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I urge everyone that is unhappy with their class to do this.


When you Unsub it ask why you are quitting and tell BW they have until your sub runs out to fix our class.


If you decide you want to still play when your sub runs out it will cost you no more to resub.


BW is not reading these posts apparently but they will read the UNSUB posts to them.

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I always wonder what type of people come to threads like this and post people are children etc.


We are unhappy with our class trying to get it fixed this is what BW wants its customers to do.


So why does it bother other players that we want our class fixed?



BTW I'm not having a tantrum, but to say they never work is wrong you could say this nerf was due to tantrums by children just as easy.

Edited by Killabee
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Because there's nothing to fix. OPS are on par with other classes now. I play an OPS as my main- you can't have your cake and eat it too aka control and highest nuke damage. This is "nerf" was a change of playstyle and the people coming here to say "unsubbing" QQ need to rethink their methodology for getting their way.


I think BW has a very good perspective on how to balance the classes in their game.

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I payed for a stealth class with burst damage and do not have it, maybe you do play op, maybe you heal I really do not know.


But for me and many others this class broken, if your happy go play and be happy, why waste your time with children?


I hit the unsub button I will not be around much longer if BW thinks this is what the class needs to be.


But if BW wants to know how to keep me as a customer I feel I should let them know.


Do you really see a problem with people that are gonna quit telling BW why?


Or how to keep them?


Ops are not on par with Sorcs/Sages and that is the class you see the most of.

Edited by Killabee
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I think BW has a very good perspective on how to balance the classes in their game.




Look how well they balanced Illum and crafting professions.


They haven't even fixed all the talents in the Op trees. Some flat out don't work. Matter of fact, they haven't fixed a single one.

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Actually playing concealment.


Like I said, "you can't have your cake and eat it too aka control and highest nuke damage."


RE: "...if your happy go play and be happy, why waste your time with children?"


If that's how you would like to be referred to then fine, but I am not allowed to debate? I thought that was one of the many purposes of public forums. Light sarcasm aside, perhaps threads protesting the "nerf" to OPS should contain in the title, "Not interested in arguments against our topic".

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Those of you complaining do realize it takes time to fix things, right? You also realize that every one of the 16 other classes has complaints, in addition to the general issues, crew skill issues, mission issues, etc. that people complain about? Also, game balancing is a constant process (look at WoW... how many years and still tweaking).


This game has been available for what, 7 weeks.


Come back on here and make posts like this when you've gone a year with the same issues and BioWare hasn't said boo about them (happened alot in WoW).

Edited by saltorio
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So much whining :/


It's like people have the patience of a 1 year old on these forums (ie. get what you want, or cry all day every day until you get it), the class got nerfed. It's a big nerf for some, not so big a nerf for others somehow. One should think that such a seasoned community, consisting almost entirely of ex WoW players would be more accustomed to their class being nerfed and buffed et al. If being nerfed slightly on your favourite class caused you to unsub, then you probably didn't want to play the game to begin with.

As for myself, I feel the class could use a lift, but it's not so bad that I can't be effective at whatever I do, with a little effort and adaptability.

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I wonder how many problems could be fixed if they had two seperate sets of rules, one for pve and one for pvp.


To me damage, armour, etc seems to be a major issue in every single MMO I have played. PVP always seems to get PVE nerfed... without nerfing the pve content.


I would think they could have a flag, either a 1 or a 0 depending upon whether a target is pvp or pve. AOE would treat everything as PVP if even one PVP target was present...


Management is all about managing problems. This issue could use some love.


My two cents...

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Over nerfing looses customers as BW will soon see.


I'm not going to pay a year for a game while they figure out how to fix it.


Maybe you guys think that is the way a MMO is suppose to be ran.


If you nerf a class you do it in very small steps, the main problem pre patch was burst damage.


Biochem nerf

Knockdown Nerf

Damage to spells Nerf

Armor Pen Nerf


All hit my class the same day.

If they have to work through 16 other classes before they look at mine again I'm done.


I have canceled my sub and you will not have to hear from me again when it runs out.


I'm trying my hardest to stick with this game.

