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Marauders do not need buff.


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Ok I am going to first say this, I come from the guild Thirsty which is currently world 7th in all content clear. I have played this game since day one and have seen everything. I play a Rank 65 BH mercenary with 4/5 BM gear, MH and OH BM. Still need gloves/bracers/belt.


Whenever I roll with a marauder whom actually knows how to play this game, he beats pretty much every DPS class, including myself, EVERY time in the damage meters, and I am an extremely competent pvp player. In raids, marauders are our number 1 priority for battle resurrection for dps classes as they do the most damage in our raids.


Now, there is the problem with their abilities to survive which further enhances their complete over powered playstyle. Their first shield does 50% damage reduction for 12 seconds. 12 seconds is way more than enough time for a marauder to kill TWO people and still live. Well if that shield does not help them out to survive, they have a 90% damage reduction cheat death that lasts for 5 second but with a 90 second cool down.


Well if all else fails, they can just pop their vanish ability with has a 45 second cool down. On top of this ability to survive they can also charge and interrupt with a EIGHT second cool down! When I watch marauders they pretty much wipe out the whole enemy team and only have about 2-3 (most of the time 0 with a healers) deaths throughout a whole match.


So why do they deserve this buff? The simple answer is that Bioware is listening to the masses, and it is safe to say the masses do not have the highest intellect level when playing this game. Making masses happy= money.


There is no counter to what I have said... I see what I see and I hear what I hear from these marauder players and even THEY themselves think this buff is a joke.


There is no need to buff a buffed class. Stop listening to the masses whom are not entirely all the good at playing this game!

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Except 8 pages worth of discussion actually prove that you have to sit on epic enough gear + very high surge rating for this change to even be considered a buff.


It's actually a higher disparity the higher your gear. In full rakata/surge'd out, you have more of a dps loss from this change than someone in t1.

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It's the smallest buff imaginable.... instead of 2% per point of one talent that increases bleed damage in one skill tree they now get 5%. It's one talent, in one tree, that affects one type of damage, and only increases by 3% per rank.


Are you seriously complaining about that? Here's a gameplay tip for you.


Use Toxin Scan, Cure, Field Aid, Purge, Restoration, or Triage.

Removes all Sentinel/Marauder DoT's and takes away half their damage.


Also because I'm nitpick Mcgoo,


The shield is 50% ranged/melee weapon damage type attack defense, and 25% force/tech attack mitigation, on a 3 minute cooldown.

Edited by Caribroo
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It's a buff.... instead of 2% per point of one talent that increases bleed damage in one skill tree they now get 5%.


Are you seriously complaining about that?


Use Toxin Scan, Cure, Field Aid, Purge, Restoration, or Triage. Removes all Sentinel/Marauder DoT's and takes away half their damage.




Im gonna post this everytime someone says "duh, but its a straight buff, not a nerf"


Edit you edited you post really fast

Edited by Superawesomerman
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Im gonna post this everytime someone says "duh, but its a straight buff, not a nerf"


Did you post this because you thought I didn't realize? I don't get it.


Fixing a broken talent that people were putting points into isn't a buff. It's fixing a broken talent.

Edited by Caribroo
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Did you post this because you thought I didn't realize? I don't get it.


Fixing a broken talent that people were putting points into isn't a buff. It's fixing a broken talent.


Thought you were considering the change a buff.


Sorry if I took it the wrong way, tired of people calling other people idiots when they're flat out wrong.

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Ok I am going to first say this, I come from the guild Thirsty which is currently world 7th in all content clear. I have played this game since day one and have seen everything. I play a Rank 65 BH mercenary with 4/5 BM gear, MH and OH BM. Still need gloves/bracers/belt.


Whenever I roll with a marauder whom actually knows how to play this game, he beats pretty much every DPS class, including myself, EVERY time in the damage meters, and I am an extremely competent pvp player. In raids, marauders are our number 1 priority for battle resurrection for dps classes as they do the most damage in our raids.


Grats on pve clearing, super tough pve on swotor man.


I have a bm merc, bm jugg and a sentinel (not bm yet).


Please play the class before you comment on it. Sent/Marauder's are UP due to the volume of CC/knockback/roots in the game. A rooted/knocked back ranged dps continues to dps, a melee type does nothing but die. Thats where the deficiency is.



