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Everything posted by kitsunegirl

  1. I wish the republic trash loot outfits didnt change between factions. There's a top and a pair of pants that Smugglers and Troopers can get on the starter planet that change looks if you buy them as an Imperial... the pants I think are quest rewards. The green and brown ones that look like they are patchwork. The shirt is a simple tunic with an undershirt I think, and turns into that boring gray shirt on Imps.
  2. In the new character creation, the background is very dark, some people have issues with seeing characters against such dark backgrounds. Allowing us to use a daytime background or something would be helpful.
  3. Half way through 2021 we're still hoping for mask options! I'd personally be happy with a nicer cloth option that doesn't look like it was made out of patched together leather and worn crookedly! https://www.deviantart.com/ceciliagf/art/Miraluka-343137883 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hgdPTa3R5F4/T2w4eNYTzUI/AAAAAAAAAm0/0t6GVLtioyo/s320/Miraluka-Darkness-by-Crypticgrrl.jpg The first one would be super easy to do since all it would require is a simple rectangular mesh and a blank skin.
  4. This thing costs 10$ and I can't even unlock it. If I could get a refund for my 10$ I would. It needs to be added. This is something I would expect from the scamlords at Trion. I hope it was just an oversight.
  5. I expect these un-hideable spam banners in Chinese grinder games, not SWTOR. I have no need or desire to see this thing popping up. Make it hide-able.
  6. I know the feeling, they did the same **** with Sentinals and Blade Barrage's animation. It used to be really cool, now it's just looks like she's flailing around.
  7. Oh I'm using BB because it's one of my favourites, I just like the animations less now.
  8. I liked blade barrage animations better when it was channeled... and I barely use Lance. Just seems like another skill they tossed in for the sake of skill bloat.
  9. I was disappointed I couldn't like it either.
  10. I think that was how Kotor 1 was anyway. But making the game like ff14 where you only need one character for all classes would make no sense.
  11. I play on Ebon Hawk and I'm getting the login unavailable.
  12. I would love to be able to play as a Nautolan... more tentacle/horned races is always a plus!
  13. Could we please have the option to either lower the brightness or just turn off the effects all together, I can't turn down my gpu's brightness or contrast any more than I have. Thanks
  14. There are three items, I have always wished were "orange quality" gear, and would love to see them added to the cash shop, without them being stuffed into the slot-machine boxes. 1. The Sith Inquisitor robe top, that you get when you make the character, I love the design of it. 2. I don't remember what it's called but on the Smuggler/Trooper starter world, there is a quest reward Smugglers get around level 8 that is a vest and a white shirt; the npcs on Dromund Kaas wear it a lot, even though the design isn't available to Empire players. 3. Also a smuggler quest reward is a pair of pants that are look like they are made out of different sections of two pairs of pants, they alternate green and tan on the pant legs. I think 2, and 3 are called frilled letheris, but I am not sure. I would love to have these as adaptive gear.
  15. Community feedback for what races are wanted? I'm not too sure Cathar was what the community really wants, but then I cant really speak for everyone, that's just my impression from in-game chat. I do know that anytime togruta are mentioned as a wished-for playable race a wall of text appears from so many people agreeing. So thats my input for what race I and many people like me, want: Togruta.
  16. There are at least two pieces of armour that I wish I could either craft as orange, or augment with the new system: The first is the Huttese Frilled Letheris Jacket (Rep side); Emp side its an ugly gray and white jacket... The second was a quest reward for smugglers that is a green and tan pair of pants called the Rugged Smuggling Leggings. I have never seen either designs at higher levels even as a white-name item. Also it would be nice if Emp players could have the jacket design that the Reps have... NPCs on the empire side were it. Please consider adding these two items to the craftable list as oranges, or making them augmentable or something. Thank you.
  17. I have to admit that I was never a big fan of chat bubbles... why? Because when I played a certain cartoony POS, farmed by thousands of Chinese people in dusty little rooms in some little village with too many syllables in its name, there wasn't enough people in one area to make chat bubbles useful (to me). So I never saw the value of them. That's not to say I was always in favour of NOT having them... or against the idea of an OPTION for them. I am never against something that is totally optional for players. And then I got into TOR, and holy hell, the way chat just scrolled and scrolled it made my eyes bleed. So now I really really want chat bubbles ASAP! The ONLY thing I am against, is animated-say reactions, like if I type out something with a ! and my character bends over laughing... that's not conducive to RP, that's just obnoxious. The intention is good, its a neat idea, but it just doesn't work that well. ...unless of course they can somehow make them as an optional settings toggle... default off. And finally, for the love of space hamsters named Buu, allow me to sit in chairs in the cantinas!!
  18. I think they should remove all the stools and then just give us a magical stool like they have in Aion! And then just make all the benches and couches click to sit.
  19. I just have one question, and one question only! lol There are a lot of players that want to play Togruta and Nautolans. So my question is, will we be able to? It doesn't matter to me if its through the Legacy system, or in an expansion. I would just like to have an official answer... or hint. ^_^;;
  20. Sex is all about passion and love (and procreation). Sith are not singled-minded when it comes to hate and revenge. It's entirely possible for a Sith to be hedonistic.
  21. Until this post, I didnt give Zeltrons much thought... now I want to play a Zeltron Sith. >.> Purebloods have a shade of pinkish skin colour and you could use one of the heads that doesnt have all the tentacles. Dunno how well that would work though.
  22. To: C2 Droid Corporation To whom is may concern, I am not sure who thought it was a good idea to make this droid such a boot-licker, but I would rather go on a picknick with a Sith lord than have him on my ship. Is there any possible way I could send him back? I can't seem to find any sort of "off switch" and I am pretty sure most droids have some sort of deactivation function. I recently ran across a wonderfully spunky Gonk droid on Taris a few nights ago and would have replaced C2 with him, except the kindly old man he belongs to wouldn't sell him. For which, I dont blame him, that droid did everything except foot massages it seemed like! Anyhow, if there is any possible way to get an exchange or refund on the C2 droid my ship came with, I would greatly appreciate it, and please respond to the following holo-com frequency: k173une3h0uj0.913. Thank you, Kirie Sena Jedi Knight (( RE-M0's personality is sooo much more fun than C2's. As much as I liked Garrik from DS9, this droid makes me want to break my speakers. Could we have an off-switch for him, or maybe a mute button specifically for the ship-droid? Its especially obnoxious when you use C2 for crafting and he gives 30 second speeches every time you click the craft button! >.< ))
  23. If thats how you want to see the markings thats fine with me, but they are a bit too extensive for slave markings.
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