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Do you use retaliation?


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Do you use retaliation? Costing 3 rage, being instant, conditional and not triggering GCD, I try to use it but it is really lackluster for me.


Maybe it is the nostalgia from using Vanilla WoW's warrior overpower against rogues.


I wish BW gives us some talent that makes it worthwhile other than decreasing our shield'd cd for 3/6 seconds. I think this talent would be great especially for the Carnage tree which is lacking a bit compared to other trees. I personally want to use it because it's a fun ability to use as well.

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Do you use retaliation? Costing 3 rage, being instant, conditional and not triggering GCD, I try to use it but it is really lackluster for me.


Maybe it is the nostalgia from using Vanilla WoW's warrior overpower against rogues.


I wish BW gives us some talent that makes it worthwhile other than decreasing our shield'd cd for 3/6 seconds. I think this talent would be great especially for the Carnage tree which is lacking a bit compared to other trees. I personally want to use it because it's a fun ability to use as well.


I used to use it, because it does provide good burst especially early on if you go something like ravage 2hits<cancel>vicious slash<>retaliation on someone, plus the talent that lowers the CD of your cloak of pain. at 38 or so i dropped it in favor of the other talent that lowers the cost of SS to 1 and took retalition off my main hotkeys

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If you have a macro capable Mouse/Keyboard you could try binding it to whatever key you use Assault with. That way its reduced to 1 Rage.


Other than that, its hard to justifiy 1/4 of your total rage for a move that doesnt even do as much damage as Vicious Slash.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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If you have a macro capable Mouse/Keyboard you could try binding it to whatever key you use Assault with. That way its reduced to 1 Rage.


Other than that, its hard to justifiy 1/4 of your total rage for a move that doesnt even do as much damage as Vicious Slash.


Huh? How would that reduce the rage? Also, do you mean battering assault?

Edited by Neuromann
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Yep that, if they are bound to the same key than your intermediary rage builder can do a little extra damage...


Interesting, I wonder how it would work in a rotation...if it doesn't screw you over by like 1 rage on some of your abilities then it could work.



From a PvP standpoint is what I'd like to know.

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Interesting, I wonder how it would work in a rotation...if it doesn't screw you over by like 1 rage on some of your abilities then it could work.



From a PvP standpoint is what I'd like to know.


you could still spam Assault if you need some rage as Retaliate is on a 6 sec CD as well as only be activaed on a dodge miss parry etc. If it happens to proc, your only down 1 rage.

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You always have other abilities that do more damage for the rage cost so you should NOT be using it at all.


If it was free and hit like a truck (comparing to wow warrior) it would be a different story.


its off gcd so if you have plenty of rage why not?

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It does less damage than vicious slash for the same rage( or more rage if you have the talent for refunds on VC). You are better off stockpiling your rage for a rage dump when other things come off cooldown. If you consistently dump your rage on proper abilitys there should be no reason or room for it. I would only use it if I had the talent for CoP cooldown and was offtanking to some degree. Edited by Axcys
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There isn't a reason to have extra rage to use retaliation unless you are playing wrong. Like I said, if it cost 0 rage it would be a different story.


Yup, To make it worth using on a maurader ever it needs to cost 1 or no rage and have a longer cooldown or do slightly less damage and build rage. Right now, though I made the decision that I would rather have fleet pass on my sidebar then retal.

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It's more of a Juggernaut ability, they can spec it to 1 rage I believe. It should be taken out of the warrior side and added to the juggernauts only


Well honestly if they modified the ability to have some extra benefit to defence (besides the CoP cooldown reduction) such as 10% avoidance or additional damage reduction, It would be totally worth it. The benefits right now are just too lack luster.


The best course of action would be to replace the COP talent with a talent that makes the ability a short 1-2 sec stun as well. Since its purpose on marauders is clearly to foil an evading target like another marauder or op it would actually shutdown their evade properly instead of wasting your rage that you can just save till their evade is over.


I don't see that solution being too terribly unfair.

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I used to use it, because it does provide good burst especially early on if you go something like ravage 2hits<cancel>vicious slash<>retaliation on someone, plus the talent that lowers the CD of your cloak of pain. at 38 or so i dropped it in favor of the other talent that lowers the cost of SS to 1 and took retalition off my main hotkeys


if you are interrupting ravage you are doing it very very very wrong

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if you are interrupting ravage you are doing it very very very wrong







It's more of a Juggernaut ability, they can spec it to 1 rage I believe. It should be taken out of the warrior side and added to the juggernauts only


I wouldn't go that far; for leveling purposes it does help our survivability a bit by being able to kill stuff faster. In late-game PvP/PvE I consider it a waste.

Edited by Kibaken
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Because there are plenty of other abilities that are cheaper in rage and do more damage.


its off GCD, thats a massive upside, yes, it costs alot of rage, yes other abilities do more damage, but being off GCD is huge, particularly in pvp


There isn't a reason to have extra rage to use retaliation unless you are playing wrong. Like I said, if it cost 0 rage it would be a different story.


there are reasons to have a full rage bar ...


its 4v1, the dude is gonna die, spam assault, build up a full bar, go unload it on someone else


you open with a charge > BA ... they stun you and run away, you find your next target, open with a charge > BA ... you got full rage


youre in a CC heavy fight, it lasts a while (fighting a healer or tank) and you have Defensive Forms ... passive rage generation ... quite easy to have an abundance of rage




retaliation is certainly not a core dps ability, but dont dismiss it, its situational, but can be very useful

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