Try using your jetboost, then your rocket punch, then your stun, then your jetboost (15s cd) then a power surge into concussion while dpsing. Bad players stun a jugg when they see a large shield animation after charge, bad players dont juke for 6 seconds for cloak of pain to wear off before unleashing 2 tracers, heatseekers and a rail on a bubbleless sent for a 4 hit kill.

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So.... a non-sent watches a friend play, sees him score high damage on a WZ sum-up and has determined that sents/marauders totally don't need a buff cause his merc can't match or beat said marauder's damage; when damage is the one thing that Sents/Maras are supposed tp be good at? Give me a break. Edited by GoggleBoi
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Grats on pve clearing, super tough pve on swotor man.


I have a bm merc, bm jugg and a sentinel (not bm yet).


Please play the class before you comment on it. Sent/Marauder's are UP due to the volume of CC/knockback/roots in the game. A rooted/knocked back ranged dps continues to dps, a melee type does nothing but die. Thats where the deficiency is.



Try using your jetboost, then your rocket punch, then your stun, then your jetboost (15s cd) then a power surge into concussion while dpsing. Bad players stun a jugg when they see a large shield animation after charge, bad players dont juke for 6 seconds for cloak of pain to wear off before unleashing 2 tracers, heatseekers and a rail on a bubbleless sent for a 4 hit kill.


So uh, about them operatives, with zero mobility outside of stealth (which breaks on any damage [gogo spammed aoes in WF's], can is visible from 15 yards even with talented stealth increase, and let's not forget being stuck out of stealth if you don't manage to kill your target, or if anyone else bothers to hit you). I'd trade stealth for a gap closer with a snare/stun attached to it in a heartbeat, especially now that hidden strike hits for less than tracer missile.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok I am going to first say this, I come from the guild Thirsty which is currently world 7th in all content clear. I have played this game since day one and have seen everything. I play a Rank 65 BH mercenary with 4/5 BM gear, MH and OH BM. Still need gloves/bracers/belt.


Whenever I roll with a marauder whom actually knows how to play this game, he beats pretty much every DPS class, including myself, EVERY time in the damage meters, and I am an extremely competent pvp player. In raids, marauders are our number 1 priority for battle resurrection for dps classes as they do the most damage in our raids.


Now, there is the problem with their abilities to survive which further enhances their complete over powered playstyle. Their first shield does 50% damage reduction for 12 seconds. 12 seconds is way more than enough time for a marauder to kill TWO people and still live. Well if that shield does not help them out to survive, they have a 90% damage reduction cheat death that lasts for 5 second but with a 90 second cool down.


Well if all else fails, they can just pop their vanish ability with has a 45 second cool down. On top of this ability to survive they can also charge and interrupt with a EIGHT second cool down! When I watch marauders they pretty much wipe out the whole enemy team and only have about 2-3 (most of the time 0 with a healers) deaths throughout a whole match.


So why do they deserve this buff? The simple answer is that Bioware is listening to the masses, and it is safe to say the masses do not have the highest intellect level when playing this game. Making masses happy= money.


There is no counter to what I have said... I see what I see and I hear what I hear from these marauder players and even THEY themselves think this buff is a joke.


There is no need to buff a buffed class. Stop listening to the masses whom are not entirely all the good at playing this game!



Indeed. most of these guys complaining for Marauders to get a buff will forever complain for buffs cause they are probably not very good w/ their class. SW/JK are the harder class' to use. especially in pvp. everyone can just kite you down easy heavy armor or not. Marauders reck, just play Annihilation and learn your rotation. utilize camo wizely and just keep up the pace marauders put out great uninterrupted damage.


Try lvling a Jugg...that's the class that really needs work. cool im a tank with my giant glow stick i call a light saber. Vengeance's dots are silly and really just tickle. Rage cool so you got one move that does big damage, smash every 9 seconds. actually more then that you gotta get off obliterate or charge for the crit chance then let your force choke or force crush tick 4 times. and there is no guarantee the moves gonna hit your target that's only 2 meters away but it will miss more often then not.

