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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Looking around on my servers at least, i noticed the huge lack of Imperial Agents. The agents i generally do see online seem to be mostly operatives instead of snipers.

I tried playing an IA and a smuggler for a short while and it seems to me the cover mechanic could potentially be the reason people avoid the class in general,including myself. (Of course i could be wrong about this for the other people)


Are there any plans to modify the class at some point to rely less on cover? And what steps will be taken to make this class more enjoyable? (read that as: incentive/reason to play one)

At the moment the ratio seems something like 1 IA/SM for every 3-5 of any other Class (not AC)


I am not asking the class to be buffed in damage or survivability, only fun factor.




(this is not a question per se. just adding to a previous question mentioned in the thread for general interest)


You mentioned hide/show hood/headpiece. are there any chances we can have the same for our companions?

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The quitting of players in warzones seems to be a real issue with many players i have spoken to. When a player quits that space needs filling this can put a team at a disadvantage. Nobody wants to be on the losing side but this practice is happening too often. So my question is will you be implementing a system to deter players from quitting warzones? ie a cooldown period of 20 mins before being allowed to enter another warzone.
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These questions are...roleplay related so I presume they will be ignored mostly.


Is there any chance we can get a ETA on the chatbubbles because at the moment it's quite annoying for the ones who care about roleplay ( belive it or not there are quite a few of those because this be star wars) and when will you finally cut down on the -INSANE- emote range? it's not plesant to see someone emoting something from across the planet ( bit over the top I know but you get my point!)

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Different crafting proffesions have the option to get schematics to make tionese/exotech etc. but are unable to sell them of do you have any plans to change that so that all the schematics i have as a biochem isnt useless once i crafted implants for my companions.


In general it doesnt make sense to me that the items i can craft, that i could give guild members and sell are bind on pickup thats just stupid.

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Due to Legacy being able to provide player with more character creation options down the line, that means that my "perfect character" that I made for the class I wanted to play the most, may have had more options when this is implemented.


Will a barber sort of functionality be provided in game to manage our looks post Legacy-gave-us-more-stuff-to-play-with?

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Others have touched on a similar question several times above but...



Will you be adding the option to choose which Warzone you enter a queue for?


I personally don't enjoy Huttball very much and would like the option to queue for Alderaan and Voidstar. While it may then appear that some games will be underused, adding daily repeatables specific to each game type might entice more players into the consensual pvp side of the game.

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I feel there are too many servers and the population is spread too thinly throughout them all. Are you going to do anything to address this? i.e server merges?


The population seems to be okay for the time being as far as numbers go but the servers feel dead because people are spread too far apart.

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I really enjoy playing characters from both Republic and Empire, but I dislike having to re-level all my crafts again because we are unable to transfer things from one faction to another via mail.


To me this really puts a damper on wanting to experience the other half of the storylines.


So I guess my question would be:


Do you intend to make items transferrable between republic/empire characters via mail if they belong to the same account?

I think this alone would be a huge improvement in the game and save the tediousness of practically re-levelling everything just to experience the other side.


Thank you for your time!

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