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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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It's already been mentioned but some info on whether new race, appearance options will be available through the Legacy system would be extremely helpful. I'm holding off on alts at the moment as I don't want to get to level 20-30 and then have to reroll because of new options being implemented in the next month or so once 1.2 hits.
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You've announced the legacy system which will link a players characters with each other, you even said luke/vader kind of scenes might come. Is it going to be possible to have two characters from different factions bind, or is it going to be available only for characters at the same faction ?
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Why do Bounty Hunter and Trooper healing classes not get an in-combat resurrection?

I cant count the number of times we watched a dev speak on the fact that all healing classes will be viable for end-game... yet to not have this one skill is game breaking for those classes.

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Will tanks see any UI love any time soon? As a tank, it is very hard for me to gauge two things: Who pulled aggro on the boss (so I know who to guard) and whether or not I've got sufficient threat (Was it an aggro pull or a random target/threat dump mechanic). A target-of-target function would be great, as would a threat meter of some sort (even just a threat percentage on the target frame would be good).
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Not as common of a question as most of these....


But are there any plans to add support for the LCD screens on G-Series keyboards?



For general information to the community, the game developers have to implement the free C++ LCD SDK in order for the LCD screens on these keyboards to show information about the game.


There are quite a few said keyboards:







To name a few

Edited by lewyk
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When will we get _decent_ graphics settings to fine tune our game? Not only Low-end systems require this.



Oh I almost forgot, when will we get decent transparency anti aliasing? Adaptive AA doesn't play well with this game. (Both Nvidia and ATI have problems with transparency unless you go full Supersampling but thats slightly too much for most systems here :)

Edited by Marctraider
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