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R.I.P Physics: How Bioware butchered Netwon


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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


Yes, this drives me crazy also. One time I accidentally jumped on an elevator and had like 4k in damage. I don't break my leg if I jump in an elevator in real life. Fix this nonsense.

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I don't know about you, but I don't remember many people being able to jump as high as most characters in games do.


If you are really upset about Newton's laws being broken, I would recommend going to talk to Nintendo about Mario's ability to almost fly every jump.


Bioware has done no worse on jumping abilities than any other MMO that allows it.


P.S. I believe the elevators are moving more quickly than what RL elevators do also. Meaning comparing an elevator in RL to one in the game doesn't work in the first place. If you really want to have elevators work 'better' they would probably have to be slowed down a decent bit. Causing no end of complaints about slow elevators.

Edited by Elross
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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


Did you write a ticket about it to get it fixed?

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If physics were realistic in this game, I certainly wouldn't ever be fighting some of those giant beasts.


I don't care how strong or tough you are. A Rancor would tear you into little pieces.


Not to mention that there would be approximately zero Jedi in the galaxy because they'd all die from jumping off the long, spiral ramps at the temple in Tython.

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I don't care much for realism in video games (even though I am quite interested in physics), but jumping is just terrible in SWTOR (not just in elevators, but in general). My guess is BioWare just hates MMO players, especially those who like to jump, they even made the platforming for datacrons just to to show us how much their jumping sucks (it is absolutely not enjoyable).
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When Bowdaar starts tossing people against bulkheads and they bounce around like so many playground kickballs, I get the same little kid chuckle I get when I Stockstrike an Imperial in PvP.


Those are SWTOR wookie physics... and they shall not change!

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"this has cost me many a repair bill!"


Seriously? Ok I get that its kinda dumb that it works that way... but probably not as dumb as the person who keeps doing it after the rest of us learned our lesson the first time. (or not at all if they aren't ADD spaz jumpers)


Of all the bugs/problems in this game, this is one you feel should be the focus of the dev's attention and worth a forum rant?

Edited by lueckjathom
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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.

Um...I know you're upset, but you're actually wrong. If you are on an elevator and it is going down and you jump up with sufficient force to counteract the elevator's momentum, it is theoretically possible to hurt yourself on the landing depending on how far the elevator traveled down before you landed.


In other words, if you jump high enough on an open elevator, you can hurt yourself from the fall.

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Um...I know you're upset, but you're actually wrong. If you are on an elevator and it is going down and you jump up with sufficient force to counteract the elevator's momentum, it is theoretically possible to hurt yourself on the landing depending on how far the elevator traveled down before you landed.


In other words, if you jump high enough on an open elevator, you can hurt yourself from the fall.

Only in an accelerating elevator, but that goes into the theory of relativity...

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Um...I know you're upset, but you're actually wrong. If you are on an elevator and it is going down and you jump up with sufficient force to counteract the elevator's momentum, it is theoretically possible to hurt yourself on the landing depending on how far the elevator traveled down before you landed.


In other words, if you jump high enough on an open elevator, you can hurt yourself from the fall.


but you still only fall, the height you have jumped.

sorry but Relativity still apply.

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