Edited by Darth_Chewwy
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Ok I am going to first say this, I come from the guild Thirsty which is currently world 7th in all content clear. I have played this game since day one and have seen everything. I play a Rank 65 BH mercenary with 4/5 BM gear, MH and OH BM. Still need gloves/bracers/belt.


Whenever I roll with a marauder whom actually knows how to play this game, he beats pretty much every DPS class, including myself, EVERY time in the damage meters, and I am an extremely competent pvp player. In raids, marauders are our number 1 priority for battle resurrection for dps classes as they do the most damage in our raids.


Now, there is the problem with their abilities to survive which further enhances their complete over powered playstyle. Their first shield does 50% damage reduction for 12 seconds. 12 seconds is way more than enough time for a marauder to kill TWO people and still live. Well if that shield does not help them out to survive, they have a 90% damage reduction cheat death that lasts for 5 second but with a 90 second cool down.


Well if all else fails, they can just pop their vanish ability with has a 45 second cool down. On top of this ability to survive they can also charge and interrupt with a EIGHT second cool down! When I watch marauders they pretty much wipe out the whole enemy team and only have about 2-3 (most of the time 0 with a healers) deaths throughout a whole match.


So why do they deserve this buff? The simple answer is that Bioware is listening to the masses, and it is safe to say the masses do not have the highest intellect level when playing this game. Making masses happy= money.


There is no counter to what I have said... I see what I see and I hear what I hear from these marauder players and even THEY themselves think this buff is a joke.


There is no need to buff a buffed class. Stop listening to the masses whom are not entirely all the good at playing this game!

Your sig says you are level 26.

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actually this is just a small buff to one of the skill trees and honestly its not a buff at all as surge rating in general is getting smacked down across the board. so this supposedly buff is actually a compensation for across the field smack down of surge in general. which in my eyes means its not a buff but a band-aide to help them with the other change.
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actually this is just a small buff to one of the skill trees and honestly its not a buff at all as surge rating in general is getting smacked down across the board. so this supposedly buff is actually a compensation for across the field smack down of surge in general. which in my eyes means its not a buff but a band-aide to help them with the other change.


if every class is going nerfed becasue surge and one class is being buffed i dont know how can u tell us that it is a band aide to help them for the surge nerf

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I'm really wondering if anyone that actually plays an annihilation marauder posts on the forums other than me.....after playing for a week after the "buff" i've noticed all my crit bleeds do atleast 100 less than what they used to....that's not a buff people.


Granted i'm not in full rakata/bm gear if it makes any kind of difference at all(full champion/columi) it is clear as day that i was doing 10-15% less the day after the patch with crits. There are no logs for this game before you ask and the meter at the end of a warzone can change tremendously depending on skill/activity, quit trying to white knight the "buff" saying its fixed when it was clearly a nerf.

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Whenever I roll with a marauder whom actually knows how to play this game


The big point. They survive better, longer (DMG reduction cooldowns vs defense/hp buffs), can actually lock down a healer, have very good mobility and great dps.

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Marauders do indeed need buffs to 2/3 of their trees. Carnage is garbage for PvP and bugged in PvE because Ataru Form strikes have a reduced hitbox on bosses which is spec breaking. Annihilation is easily negated by 3 ACs who can simply purge the DoTs and wreck the Maras DPS. I know because I do it all the time. The problem is a lot of people are so bad they don't even have dispel on their bars, but that will all change when ranked comes along. Rage is a gimmick spec for PvP and worthless for PvE. The Jugg version is also much better because of the Slam buffs they can get in their trees. In addition to spec buffs/bug fixes, Maras could use a big utility move like Force Pull on a 45s cooldown. Then I would consider the class totally balanced in comparison to Juggernauts who have 2 offensive charges, 1 defensive charge, and 1 knockback. Edited by CaptainInsano
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Watchmen/marauder mirror are the best dps in the game, all of the very good sents are laughing at all the bads crying for buffs and hoping you make them that much more OP. Sure your other trees may not be as good, welcome to being pigeonholed like every other class, except being pigeonholed into being the best dps in the game. In the hands of a skilled player, your the best class in the game, in the hands of the mass casuals, you suck. Balance around what the class is capable off in the best player's hands, not the casual masses.


The casuals will most likely win this though, as bw has shown it caves early and often already, so grats to you good sent player's out there in advance.

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