, with Sith Juggernaut and Marauder.

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One last question...


Could there be a proper Bioware / EA guide on how Reverse engineering works, not information from third parties only whcih is not always 100% reliable.


I kind of hoped that there was going to be a nice manual with the game I was dissappointed. The BG2 manual was one of my favourite manuals of all time, especially the Tolo and Elminster notes.

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We know that Accuracy reduces the chance attacks will miss, and that Accuracy above 100% reduces the enemy's chance to avoid an attack.


For purposes of determining how much Accuracy Rating is "enough" in PvE (the "Accuracy soft cap"), we also need to know the maximum Melee/Ranged and Force/Tech avoidances for Flashpoint/Operation bosses.


So the question:

What is the Melee/Ranged and Force/Tech avoidance Flashpoint/Operation bosses currently have (on normal, hard and nightmare mode), and will this value be stable in short and mid-term?

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Bioware has made a it clear, in not wanting to implement cross server LookingForDungeon. While I disagree with their stance, I understand and acknowledge their argument for it.


However, I would like to know, What is Bioware's stance on cross server PvP/Warzones?

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