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Why do people with Female Characters not suck?


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It seems like people who play female toons (guys or girls) are generaly much nicer people. They seem more willing to help you out. They won't bash you in general chat. And they always seem more willing to group up.


I have only been playing MMO's for like 2 years, nut it seemed to be the same thing on WOW too.


Maybe it's girls playing as girls and they are just nice people. Maybe it's guys playing as girls and being helpful so people will send them stuff.


Just wanted to get some opinions?

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Hehe, I've noticed this, too. I'm not sure if it's guys role-playing or what. Also, I've noticed that people with 'normal' toon names tend to be less douchetastical than the guys named stuff like, "L33TG4M3RZ"


I've always tried to be at least semi-friendly in game. I'm always looking to bring people into our guild family, and treating strangers like jackholes is not conducive to building your guild family.

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This seems a proper place to thank the two 50 female sorcs who ran me and another 35ish guy through Boarding Party and Foundry last night for no reason other than to be nice.


Names escape me at the moment but they were both female toons. Thanks to those two!


Also the 49 female sorc who runs heroics with me every day Zeilandra (or something close to that)


(server space slug)


Whoa they were all sorcs... Sorcs = Nicest class?

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But all in all it was fun and it feels good to help out other players. Plus it's a good way to find potential recruits for the guild.


I've been running my guild for almost 9 years now. And this is the FIRST time I've struggled to find new members for a game. I'm not one to spam at the fleet or anything-- but it's been really tough for me to find fresh blood here.


Must be losin' my touch.

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I've been running my guild for almost 9 years now. And this is the FIRST time I've struggled to find new members for a game. I'm not one to spam at the fleet or anything-- but it's been really tough for me to find fresh blood here.


Must be losin' my touch.


I ran a guild in WoW for years before quiting so i know ur pain. The biggest problem my guild is having atm is getting active members.

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This seems a proper place to thank the two 50 female sorcs who ran me and another 35ish guy through Boarding Party and Foundry last night for no reason other than to be nice.


Names escape me at the moment but they were both female toons. Thanks to those two!


Also the 49 female sorc who runs heroics with me every day Zeilandra (or something close to that)


(server space slug)


Whoa they were all sorcs... Sorcs = Nicest class?


We're just the most common class. lol

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Aren't women, in general, just more nurturing, mothering, caring? My wife is all these and I'm not.


Or, maybe, I should say aren't men, in general, not as caring or nurturing?


Anyway, the funny thing is, the only time I played a female char in another game, I played a healer. Felt that was the most appropriate gender [edit] to play as a healer.


I remember when I joined a pug and got on voicechat to explain some things and another member of the pug -- a female -- gets on voicechat and says, "Whoa, are you a guy?"


I said, "No, I just smoke alot and have a deep voice." LOL

Edited by Force_Me
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Aren't women, in general, just more nurturing, mothering, caring? My wife is all these and I'm not.


Or, maybe, I should say aren't men, in general, not as caring or nurturing?


Anyway, the funny thing is, the only time I played a female char in another game, I played a healer. Felt that was the most appropriate class to play as a healer.


I remember when I joined a pug and got on voicechat to explain some things and another member of the pug -- a female -- gets on voicechat and says, "Whoa, are you a guy?"


I said, "No, I just smoke alot and have a deep voice." LOL


Rofl. I share my account with my sis, did the same on WoW, and encountered similar situations like the one you described. And all of em ended hilariously.

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I play both male and female characters. One big thing I've noticed is when playing a female character I tend to get treated nicer, by both men and women. Maybe the reason people who play female characters aren't jerks is because they haven't been made quite as cynical by people being jerks to them.
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I play Boy and girl characters, being a girl I find that its fun to mix up the character's sexes. For a long time I could not play women because I always had some weirdo private asking me if I was a a REAL GURL and then sending me all these odd sexual innuendos. A lot of players also equated females as being inherently incompetent at games. I switched to playing guy characters and no one asked if I was a real boy and was treated a lot differently.


It does seem that in this MMO, people have gotten over the paranoia of whether or not the person playing is a real girl and the sexual harassment has ceased. As for whether female characters are nicer, I think women have different goals for games. It isn't about being the best, its about having fun, so why not help people along the way? I personally find in this game its better to pair up. When someone invites me, I take the invite, unless I have to log off in 10 minutes. I have been poking around the forums and the people who seem to be the least happy are those that went about the game solo. I think its better to approach this game trying to make as many friends as possible.


By the way, I have met guys in this game that are just as nice to team up with. It isn't about male or female toons. Girls just appear to be more approachable and less intimidating so people find themselves able to approach them and invite them to stuff. As a girl character I get invited ALL the time to parties, heroics, etc. When I was playing my male, no one even approached me. Its all about perception...

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As a girl character I get invited ALL the time to parties, heroics, etc. When I was playing my male, no one even approached me. Its all about perception...


Yeah, I've noticed that. Many years ago I had started SWG with a male character, and couldn't get anywhere in terms of groups or guilds or friends. No one would give me the time of day. So I rolled a female character, and found so many friends, an awesome guild, always things to do and people to play with.


