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Biggest reason why Empire always win WZ or almost.


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The biggest reason why empire win most of the time over republic is not becaues the class are imbalanced, it's because the fact that a lot of empire skill cause internal and elemental damage which the Republic side can't or barely can mitigate.


Sure we have the Sage buff, but if you died then most likely 90% of the game you won't have the buff and thus have at best 11% reduction.


Sure we have some classes that can do internal damage or elemental but the damage the amount of damage these skill do and the frequency they can be used doesn't even compare with the two most played class on Empire side, Sorcerer and BH.


So until either gear have elemental/internal defense on them or they increase amount of buffs gained from armor to elemental/internal to 20%-25% (0.5% per level is not far fecth) base then the republic will always have an edge in combat. After all most of Empire skills gets reduced by 30-50% where the Empire in most cases their damage only gets reduced by 11%-21% if they lucky to have the buff.

Edited by aaradun
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The biggest reason why empire win most of the time over republic is not becaues the class are imbalanced by much, it's because the fact that a lot of empire skill cause internal and elemental damage which Republic side can't or barely can mitigate.


Sure we have the Sage buff, but if you died and then most likely 90% of the game you won't have the buff and thus have at best 11% reduction.


Sure we have some classes that can do internal damage or elemental but the damage the cause and frequency they can be used doesn't even compare with the two mainly played class on Empire side. Sorcerer and BH.


So until either gear have elemental/internal defense on them or they increase amount of buffs gained from armor the republic will always have an edge in combat. After all most of Empire skills gets reduced by 30-50% where the Empire in most cases their damage only gets reduced by 11%-21% if they lucky to have the buff.


id like to play on your server. on my server empire gets stomped in warzones 9 out of 10 times. only time we dont get crushed is when we are playing another empire team in huttball.


illum however is a much different story.

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The biggest reason why empire win most of the time over republic is not becaues the class are imbalanced by much, it's because the fact that a lot of empire skill cause internal and elemental damage which Republic side can't or barely can mitigate.


Sure we have the Sage buff, but if you died and then most likely 90% of the game you won't have the buff and thus have at best 11% reduction.


Sure we have some classes that can do internal damage or elemental but the damage the cause and frequency they can be used doesn't even compare with the two mainly played class on Empire side. Sorcerer and BH.


So until either gear have elemental/internal defense on them or they increase amount of buffs gained from armor the republic will always have an edge in combat. After all most of Empire skills gets reduced by 30-50% where the Empire in most cases their damage only gets reduced by 11%-21% if they lucky to have the buff.


Actually most Imperial classes do ENERGY damage which is mitigated by armor just like kinetic. A Sorcs Force Lightning does energy which somehow people on this forum thinks bypasses armor.


Unless you can provide a spesific example of a Republic side ability that does kinetic/energy and the Imperial side does internal/elemental then this just sounds like hyperbole.


FYI I'm a Sage and my win rate on Bloodworty EU is at least 70%. Though I tend to queue with a friend and just having one useful team mate helps push the win/lose rate quite a bit. But on average Republics win quite a lot here.

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The biggest reason why empire win most of the time over republic is not becaues the class are imbalanced, it's because the fact that a lot of empire skill cause internal and elemental damage which the Republic side can't or barely can mitigate.


Sure we have the Sage buff, but if you died then most likely 90% of the game you won't have the buff and thus have at best 11% reduction.


Sure we have some classes that can do internal damage or elemental but the damage the amount of damage these skill do and the frequency they can be used doesn't even compare with the two most played class on Empire side, Sorcerer and BH.


So until either gear have elemental/internal defense on them or they increase amount of buffs gained from armor to elemental/internal to 20%-25% (0.5% per level is not far fecth) base then the republic will always have an edge in combat. After all most of Empire skills gets reduced by 30-50% where the Empire in most cases their damage only gets reduced by 11%-21% if they lucky to have the buff.


Umm... The Trooper has exactly the same elemental/tech attacks as the BH. The Consular has the same as the Sorc...


You realize the classes are mirrored, and while the animations and names are different the actual attacks are the same...

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This is among the most ignorant and misguided things I've read on this board. Please stop.


i/ve played both a sorc and a sage and i can see the difference in a sec. Telekinec throw hits for 400-500 per tic. Lightinhg strikee 1k. If you think i'm ignorant then you try both class and come back and tell me differently

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Umm... The Trooper has exactly the same elemental/tech attacks as the BH. The Consular has the same as the Sorc...


