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Commando healers, really Bioware?


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Look, while stating the obvious can be a lot of, and insulting people and claiming they have no experience is as well I suppose, that doesn't change the fact that there is something fishy here which doesn't exactly help the state of the game.
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Actually have no problems with the Grav Round spam. If people find that playstyle enjoyable and Bioware think that's good gameplay, by all means go for it. Not the point of the thread though. Edited by Crowleyz
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Never had a problem with them..I nuke them in 4-5GCDs just like any other class.


Then again, maybe that's because almost all of my attacks are unmitigated by armor... and I do insane damage...


Pop my biochem adrenal and trinket...explosive fuel.. puts me at +1200 power and 56.7% crit


TD -> IM -> 4.5k-5.2k railshot followed by TD exploding for 4k followed by either flame burst for 2.3k or rocket punch for 3k and if proc followed by ANOTHER 4.5->5.5k railshot..and this is all while DoTs are rolling mind you (IM dot for 1866 over 18 secs and CGC dot that ticks for 800-1.5k depending on crits but high crit rate; all elemental unmitigated damage)


Pyrotech PTs are awesome merc killers. Railshot has 90% armor pen. Flame Burst and ALL of your dots are elemental (and your dots tick for 800-1.5k depending on power level.. crit for even more).. and you proc a LOT of railshots... with 90% armor pen they just melt.


They are no problem. If they do happen to survive my initial burst (guard or heals or whatever) I can usually just kill them spamming flame burst fishing for procs because it actually scales pretty well.. doesn't do the best damage but it's ELEMENTAL damage which means unmitigated and it also keeps your dot up,, 2.2k-2.5k a crit and a 39% base crit rate because of talents.. then your dot ticks again for 800-1.5k depending on crits.. also a 39% crit rate)


Then again, no class is really a problem at the moment for me... I seem to just melt them like butter.


Pyrotech Powertech... the best part is if I have a healer that's healing me, I can switch to IGC and just use IM for my 'flame' effect and still have guard up AND 51% mitigation from armor.. all I lose is the damage from CGC dot and the proc flame effect that I can provide myself with little loss because of thermal sensor override.

Edited by ericdjobs
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Yeah well, I'd say most of the stuff is pretty much on target atm, can use a few tweaks. But their healing specc is just far too high above everything else, even other healing classes. Like initially stated, well-geared they are almost immortal. If that's intended, ok. Just make the other healers as good at least.
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Yeah well, I'd say most of the stuff is pretty much on target atm, can use a few tweaks. But their healing specc is just far too high above everything else, even other healing classes. Like initially stated, well-geared they are almost immortal. If that's intended, ok. Just make the other healers as good at least.


You're bad.

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Never had a problem with them..I nuke them in 4-5GCDs just like any other class.


Then again, maybe that's because almost all of my attacks are unmitigated by armor... and I do insane damage...


Pop my biochem adrenal and trinket...explosive fuel.. puts me at +1200 power and 56.7% crit


TD -> IM -> 4.5k-5.2k railshot followed by TD exploding for 4k followed by either flame burst for 2.3k or rocket punch for 3k and if proc followed by ANOTHER 4.5->5.5k railshot..and this is all while DoTs are rolling mind you (IM dot for 1866 over 18 secs and CGC dot that ticks for 800-1.5k depending on crits but high crit rate; all elemental unmitigated damage)


Pyrotech PTs are awesome merc killers. Railshot has 90% armor pen. Flame Burst and ALL of your dots are elemental (and your dots tick for 800-1.5k depending on power level.. crit for even more).. and you proc a LOT of railshots... with 90% armor pen they just melt.


They are no problem. If they do happen to survive my initial burst (guard or heals or whatever) I can usually just kill them spamming flame burst fishing for procs because it actually scales pretty well.. doesn't do the best damage but it's ELEMENTAL damage which means unmitigated and it also keeps your dot up,, 2.2k-2.5k a crit and a 39% base crit rate because of talents.. then your dot ticks again for 800-1.5k depending on crits.. also a 39% crit rate)


Then again, no class is really a problem at the moment for me... I seem to just melt them like butter.


Pyrotech Powertech... the best part is if I have a healer that's healing me, I can switch to IGC and just use IM for my 'flame' effect and still have guard up AND 51% mitigation from armor.. all I lose is the damage from CGC dot and the proc flame effect that I can provide myself with little loss because of thermal sensor override.




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I've been saying this for weeks. I'm a BM with almost full BM gear and I have trouble taking out a Commando/Merc healer that has way less gear then me. If there are 2+ of them, it's literally impossible with less than 5 people. And on my server pretty much every other Republic player is a healer. Very frustrating.