However not all female characters are personable and great. I run across some trashy talking, rude, jerks as female characters sometimes (not often). I can instantly tell they are just some typical male pig who rolled a female character for the 'lulz', and doesnt give a crap about anyone. I usually kick them out of group pretty fast (or leave the group).


My female characters tend to always be helpful, but intolerant of those who treat others bad. My male characters tend to run solo, loners, in it for themselves.

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I'm a guy and I play as females, and often like to help out low lvl characters. I have chronic low self-esteem, and it makes me feel a bit better about myself. I never ever do it for free items, I don't give a damn about that. I just find satisfaction in being nice to people in the game, helping those who genuinely need it.
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While I will eventually have male and female toons, right now, I have 2 females (BH and Sorc). I play with (and without) my husband and brother (and a bunch of friends) and it seems I'm always the one to stop and help a stranger (either by shooting at the mob, or healing the other player) and they just run on by. To me, it's more of a "Pay It Forward" since I've had people help me from time to time (more on my Sorc than the BH, since my BH rocks).
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I've been running my guild for almost 9 years now. And this is the FIRST time I've struggled to find new members for a game. I'm not one to spam at the fleet or anything-- but it's been really tough for me to find fresh blood here.


Must be losin' my touch.


My guild is having the same issue too. We are looking for a few active players but it seems like most people have already settled on guilds. I guess that prelaunch guild stuff really worked.

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While I will eventually have male and female toons, right now, I have 2 females (BH and Sorc). I play with (and without) my husband and brother (and a bunch of friends) and it seems I'm always the one to stop and help a stranger (either by shooting at the mob, or healing the other player) and they just run on by. To me, it's more of a "Pay It Forward" since I've had people help me from time to time (more on my Sorc than the BH, since my BH rocks).


I do similar. :) I will always cast my character buff on random passersby too. Also if it looks like someone's struggling with a fight, I will stop what I am doing and watch. If it looks like there is a strong chance they might die, I will assist. But sure, I know some don't like that (because they weren't actually in trouble), so I'm very cautious.

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Guys playing girls are secure in their manhood, meaning they are normally more mature. Mature people enjoy helping others, while immature people are deviant little *****s when it comes to MMOs.


I play a mixture of male and female characters, I will never take an objective someone is waiting for, I always offer advice in gen chat(assuming the question is not straight retarded), i dont act better than people because they are new(we were all noobs once), i dont steal chests people are obviously working towards, tag champs people are in front of, roll need for companions or so i can pull mods out because i like the look, and I always offer to group when multiple people are waiting fro respawns, ect, ect. I have to admit, i do call out the ******es and idiots and make fun of them from time to time, but they deserve it, esp the ones that try and put down a new player for asking reasonable questions.


Yet every day i run into 3-4 of these types of players, and you are right, they are almost ALWAYS male charactrs. I really feel that what i said holds true. There response is always, get over it dude, its just a game(which is exactly why i dont do this ****, its a game, im not fighting for my survival or something), or **** you. ITs times like this I wish it was 100 years from now, and our brains were hooked up to the internet, and I could in turn use my newly aqcuired mental powers to explode their brain!


People who are immature deviant *****s cant act this way in public cause they will get beat down, so they act this way in the virtual world. Sadly, it will never end.

Edited by Saberolson
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Hah. Well, I am a girl and I'm nice to people. Until you pull me into fire in Huttball.


I don't like to burn bridges though, it's better to have friends than enemies. One day that "noob in /1" might be the guild leader of the top raiding guild on my server, and he'll remember me as "That nice person from general chat" when I go to apply! LOL

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Guys playing girls are secure in their manhood, meaning they are normally more mature. Mature people enjoy helping others, while immature people are deviant little *****s when it comes to MMOs.


I play a mixture of male and female characters, I will never take an objective someone is waiting for, I always offer advice in gen chat(assuming the question is not straight retarded), i dont act better than people because they are new(we were all noobs once), i dont steal chests people are obviously working towards, tag champs people are in front of, roll need for companions or so i can pull mods out because i like the look, and I always offer to group when multiple people are waiting fro respawns, ect, ect. I have to admit, i do call out the ******es and idiots and make fun of them from time to time, but they deserve it, esp the ones that try and put down a new player for asking reasonable questions.


Yet every day i run into 3-4 of these types of players, and you are right, they are almost ALWAYS male charactrs. I really feel that what i said holds true. There response is always, get over it dude, its just a game(which is exactly why i dont do this ****, its a game, im not fighting for my survival or something), or **** you. ITs times like this I wish it was 100 years from now, and our brains were hooked up to the internet, and I could in turn use my newly aqcuired mental powers to explode their brain!


People who are immature deviant *****s cant act this way in public cause they will get beat down, so they act this way in the virtual world. Sadly, it will never end.


Pretty much this. Also, playing a female arms warrior while wielding a weapon that was almost as tall as my character was amusing to me.

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