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You cant say WE QQ'd lol its all kids like you saying our class is OP when it really wasn't ;/ So you can stop QQing about every class but your own and grow a pair. Now Opertives are Under-powered and cant do **** in PvP or PvE i cant even get the 2.5k medal at lvl 40 anymore!!! i used to get it easy enough but now cant get it at all


Children and their tantrums! BW has consistently been adding new content and pushing out bug fixes and tweaking the game....grow up you bunch of snot nosed QQ's!
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amen brother. I canceled 3 days ago when i saw my pve hiddem strike go from 4200-4400 down to 3200-3800


Let me get this straight, you are unsubbing because you lost between 600 - 1K of damage on one strike. I am playing an operative now, and this simply means you have to hit 1 extra time, right?


As far as PvP goes, there is no one class that should be able to 1v1 another class. This is what was happening with Operatives. Often, with a full set of defences up and every cooldown available, operatives were dropping me in seconds, without assistance. During this time, I was unable to react. After the change, the ops are still killing me, it just takes a couple more seconds, and I have a fighting chance.


This means that if I can hold out long enough for an ally to find me, then I can potentially win. Because in 2v1, you should win.

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Let me get this straight, you are unsubbing because you lost between 600 - 1K of damage on one strike. I am playing an operative now, and this simply means you have to hit 1 extra time, right?




Your not playing this class, there is no chance if that is what you think the nerf did.

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After reading all theses post's ,I get that the IA players are mad, simply they can one shot anyone,so what you lose a little dps ,I cant tell and yes I have been killed lots of times in huttball by them with there stabby move ,its like the only one you all have right cause thats the only move I see,everyone jumped on that band waggon as soon as they heard IA were the flavor of the month.


It takes no skill to cloak and wait till someone is half health and burst dps them ,face it thats all you want is an I win button ,I rolled and IA as well and at level 13 I can kill a level 49 with ease if I catch them with there pants down /half health ......

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After reading all theses post's ,I get that the IA players are mad, simply they can one shot anyone,so what you lose a little dps ,I cant tell and yes I have been killed lots of times in huttball by them with there stabby move ,its like the only one you all have right cause thats the only move I see,everyone jumped on that band waggon as soon as they heard IA were the flavor of the month.


It takes no skill to cloak and wait till someone is half health and burst dps them ,face it thats all you want is an I win button ,I rolled and IA as well and at level 13 I can kill a level 49 with ease if I catch them with there pants down /half health ......


Tell me the one about you killing 3 people at one time or your 10k hits next LOL.


Good story though

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After reading all theses post's ,I get that the IA players are mad, simply they can one shot anyone,so what you lose a little dps ,I cant tell and yes I have been killed lots of times in huttball by them with there stabby move ,its like the only one you all have right cause thats the only move I see,everyone jumped on that band waggon as soon as they heard IA were the flavor of the month.


It takes no skill to cloak and wait till someone is half health and burst dps them ,face it thats all you want is an I win button ,I rolled and IA as well and at level 13 I can kill a level 49 with ease if I catch them with there pants down /half health ......


At level 13 you have the following skills from our rotation:







So please, the next time you want to blatantly make things up, at least do a little background research k?

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Some peoples kids... I'm sorry you didn't get every single thing your heart desires right when you want it, like your used to. The truth is, the real world doesn't work like that. Obviously you've never played an mmo immediately after release. With 1.7 million active subscribers only 6 weeks in, bioware won't be interested in posts like yours anytime soon.
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Some peoples kids... I'm sorry you didn't get every single thing your heart desires right when you want it, like your used to. The truth is, the real world doesn't work like that. Obviously you've never played an mmo immediately after release. With 1.7 million active subscribers only 6 weeks in, bioware won't be interested in posts like yours anytime soon.


You play a merc? I play a merc and a op. Both BM.


I see what you did there.

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Because there's nothing to fix. OPS are on par with other classes now. I play an OPS as my main- you can't have your cake and eat it too aka control and highest nuke damage. This is "nerf" was a change of playstyle and the people coming here to say "unsubbing" QQ need to rethink their methodology for getting their way.


I think BW has a very good perspective on how to balance the classes in their game.


You don't play an OP. Go back to the Sorc Forum you troll.

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