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Everything posted by Darth_Chewwy

  1. I completely agree with other comments, there is no reason for PvE gear to ever be better than PVP gear in a WZ match, and also visa versa. Other wise why have 2 different sets of gear? It makes no sense to those that PVP exclusive and are being dropped fairly easily to a player w/ PVE gear. Its fairly obvious, maybe not to those that run around and take advantage of the "bug". PVP needs more attention anyway, so hopefully they work on these issues. A games life expectancy is based on PVP for me. no matter how good the PVE content is, If PVP falls short than slowly people who enjoy pvp get tired and switch to a different MMO w/ better and balanced PVP. There are those that PVP and those that PVE. Both should be given an equal experience.
  2. NERF EVERY CLASS DAMAGE ***??? this has to be the dumbest thread ever. to ***** about juggernauts dps. nerf this nerf that because i can't beat them. if you can't beat a juggernaut right now speced rage then u dont know what your doing. Rage is the only dps spec that is even with the rest. u nerf them they are only more broken then they already are. Did you even think before you wrote all of this...every 15 seconds they get a 5 k hit, so the rest of their damage is garbage, until the lol smash that often times misses cause its a stupid easy move to dodge. i rarely get hit by one and when i do it does a bit of damage to my health bar but then bam before they can even set up their next ONE move they are already dead. 15 seconds is plenty of time to kill a jug. And how can you be upset that a Jugg hit top 3 for dps HELL ya thats what i like to hear cause its a *********** rairity its usaually sorcs, mercs, operatives, marauders, and snipers in the top 3 at least. a jugg actually has to work and be smart to get those high numbers. he doesn't have the ease of a spammable move like the rest or range for that matter except saber throw that has a 30 second cd. ya he charges but how many mofos have a push back. are you getting this, its easy to kill a jugg, just dont be stupid. if anything, the other tree's need to be toned up with damage. and why are you crying about juggernauts, sorcs/sages, merc/commandos,and operatives/scoundrels that need to be toned down. Tracer missle/concussion shot I have them crit me for 4k before and its a 1.5 sec cast no cd. Stupid lighting and fruity pebbles move 900k crit every tick...stupid. And lets not even get started on an Operative or let alone a stupid scoundrel. u can't kill them 1v1 unless all their cd's happen to be used up, then your just lucky.
  3. The Infamous Disrupt love it but it annoys me at times. Disrupt should be free Disrupt needs too work against snipers undercover, well, its not working for me at least. Disrupts range needs be increased to compete against the ranged characters, lighting for instance (if specked) is a spam-able ability,30m, and slows a target. It can also tick UP to 800 each time. makes no sense that we have to be within 4m to disrupt an already OP ability. Tracer missiles, Gravity rounds, charged bolt, heals, so on and so forth 4m range is just not enough. Escape needs to be fixed IMO buffed to make you immune to stuns or movement impairing affects afterwords for 3 sec, its already on a 2 min CD. how retarded is it when you get stunned and u use escape and instantly after words you get stunned...Frustrating and a waist.
  4. Are you serious, haha, you must be joking. Its Not the SITH that needs to be nerfed it's the Sorc's (if speced) spam-able lighting move, other wise 4 sec cd. Plus, I could say the same thing about the mirrored class. The sages stupid throwing fruity pebbles is retarded as well. its just a ridiculously nub move. when you see a Sorc/Sage put numbers up like 200k when all he did was spam 3 moves bubble, lighting/fruity pebbles, and sprint we have a problem. its simply put a nub class. BW are trying to appeal to kids as well as adults with this game, so there has to be one of those class'. Don't blame the entire faction for one nub class that kicked your ***. Sages reck as well and I have been in plenty of matches where the Republic Hulk smashes the **** out of the Sith, and we primarily had Sith sorcs. Ooh i forgot, there's one other move, crushing darkness at least that has a cd and i think a 2 sec cast so, 4 moves .Its all mirrored, disrupt the lighting then they can't cast it for 4 sec. they got a 30 meter range with the rocks/lighting i understand your frustration, being a marauder with a 4m range disrupt after being pushed back and your charge,camo, are on cd... convenient. *********** RAGE! u blamed the bubble and lighting and talked **** about the Sith. its not the Sith its the move. You're just jealous of the Sith, cause we kick ***.
