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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Why did you nerf operative/scoundrel dps so badly, when i see guardians/juggernauts and marauders/sentinels dish out the same damage, while having tons more survivability with wards and what not. An operative/scoundrel is worthless when out of stealth, our dps is laughable compared to other classes. I have 567 expertise atm, and got hit for 5.5k from a juggernaut. Something needs fixing bioware.....
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Earlier it was said that adding a hood toggle (namely for Jedi Knights) was more difficult than it sounds and probably wouldn't be implemented in the near future. What has become of this? What are your plans as to allowing Jedi Knights to not have to wear hoods all the time?
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Question: For us explorer types who love searching and working out hidden content (without watching Youtube videos), is there any plan to push a patch that will install hidden content on a large scale? (Like the Magenta Crystal Hunt?) Or do you plan on trickling in this explorer content?


Reason: Before Bioware confirmed the White Crystal and the Queen of Sands had not been implemented, I searched for weeks trying to work it out. Others complained about their wasted time... me, although I was disappointed by them not being in the game yet, I thoroughly enjoyed the search itself. I'm hoping for a lot more of this type of content.

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Hi, will you increase the character limit on a server (8 characters max)?


We can only create 8 characters on one server. I think we should be allowed to create 16.


Increasing the max characters could be linked with the legacy system...

e.g. legacy level 10 would allow you to create 2 more characters.

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Will there ever be a re-draft of the space system in the game to make it free space or even fishbowl with more freedom? I can not bring myself to even go do those one-way space missions that are currently in place and that makes it very "Un-Starwars" like to me.... and that is with a level 50 and more characters 30+ Edited by Aedales
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New features for guilds? I was thinking a few features that I'd like to see.


Can we hope for calendars for scheduling raids or other events? Also, for small guilds, like mine, alliances with other guilds? What about guild housing?

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Will it be possible to transfer between servers any time soon? I switched servers to play with friends and I invested a lot of time in my character on my previous server. I have enjoyed playing another class but I have held off on rerolling the same class in hopes that I can transfer eventually.
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I just have one question, and one question only! lol


There are a lot of players that want to play Togruta and Nautolans. So my question is, will we be able to? It doesn't matter to me if its through the Legacy system, or in an expansion. I would just like to have an official answer... or hint. ^_^;;

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When will there be an UI fix/upgrade? Right now the UI creates a lot of issues for the game, for instance, using ventrilo/teamspeak while in the middle of a game will bug out the UI so you won't be able to click on it until you do Ctrl UU as a temp fix
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