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Poll: Would You Play This Game if it Wasn't Star Wars?


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It would depend entirely on the setting it was.


If it was like WoW or GW2's upcoming setting, no way. I'm done with elves, furries and techno-hobbits.


If it was a different space setting, or an original fantasy setting, I'd probably still play.

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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


Yes, lets pick something, remove what makes it good, and then ask if it would still be good.

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I hadn't thought about it much, but in all honesty I probably wouldn't play if it wasn't star wars or any other skin I cared about.


But then I only played wow and war because I recognised and understood the IP.


I also play rift and enjoy it for various reasons but the story and world isn't one of them.

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Yes, lets pick something, remove what makes it good, and then ask if it would still be good.


It's a valid question. It's relevant to researching, say, how much weight brand names of franchises really carry. Star Wars seems to carry a lot of weight with it.

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Yes, lets pick something, remove what makes it good, and then ask if it would still be good.


What makes the game 'good' is subjective, changing from one person to the next hence my curiosity. Thanks for your answer, even if it was in the form of a snarky question.


On the other hand a Mass Effect mmo might be enough to keep me subscribed- at least for a short time.

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The short answer is 'no'.


The long answer is that I have played WOW for years and am looking for something new. This game is the latest in a line of MMOs that have been released since WOW. All of them have been seriously flawed in their own ways and this one is no different. The responsiveness and fluidity of this game comes nowhere near the standards set by WOW, and that is very difficult for me to adapt to.


Fortunately for Bioware, I am simply finished with WOW due to excessive over-exposure. As a result, I am giving this game more time than I gave any of those other MMOs. It being Star Wars really helps as I've loved Star Wars since I was a child. But the fact remains that I am teetering with this game. Its a love hate relationship at present, but Bioware are getting my money because, for me anyway, there is no alternative at present.

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It would really have depended on what it was. Assuming it was still a sci-fi setting, I'd likely have tried it. What drew me to the game was BioWare more than Star Wars (though SW was gravy).


A Mass Effect MMO would've been equally awesome.


But if it had been another high-fantasy MMO, I probably would've passed.

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It depends what they opted for instead. Theme/subject matter comes into play for any game I play. I'm a gamer and a big Star Wars fan. Naturally, I was going to give this one a try. I did and I think it's a solid game with a ton of potential. I don't play every Star Wars game out there. It has to be a good game. I ditched SWG real quick after the CU turned it to garbage. On the flip side I've passed on many AAA games due to lack of interest in subject matter. I never played WoW. Not b/c it's not a good game or anything, I just have no interest in that particular theme.
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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


I play most MMOs at launch, they are all fun for a while. Star Wars or flying fairies, it doesn't matter much to me.

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Nope not a damn chance its half way between games and does none right its trying to be kotor 3 and fails miserably at it ,and tries to be a mmo the first iv'e ever played with no player interaction ,unfriendly or just plain no game chat and the fact im on a full server and can some times go days without seeing another player on a planet.


Now if they remade the game to be offline solo only as is, it would probably be alot more enjoyable than what we currently have.

I dont think with time its going to get any betterall we got is a voiced time sink of a mmo with no community whatsoever which is a killer for this genre.

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