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Is every class bad?


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Because it seems that way on the forums.


Every class is "the worst". How is that theoretically possible...


Nope. Most people just want to stand there and mash the '1' key on their keyboard because they're used to being able to macro all their skills onto a single button.

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Don't worry, it's not just here. Every game that has an official forums is failing, has poor class balance, and every class is OP, all at the same time.


It's in every game. The forums are a vast minority of players and not even remotely representative of a game's playerbase.

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The only classes "not bad" are, coincidentally, the two classes that pad the meters easiest in PvP.


Mercs and Sorcs.



Putting in WZ scoreboards without also having an accompanying combat log for PvE was stupid. Now people all equate their performance on the lulzpvpmeters to performance in PvE and that translates into "our class sucks" threads galore.

Edited by Marak
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Because it seems that way on the forums.


Every class is "the worst". How is that theoretically possible...


Basically you should Sorcerer/Sage/Merc/Commando is you want to Heal or DPS. Powertech/Vanguard if you want to Tank.


Because they are way overpowered and everything else broken.


That is general forum consensuses. And wrong.


These 3/6 classes are certainly the easiest to play, but the rest all work, people just fail at playing them properly.

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The same rule has been in every single MMO ever released and it goes like this:


There are no bad specs/classes only bad players.


And it couldn't be more wrong!


I played a droid engineer in SWG at launch. Thats the best example I can think of for total worthlessness. Crafters that craft nothing anyone wanted!


This game gets pretty close to the rule though. Even the weak classes in weak specs aren't terrible. Its leaps and bounds better than WoW on launch.

Edited by ducksmyth
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