You realize the classes are mirrored, and while the animations and names are different the actual attacks are the same...


except replublic versions are bugged...two examples are full auto and mortar volley :S

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i/ve played both a sorc and a sage and i can see the difference in a sec. Telekinec throw hits for 400-500 per tic. Lightinhg strikee 1k. If you think i'm ignorant then you try both class and come back and tell me differently


First, I'm assuming you meant Force Lightning in order to compare similar abilities.


Second, Force Lightning hits for 400-500 per tick.

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Or it could be the fact that the Republic side is littered with 12 year olds.


Having spent a fair amount of time in general in various locales, for both factions, I can say that tired old assumption is false for this game. With that said, I've yet to witness anything in PvP that convinces me that one side has a huge advantage over the other. Whichever team is better coordinated wins. I mostly play Republic and actually have a pretty good winning percentage. In the Ilum PvP area, the Sith run when they see my guild group arrive (even when there's just 3 of us). Then again, if I was a lone Sith and saw 3-4 Republic from same guild coming my way, I'd probably abandon the post too lol. Hopefully when both sides get more 50's that area will get more lively...one can dream right? Judging from the boards though, I guess my experience isn't typical...

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The biggest reason why empire win most of the time over republic is not becaues the class are imbalanced, it's because the fact that a lot of empire skill cause internal and elemental damage which the Republic side can't or barely can mitigate.


Sure we have the Sage buff, but if you died then most likely 90% of the game you won't have the buff and thus have at best 11% reduction.


Sure we have some classes that can do internal damage or elemental but the damage the amount of damage these skill do and the frequency they can be used doesn't even compare with the two most played class on Empire side, Sorcerer and BH.


So until either gear have elemental/internal defense on them or they increase amount of buffs gained from armor to elemental/internal to 20%-25% (0.5% per level is not far fecth) base then the republic will always have an edge in combat. After all most of Empire skills gets reduced by 30-50% where the Empire in most cases their damage only gets reduced by 11%-21% if they lucky to have the buff.


No, just no.


There is many people on the republic side that do well. The people that lose consistantly are the ones that blame other people for their failures. Insted of looking for ways they can win they come to the boards and make up BS excuses for why they fail. Stop making excuses and look for ways to get better.

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how so?


Mortar Volley doesn't start doing damage until 1.5 sec into the cast. In PvE or PvP if the targets move during the first 1.5sec, they won't take damage. Death from Above the damage starts immediately.


Full Auto doesn't start doing damage until 1.5sec in, also, and if you take any damage while channeling it, you'll only get a maximum of 2 hits in from the 3-hit channel.

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Mortar Volley doesn't start doing damage until 1.5 sec into the cast. In PvE or PvP if the targets move during the first 1.5sec, they won't take damage. Death from Above the damage starts immediately.


Full Auto doesn't start doing damage until 1.5sec in, also, and if you take any damage while channeling it, you'll only get a maximum of 2 hits in from the 3-hit channel.


thats just lag, it happens to me all the time on my bh


unload will literally start shooting after the channelling is already done

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thats just lag, it happens to me all the time on my bh


unload will literally start shooting after the channelling is already done


No it's not. Having playing both a Mercenary and a Vanguard I can say for certain that Death from Above and Mortal Volley act completely different. There's also a dozen other threads about it.


There's a ton of other stuff too, like Project having a travel time whereas Shock doesn't. Empire knockbacks being instant, and Republic having an animation before casting, etc. There's literally like 30 or so skills where the Empire version is superior.

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No it's not. Having playing both a Mercenary and a Vanguard I can say for certain that Death from Above and Mortal Volley act completely different. There's also a dozen other threads about it.


There's a ton of other stuff too, like Project having a travel time whereas Shock doesn't. Empire knockbacks being instant, and Republic having an animation before casting, etc. There's literally like 30 or so skills where the Empire version is superior.





Death from Above and Mortar Volley are the same thing, but the animation and ability delay is horrid. The CASTING for Mortar Volley begins at 1.5 seconds, but the actual damage doesn't hit until the cast timer reads ~1.0 sec left. The ability continues firing after the cast bar is gone. It's absolutely HORRIBLE.


Anyone who thinks differently, just go start up one of each and get the abilities and go to a nice quiet place in PVE and use them. The difference for the sides is mind blowing in just regular 60fps PVE.


Edit: And yes, Full Auto is interruptable (i.e., nullifying a tick of damage) vs the BH equivalent.

Edited by Jassie
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