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Is crafting even worth the time??


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New to the game and I decided to look into the crafting to add to the fun.... I am not real familiar with it but, it seems I get better gear etc. from drops compared to what can be made so far.


Haven't seen much on crafting...so my question is this... Is it worth the time??

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I like it. While leveling, reverse engineering can get you some pretty good stuff. Better than the average drop, in my experience. But you have to carefully balance what you RE and what you sell, it can get pretty expensive. The random nature of it might drive you crazy though. Edited by daemian
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In synthweaving its worth it if you got the time and resources to reverse engineer purple recipes from the ground up for you and your alts.


But at some point it's going to take a long time (not to mention gazillion credz) to get the purple recipe you actually want due to the fact that higher level gear and mats take longer to gather and make.

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If you are looking for gear, crafting isn't the greatest choice. I think Cybertech and Biochem are the best choices for leveling gear. Once you get a third companion, you can level the crafting skills past you level very easily and be ready to equip blue or purple gear when you hit the next level.


If you want to make money, Biochem seems like the best. My consumables and implants always sell. Artifice might be a good choice too because hilts and relics are rare during questing.

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Yes, and no.


At end game, crafting doesn't really produce anything that won't be replaced with raid drops, etc.


While leveling up? It can provide you with some nice stuff.


I happen to enjoy crafting.


It could be the fact that during the day, while I sit at work, I can cycle through alts and craft all day.


My next baby character right now is in all purples until level 35 and will probably have all purples to 50 by the time I actually get around to leveling again. =D

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I enjoy the crafting. I gues it depends on what a person considers valuable before one could determine its worth. It's worth it to me to craft because I think its fun to do. I kinda pick away at it... loot a few nodes, send a couple companions out on missions, make something here and there then just take it apart....Its not the main course but a nice treat. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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From my experience the gear is better than quest gear and drops, but is it worth the time...


Depends. I have had the misfortune of spending a lot of time and credits gathering materials that I don't need. I really wish the "randomness" was more balanced. It literally seems like whatever I need 10 of, I get 50 of the opposite item before I get 10 of what I need.


These are my past 4 purposeful times sending companions to gather materials:


10 of x (what I needed), 47 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 3,000 credits]

12 of x (what I needed), 55 of y (didn't need) [over 3 hours and 4,000 credits]

8 of x (what I needed), 43 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 3,000 credits]

10 of x (what I needed), 52 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 4,000 credits]


Thankfully, some of the y materials I was able to use later or I used to craft and recoup credits (even though I didn't get crafting points). I am going to stick with it, but I am not pleased with the amount of credits spent and having no control. Especially, since I apparently can't change the RNG -- log off, switch characters, etc., etc.


This is probably my ONLY complaint about the game so far. I like the idea, just not the "crapshoot".

Edited by Force_Me
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Yes, and no.


At end game, crafting doesn't really produce anything that won't be replaced with raid drops, etc.


While leveling up? It can provide you with some nice stuff.


I happen to enjoy crafting.


It could be the fact that during the day, while I sit at work, I can cycle through alts and craft all day.


My next baby character right now is in all purples until level 35 and will probably have all purples to 50 by the time I actually get around to leveling again. =D

Your end game comments are only half true. Most people don't raid. End game crafting, especially purple loot, sells very well. The hard part is getting a recipe that people want from RE.

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New to the game and I decided to look into the crafting to add to the fun.... I am not real familiar with it but, it seems I get better gear etc. from drops compared to what can be made so far.


Haven't seen much on crafting...so my question is this... Is it worth the time??




It's expensive and you getting anything worthwhile out of it is pretty near impossible.


Take all gathering skills, sell them on the market and use the money to buy what you need. Of course, hoping that someone else is dumb enough to do crafting and put stuff on the market for you to buy.

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I find it takes relatively little of my time since companions take care of most of the crafting. I dont mind having to kill mobs to get to goods because that gives killing them some more purpose. Overall I like it and its worth your time and it can imrpove on your companions as well.


I do think some crafting skills are more interesting than others. So far I noticed that artefice gets less goods than armortech for instance because you can kill bots for them. So I havent enjoyed artefice much but did enjoy armortech and biochem.

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New to the game and I decided to look into the crafting to add to the fun.... I am not real familiar with it but, it seems I get better gear etc. from drops compared to what can be made so far.


Haven't seen much on crafting...so my question is this... Is it worth the time??


If you are new to the game, my suggestion to you would be to get gathering profs only to build up credits. You have to have close to 50k for your speeder training and speeder at level 25 and if you craft, I can almost guarantee that it will suck up all of your reserves unless you are really careful. I'd recommend just gathering to start with. Slicing, bioanalysis, archeology...and just sell the mats on gtn.


I've never been one for crafting, so that's just my 2 cents.

