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Jug or Mar?


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First off i have a 50 IA Sniper who i am working on getting champ geared. So i am doing daily's/weekly WZ. Outside of that, I want to start rolling an alt.


I am completely torn between Jug and Mara. With pvp in mind, what of the two is the better choice? Class difficulty doesn't matter, though the more complex the more i like it. One button wonders are boring as hell. I queue solo about 1/2 the time. The other half i am running usually with a Powertech tank, OP DPS, BH Heals.


So in short: what of the two is the better choice for pvp?


Please only respond if you are 50 w/ quality PvP experience.

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First off i have a 50 IA Sniper who i am working on getting champ geared. So i am doing daily's/weekly WZ. Outside of that, I want to start rolling an alt.


I am completely torn between Jug and Mara. With pvp in mind, what of the two is the better choice? Class difficulty doesn't matter, though the more complex the more i like it. One button wonders are boring as hell. I queue solo about 1/2 the time. The other half i am running usually with a Powertech tank, OP DPS, BH Heals.


So in short: what of the two is the better choice for pvp?


Please only respond if you are 50 w/ quality PvP experience.


Depends on what you want to do. If you like the idea of being an op ball carrier in huttball then juggernaut is for you. If you would like to do damage marauder is for you. I have a geared level 50 vengeance juggernaut and it is hard to compete with the other classes regardless of how good you are. You can do the smash crit spec as either, which is basically a one trick spec (fun for a while, gets old)

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2 sabers is better then 1 right ?


Its simple math ?


Wow. Do you really believe this?


Please, the next time you are outside, try picking up two sticks and -- if nobody is looking -- waving them around like lightsabers. When you've had your fill, put one down and try using it on its own. See how much more a) control, b) power, and c) accuracy you can put into your swings with that single blade?


Dual wielding is inherently less precise than single-wielding, particularly when the 'offhand' weapon is full-size. This has as much to do with weight (which isn't such an issue with lightsabers) as it does with length (which is totally a problem) -- even people who dual wield in real life tend to favor one weapon, and use the offhand for stabbing motions. Give that person a second full-length sword, and you're actually hamstringing them; not helping.


Count Dooku would tear the **** out of any dual-wielder in this game, as would Mace Windu, Palpatine, Yoda and, probably, Anakin. Just because you've got two glowsticks instead of one doesn't somehow make you the superior fighter -- quite the contrary, in fact.

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Wow. Do you really believe this?


Please, the next time you are outside, try picking up two sticks and -- if nobody is looking -- waving them around like lightsabers. When you've had your fill, put one down and try using it on its own. See how much more a) control, b) power, and c) accuracy you can put into your swings with that single blade?


Dual wielding is inherently less precise than single-wielding, particularly when the 'offhand' weapon is full-size. This has as much to do with weight (which isn't such an issue with lightsabers) as it does with length (which is totally a problem) -- even people who dual wield in real life tend to favor one weapon, and use the offhand for stabbing motions. Give that person a second full-length sword, and you're actually hamstringing them; not helping.


Count Dooku would tear the **** out of any dual-wielder in this game, as would Mace Windu, Palpatine, Yoda and, probably, Anakin. Just because you've got two glowsticks instead of one doesn't somehow make you the superior fighter -- quite the contrary, in fact.


bastila shan was a sentinel and she beat revan sup


EDIT to address the OP.


You aren't going to find a whole lot of opinions that aren't completely biased. I doubt many people have both a mara and a jugg at 50 with pvp experience. I will tell you from my experience as a sentinel (= mara) that we are VERY complex. We have more defensive CDs than a jugg and thus more survivability believe it or not (unless they are tank spec) but in the rage tree a jugg will put out more damage. (they get 30% more smash damage from a T1 talent in vengeance that maras/sents don't have access to.)


I would say jugg simply because if you want to que solo you can just go tank spec for the survivability. Also they have a lot of really fun abilities like saber throw and force push.


The only thing that's really keeping me from rerolling personally is that my group already has a guardian and considering the other people in the group....I can bring the most bang for the buck by bringing a healing debuff and other group buffs (run speed/damage increase)


Bottom line is that it is a very tough choice tbh. I kinda wish I was a jugg tho

Edited by Arrianlol
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bastila shan was a sentinel and she beat revan sup


EDIT to address the OP.


You aren't going to find a whole lot of opinions that aren't completely biased. I doubt many people have both a mara and a jugg at 50 with pvp experience. I will tell you from my experience as a sentinel (= mara) that we are VERY complex. We have more defensive CDs than a jugg and thus more survivability believe it or not (unless they are tank spec) but in the rage tree a jugg will put out more damage. (they get 30% more smash damage from a T1 talent in vengeance that maras/sents don't have access to.)


I would say jugg simply because if you want to que solo you can just go tank spec for the survivability. Also they have a lot of really fun abilities like saber throw and force push.


The only thing that's really keeping me from rerolling personally is that my group already has a guardian and considering the other people in the group....I can bring the most bang for the buck by bringing a healing debuff and other group buffs (run speed/damage increase)


Bottom line is that it is a very tough choice tbh. I kinda wish I was a jugg tho


Thanks for the insight arrianlol. It makes everything a bit clearer. I have no problem running solo pvp as dps.. i have done it about 99% of the time on my sniper. It is just now my guild is catch up. From our break down we have 3 to 4 tanks, 3 to 4 years, and 2 or 3 DPS (including my Sniper).


