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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are you looking at the balance issue and damge output of normal area mobs, which include 4 stacks of poisen/bleed or other aoe? And the difficulty some classes have in leveling over others. This is for normal questing , Not Heroics or Flashpoints.


Please dont fall prey to the Age of Conan Mistake.


Thank you

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We can create both Imperials and Republic characters on the same server. Will there ever be an option to be able to send mail to your own characters on the opposite faction?

I leveled Republic but am more interested in Empire at the moment, it's kind of a pain to go through the Hutt's market.

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Has Bioware been able to pinpoint or guesstimate what is the main factor contributing to the extreme framerate drop in Fleets and Warzones?


I only ask since my friend has a lesser PC with the same exact video card and he gets 60+ fps in Warzones and I hover barely above 10-15.


I understand there could be a LOT of things causing this issue, but understand the frustration within some circles when the same machines are able to run Battlefield 3 on max settings with zero hiccups in massive player versus player controlled environments; whereas 8v8 Warzones, for whatever reason, seems to be "too much" for the same machine.

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"Speech Bubbles"


Speaking for a overwhelming number of Roleplayers, will we ever see this implemented? It is a very important feature for us, and even for those that are opposed, if there is a toggle off/on switch then I believe it's no issue at all.

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Will same-gender interactions be limited to companion NPC romance arcs, or will this option be extended to seeing [Flirt] prompts in conversations with same-gender mission NPCs as well? Edited by Uluain
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Why are there no lightsaber skills in the Sage's Balance and Sorcerer's Madness trees?


They were there during testing, and the Codex continues to say that they are.


To broaden the question so that it appeals to more people, "Why are there differences in the skill trees shared between advanced classes of the same base class?"

Edited by Felioats
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What, if any, animation changes can consulars look forward to?




It is generally accepted that the Inquisitor animations were done first/best. There is a huge coolness gap with the consular animations, and they feel like they were phoned in/rushed to alot of players. Build after build in beta the same issues with the animations were brought up, but they were not fixed and went live...


Project has its delay problems, it takes time to pull up the magic rock, time to levitate and spin it, time to hurl it and travel to target...and it is not popular as a magic junk thrower with many players. Replacement suggestions include a saber throw, or swapping it with the Disturbance animation, which can easily be streamlined to instant cast, and then the chunk a clunker animation can be tied to a skill that has an activation timer, like the animation so obviously needs...


Throw is also not popular (pebblestorm) as magic pebble throwing...


Together, Project and Throw make the consular jedi caster class feel like a junk/debris throwing shaman that can magically make junk/debris show up anywhere, at his feet or out of thin air. Then you have the obvious problems of pulling up magic rocks out of starship decks, etc. The animations are environmentally ignorant...they cheat.


Then there are the Force Breach ani and Kinetic Ward (which also has mechanic problems and many players would like it to be passive, tied into Combat Technique...)


Overall the combat animations and the cinematic nature of combat is one of the game's strengths...perhaps thats why the consular animations stick out so much like a sore thumb. Thx.

Edited by Dyvim
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