  5. first of i spell like garbage so bare w/ me. DO you really reck them or are you just trolling back? i have a sorc and they are borring as **** to use you seriously got 1 move. they can spec into lighting so it doesn't have a CD ARE YOU Serious BW? i have seen it tick for 800 each ***. at least merc's have a 15 second cd on there unload. most sorc/sages i fight in vengeance spec are trying to run away half the time spaming lighting or throwing their little fruity pebbles at me and before you know it im dead. yes, i dance stance alot. lets not forget if they just wanted to heal they could do that while i stand there trying to interrupt and damage them down but no big deal they will sit down, hug, point, laugh whatever. i think they need a rather solid nerf especially the healing tree. u can't take down a healer 1v1 as a jugg prove it. i am lvl 48 mind you dealing with unscaled low lvls and they still reck shop its a major deterrent im lvl 48 with 48 valor and im about to switch over to a assassin/shadow because i just feel juggs dont put out enough damage in their dps tree, especially vengeance, to put pressure on a healer. and healers of corse are easy to interrupt hard to stay on cause they run away like fairy's half the time and they heal large amounts, that we then later need to chip away at for the next 10 minutes all to end up dead and have them laugh at you because they think they are good....they have every skill available to them to beat any class lets not talk about their bubble they can spam on themselves every 20 or so seconds that absorbs ridiculous amounts of damage. i get they have light armor but what is armor with all this elemental dmg, internal, fire, whatever... all that ignores armor. how are you 1v1 with your Jugg Vengeance spec tell me they are worth a damn. its the only spec i like. my glow stick does no damage . what do your dots tick at through force scream and impale are they still a joke when geared? i just want to know that these next 2 lvls are going to worth it. **** ill wait till BW decides to buff the jugg which is deserved. or are they that gear dependent? can i see your spec? by they way im not hatin, im just feelin low at these high lvls seeing all these lvl 20 sages/sorcs, mercs/commando, operative/smuggler, sniper/gunslinger, can't forget the marauders that are just so savage, i regret not making a marauder instead. i want to have fun when i play this game not a headache when trying to play to the lvls of these other class. i mean shouldn't a dps speced jugg at 48 be putting up better numbers then lvl 15's? we have more skills more skill points, we really are a gimped class. i have tried all of them jugg is by far the worst in pvp they are easily kited down, even easyer to control and keep at bay. their aoe stun woo thats great...force push instead of force pull???? cool i can also throw my lightsaber 1 time every 30 seconds 25 if rage speced :/. i need motivation im seein less and less Juggs around like they're all switching to assassins or powertechs.
  6. Indeed. most of these guys complaining for Marauders to get a buff will forever complain for buffs cause they are probably not very good w/ their class. SW/JK are the harder class' to use. especially in pvp. everyone can just kite you down easy heavy armor or not. Marauders reck, just play Annihilation and learn your rotation. utilize camo wizely and just keep up the pace marauders put out great uninterrupted damage. Try lvling a Jugg...that's the class that really needs work. cool im a tank with my giant glow stick i call a light saber. Vengeance's dots are silly and really just tickle. Rage cool so you got one move that does big damage, smash every 9 seconds. actually more then that you gotta get off obliterate or charge for the crit chance then let your force choke or force crush tick 4 times. and there is no guarantee the moves gonna hit your target that's only 2 meters away but it will miss more often then not.
  7. Completely Agree, buff/tweak/whatever its needed. wouldn't that be nice. I love the DOT factor of Force Scream and Impale but its sad when everyone just eats up the dmg, Sith Sorc included. Does Ravage feel its broken to any of you? after I charge, and start with Ravage the animation scales but it does no dmg, plus i get locked in the animation. this has happened to me several times and not just after a charge mind you. they need to give Juggs a Pull ability, gotta love push for Hutt Ball, and when your being overwhelmed, or to just push someone, to set up for another Charge. but the fact there is not a pull when every one other then SW are ranged...doesn't really make sense to me. they had it in beta why'd they get rid of it. hell even combine it w/ force choke, add more range and add a pull feature to it...hell BH Powertech's got a pull, And AOE and Charge (Rocket punch or something like that,) AND BLA BLA BLA. And range. Buff Please
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