For reference my main set of people to run with is a mix and match of: DPS OP, Tank PT, 2x healing BH. Not only am i looking for a class that benefits me, but one that will benefit/compliment my pvp group as well.

ATM: i primarily ONLY run with the DPS OP (who could go healing if i asked).


What i am worried about on the Jug is only really being viable in huttball, which is majority of my games anyways. I can see taunts/guard being great for an organized team and the leaps are good in HB but outside of that, do jugs fall lack luster? i.e. running Voidstar or Alderan (spelling??) where objective points arnt soo much reliant on a tank capturing but more so beating the opposing team down long enough for anyone to capture the point. I have also heard the jug play style is a tad... "dull" which i am kind of concerned about.


In regards to marauder i am not worried about complexity. The more complex the better really. I guess my concerns for this class is its ability to survive solo. We also have 0 marauders in the guild and i think 1 person just rerolled to jug. I am use to running solo DPS so i know i will die. I also know it wont be the same as a tank jug, which i am not worried about. I just dont want it to be like in WAR where melee was a spam fest of choppas/slayers and if you didnt have guard/heals you just became a spec on the floor.


So with the new information provided do you still stand with your previous recommendation?


I am just throwing all my comments/questions/concerns out there cause thats what i do. It takes me a long time to decide what to play because i want to be 100% sure. When i do chose a class, it ends up going to being played completely to the max.

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What i am worried about on the Jug is only really being viable in huttball, which is majority of my games anyways. I can see taunts/guard being great for an organized team and the leaps are good in HB but outside of that, do jugs fall lack luster? i.e. running Voidstar or Alderan (spelling??) where objective points arnt soo much reliant on a tank capturing but more so beating the opposing team down long enough for anyone to capture the point. I have also heard the jug play style is a tad... "dull" which i am kind of concerned about.

Rage jugg is imo the spec with the most dynamic feel due to the obscene mobility it has, so no need to worry about boring unless you insist on playing tanking spec.

Taunts are always useful, always when I see some sorc or sentinel open up on some guy I taunt him... instant 5k defender medal and aoe taunts in team fights are sick. Don't need to be very organized to utilize them.

also ppl bunch up more in civil war and voidstar which just buffs my dmg since my main attack is an aoe.

all in all the AC is pretty boss if you play a dps spec and are not afraid to swap form to guard and taunt threats on cd.

tanking spec is just a lame imo, tanks are good for guard and taunts, tanking spec does nothing to improve those abilities so you are left with the same tanking abilities dps specced juggs have.

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bastila shan was a sentinel and she beat revan sup



Though she used a doubleblade instead of dual wielding two singles, she had a couple other Jedi with her, and Revan was weakened from Malaks attack on his ship already. Thats my nerdy good deed for the day.


No I didnt have anything useful to contribute to this thread LOL. Though I think Juggs look waaay cooler than Maras do.

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Marauders are GIMPED, even WITH gear. Jug's will out DPS 9 times out of 10. Yes I have both, and yes full champion each.


It's actually retarded. The only argument you can make for Marauders is their 8 second kick, and undying rage (5 sec of 99% damage reduction). If you go into a WZ at level 50 from green gear - full champion gear Jugg in rage will easily crack 300k if you just face roll, like literally take your face and roll it on your keyboard.


Mara you screw your rotation once, you might as well start dancing. Oh yes as great as charge is, it's not as great as stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun stun.


I Love my Mara more, but Jug just beats it out.

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Wow. Do you really believe this?


Please, the next time you are outside, try picking up two sticks and -- if nobody is looking -- waving them around like lightsabers. When you've had your fill, put one down and try using it on its own. See how much more a) control, b) power, and c) accuracy you can put into your swings with that single blade?


Dual wielding is inherently less precise than single-wielding, particularly when the 'offhand' weapon is full-size. This has as much to do with weight (which isn't such an issue with lightsabers) as it does with length (which is totally a problem) -- even people who dual wield in real life tend to favor one weapon, and use the offhand for stabbing motions. Give that person a second full-length sword, and you're actually hamstringing them; not helping.


Count Dooku would tear the **** out of any dual-wielder in this game, as would Mace Windu, Palpatine, Yoda and, probably, Anakin. Just because you've got two glowsticks instead of one doesn't somehow make you the superior fighter -- quite the contrary, in fact.


I went jugg cus I always thought only nubs and wanabes dual wielded.

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For DPS, Marauder's have better sustained damage but Rage Jugs have more burst. Not many people play Marauder well enough to match the overall DPS of a Rage Jug. And if you want to tank, then obviously you go Jug. Edited by RocketL
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Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in. I am also having the same issue of choosing between Jug or Mara. I dont have a lvl 50 anything yet (Highest is a 33 OP) but my personal thought on your situation is this: You currently have a lvl 50 Sniper (amazing dps'er btw, cudos!) so why not try the Jug to simply play something other than pure dps? Just a thought. Hope it helps a tad bit.
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You have a vanish, cloak of pain, and saber ward.


Juggs have saber ward.


Juggs do have armor too, but it's negligible even before you factor in all the classes that have talents to ignore XX% of armor.


That said, Juggs will still run the ball better in huttball or whatever, but really only immortal spec'd.

Edited by Thraze
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2 sabers looks more awesome.


I've only got firsthand experience as mara. As far as I understand it, its mostly a tradeoff between survivability(and some slight extra ball carrying ability) for damage.


Marauder is slightly more complex and has more cooldowns available too.

Edited by Sayc
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