Edited by Kabjat
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From my experience the gear is better than quest gear and drops, but is it worth the time...


Depends. I have had the misfortune of spending a lot of time and credits gathering materials that I don't need. I really wish the "randomness" was more balanced. It literally seems like whatever I need 10 of, I get 50 of the opposite item before I get 10 of what I need.


These are my past 4 purposeful times sending companions to gather materials:


10 of x (what I needed), 47 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 3,000 credits]

12 of x (what I needed), 55 of y (didn't need) [over 3 hours and 4,000 credits]

8 of x (what I needed), 43 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 3,000 credits]

10 of x (what I needed), 52 of y (didn't need) [over 2 hours and 4,000 credits]


Thankfully, some of the y materials I was able to use later or I used to craft and recoup credits (even though I didn't get crafting points). I am going to stick with it, but I am not pleased with the amount of credits spent and having no control. Especially, since I apparently can't change the RNG -- log off, switch characters, etc., etc.


This is probably my ONLY complaint about the game so far. I like the idea, just not the "crapshoot".


Agreed!! If the gathering mission were made more specific would be awesome.


I do like the crafting in this game, to me its pretty fun. Especially compared to EQ2 which I HATED. But many enjoyed the crafting in EQ2. It was a painful horrible grind to me though. In this game you can craft while you are questing or whatever....just be prepared to stop everything when your companions return since they close out whatever you are doing window-wise.


Long story short: If you enjoy crafting, do it. If not, don't. I don't think crafting is a make or break thing at 50.

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It's expensive and you getting anything worthwhile out of it is pretty near impossible.


Take all gathering skills, sell them on the market and use the money to buy what you need. Of course, hoping that someone else is dumb enough to do crafting and put stuff on the market for you to buy.


It's expensive but profitable. If people are buying what you're selling, how is that dumb?

Edited by daemian
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Ok will explain crafting that is worth while ...

For leveling and alts .


Cybertech , cause your blue mods and amor you craft , should always be beter then mods given by rewards .

thus saving you tokens to buy beter equipment and maybe a purple case (but why bother with purple while leveling , just use and storage them , cause the armor mod can´t even be upgraded)

Headset is beter and earlier then what you can get from questing .

Endgame Headset (neeed to go make greens -blue -purple -purple with augments)

and grenades.


Artifice , blue enhancement offhand and hilts are always beter then quest reward.

saving you tokens again .

Endgame offhand (same story) and relics .


Biochem this one is time consuming , but implants and reusable medpacks are worthwhile.

Endgame best for endgame , cause of 2 augmented purple implants . aside from reusable stims .


Synthweaving and armor mech .

Leveling yeah finally you can cheaply upgrade your companions ..sadly quest reward and green drops are easier to get ...

So worthless

Endgame ... bracers and belt with augment


Armstech , barrels for leveling sadly it is cheaper to buy the barrel for 7 tokens from commendation , then craft them .

endgame guns with augment ...


Well that is about it , while leveling once you are in orange gear , cybertech and artifice comes out ahead . and are usefull for alts too .

Biochem , comes out on top in the endgame .


The last three ... bleh wish i never tried them :D

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It's expensive but profitable. If people are buying what you're selling, how is that dumb?


The cost to produce sellable goods with crafting is enormous. Most of what you produce, you have to consume in reverse engineering to get the better recipes then consume them to get even better recipes which require ingredients you can ONLY get by either buying them off the market or paying for your companions to run gathering missions. The purpose of selling stuff is to make a profit, I would say that no one could possibly turn a profit while they are leveling crafting.


There is no overhead with gathering. You pick stuff up off the ground while you're out killing rats and sell it.


Which one is the smarter option?

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16 more days until my account cancels and the crafting system is one of those reasons. It takes SO freaking long and so much money to level only to find out that you can do dailies at 50 and replace everything you can craft in a few weeks... yeah, total waste of time.


Like the PVP gear bags, there is too much randomization involved. If I need X item to level my skill I just go buy X from the AH and don't bother sending bots on missions. You will spend double the money with gathering missions and end up with a bank full of crap you cant use.

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The cost to produce sellable goods with crafting is enormous. Most of what you produce, you have to consume in reverse engineering to get the better recipes then consume them to get even better recipes which require ingredients you can ONLY get by either buying them off the market or paying for your companions to run gathering missions. The purpose of selling stuff is to make a profit, I would say that no one could possibly turn a profit while they are leveling crafting.


There is no overhead with gathering. You pick stuff up off the ground while you're out killing rats and sell it.


Which one is the smarter option?


True, you have to spend a lot up front to see the benefits. The difference is you can still pick stuff up from the ground and sell it while you're crafting. In my experience, it has been profitable, and my own gear is better than what I get from quests. I easily sell purple and blue items at a profit. Your experience is obviously different.

Edited by daemian
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