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Everything posted by MasterofMagina

  1. It's gonna be done in under an hour, you call that an content,.,.
  2. Isn't it nice you get about 800 Presence total now ? or how much u have, i find it nice. But there is many things were you could get title mm unlocking all codex(what u can,lol coz its so bugged), all datacrons, all classes imp side, rep side, all total, such things like that make game good and you want even more grind for such things like that, but noo
  3. What are you talking about ? Tank SIN has ton of defensive abilities point in warzone is to DPS someone down or stun him into fire if hes stupid enuf to walk by that with no resolve. But able to 1 hit someone with fire it no fun at all, that's bad design, it don't matter were you are you take ball you might get pulled, you go into their pit your safe for while but after you leap/charge/pass ball the guy or me who have the ball got still chance to get pulled into upper fire. So you can't really outplay that, only by luck.
  4. So, i hope you understand what i'm trying to say here my english isn't best . Assasin have that ability to pull someone, i think it's one of the tank tree or something. In hutball it's just too OP to pull someone into fire and stunlock it (coz pull don't fill any resolve barely) . Now when rated warzones are coming there are going to be very organized teams and in hutball it's just gonna be pain to tank to make score when you can pull someone SO easily and get 1 hitted. Way to fix this is either, put an debuff on ball carrier that he cannot charge, leap, run faster, be pulled or anything like that. OR When pulled the resolve goes up atleast over half of even 80 %. Force pull works in some maps if you dont wanna let some guy get away it's ok but ability to 1 shot people with fire traps it's not fun or good mechanic at all.
  5. Hello, can i still play Live servers normally ? Like pvp do dailys etc, and then go PTS after done that without downloading live server all over again, so i can basically switch back and forth ? and after 1.3 is done it will totally wipe my account in PTS right?
  6. Support, this game needs that, while no friends online, better than jumping in fleet.
  7. Hello I am wondering do you send your companions to their missions all time when your online, and also you might log to your alts also and sending those companions to missions also, and im talking about having all crew skills (400) already, just plan to make " money ". Can people make money from it anymore so much on your server, is the cost of mats went so low there is no point to put companions on missions or ? In future, how about then ?, seems too easy to farm materials on every skill if you have 4 alts, not talking about if people make even more.
  8. Hold on isn't the timer 30 min+ ...Oh wait, i see what ya did there!
  9. Not flaming or anything, but if you think the game is hard after 30, it's all about your so called " skills ". The game is easy, not too easy lvl 1-50 and after that, im new to mmos and i didin't have any problems 1-50 i even killed all those champions on the road whenever i saw those, lol. You being bad, don't mean Bioware " sucks ". Meybe WoW is better place for you after they made all so easy, enjoy
  10. The fact is these type of games don't get their money from "nerds" people have family/jobs, what obv you don't have. You should go outside for a bit, try get a job or girlfriend then come back and see if there is new content ;-)
  11. How " large " guilds were talking about here, are you in one of these ? Like Game has come 6 months ago, can't expect there to be 10 raids. What you do with your raid week? Denova HM? Storymode? KP Nightmare? --- Voss ? I think thats enough content for week, 2 raid days / week is pretty good, and you can always do those " Achievements " with your guild, have you done those, there's pretty much to do if you have guild what supports it. Most people here dont have anymore coz servers are dead as cow. So should be happy what ya have
  12. You can Reverse Engineer all campaign gear or atleast belt, bracers, ear, implants etc. Then you can sell them, all crystal, mats from chests come worthless. Also you can Re camp gear to get mats if you could do unlimited runs takes appr 3 hours to do denova hm and sm not talking about Voss world boss and Kp what are easy comms. It's fine with 7 days limit, enuf content and to get best geared you need to raid alot each week 1-2x to get BEST possible gear: Like: All best armorings/Mods to your full camp gear, implants, belts, bracers all augment slotted etc.. Point is to get best gear to yourself, after that start building off spec, and companions of course
  13. My question is are you going to add achievements in this game and is it soon or future? Like: Killing an boss without taking dmg from " X " and " X " Healing ammount " X " Winning total of " X " Warzones ... much more. You get my point. Cheers.
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