What's the point of interrupting when only 1-2 of there heals have a channel time? And if you do interrupt they have 2-3 more heals that get them back to full health.

Edited by Rehsals
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As a Shadow I've found them impossible to kill.


I don't see Mercenary healers that much though, so I'm not sure if it's just a hard-counter for Shadows, or if they're OP.


I imagine something like a Marauder would make quick work of them.


If the Commando has less gear then me, yes, I eat them pretty fast. If he is equal gear we reach a stalemate. I keep my healing debuff up on him and have a 4 second interrupt with a 6 second cooldown and STILL he is able to somehow keep switching around and keeping his healing even with my dmg. Pretty much the only way as a marauder I am able to kill him is if I can whittle him down to about 30% life and get a good series of Crits. Which, of course, is luck based. I spent a few warzones simply sticking to one trooper to keep him from healing everyone. I went that entire warzone without killing him once, but he did have to focus on healing himself most of the time. If he gets a guard though yeah... you have an unkillable healer spamming heals on their tank :/

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sounds like he had guard on. the tank is squishier than the person guarded. take him out.


Yeah, im not saying commando healers arent rediculous but it sounds like you need to switch targets. Get a Sent/Maurader debuff on the target and just push them down. Then all the defensive CDs of the commando dont matter.


Now if that guy is solo guarding a node and you dont have another target, yeah that can be annoying because even if you do kill him he will take the speeder back and mortar volley you before you cap.

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It should also be noted that Commano healers are extremely gimped in PvE right now... they don't have strong HoTs, their AoE healing is crap... we did Soa last night and struggled because the heals were both commandos and couldn't keep people up reliably during the falling phases.
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It should also be noted that Commano healers are extremely gimped in PvE right now... they don't have strong HoTs, their AoE healing is crap... we did Soa last night and struggled because the heals were both commandos and couldn't keep people up reliably during the falling phases.


The OP states that he is speaking about PvP not PvE.


In PvP they are a problem.

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The problem for an Assassin is that their interrupt is on a 12sec (10 sec cooldown). Assuming you interrupt a bigger heal that's a lot of time they can still be casting heals.


Assassins are also one of the few worst classes against high armor targets. Assassins only have 2 skills that are not fully reduced by armor, and one is a proc.


Side-note: A Commando has as much or more armor than an Assassin tank.


Edit: Genesis_Shadow, I tear through sages, but can't touch mercenaries. There's no way to do enough damage to outheal them when your attacks are being reduced 40-55%.


Depends on the spec. Madness assassins have solid internal. Death Field and Creeping Terror both put out a significant amount. Especially Death Field.

Edited by Randomness
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Anyone else noticed how completely impossible it is for 2-3 people to kill a good geared Commando healer? Heavy armor, defensive cd's, uninterruptable cd, instant healing etc.


What is the point of this? Are you just trying to mock people? Hitting them for 90, 100 and then my biggest attacks CRIT for 500. In the meanwhile they are able to heal about 5-10 times that.


This entire class is a freaking gimmick, just horrible how you can actually put this in your game. Even if you by some accident manage to interrupt 3 of their heals in a row, with 2-3 people hitting them, they will have lost aproximately 20-40% hp in that time.


Anyway, that's my whine, now to my question. How do you intend to adress this?


Now, please understand that I have no personal vendetta here, I'm not interested in attempting to destroy a class that seems to basically be a good concept. I'm only interested in a leveling the playing field so to speak.


Some people argue that "Oh Commandos/Mercs are so disadvantaged compared to other healers", and yet they are the ones in heavy armor which, in my experience, piss people off more than any of the other classes. Please understand that this is strictly PvP related, if they are worse at healing in Operations, that's a totally different issue. Honestly, I doubt the classes listed that can supposedly "handle" Commandos/Mercs have much problems with the other two healing classes, probably a lot less. That goes for me as well, there is absolutely no point in going after the Commando healer, I simply can not properly damage him, at best I can distract him from healing others for a very very limited amount of time. And yet, if I do not put pressure on him, he outheals my damage easily.

This is how healing should be. Except the healer should actually be killable. Without needing 4-5 people to get him down. Now I understand that Bioware clearly had in mind a "paladin-analogue" if you will when designing this class, but I do feel they have gone slightly overboard here.


I do of course understand that there are a lot of different opinions here, and honestly "L2P" is never a good reply to anything. I've been an active PvPer in a myriad of MMO's, even to the point of accepting ingame money for "boosting" others through ratings and whatnot. I will not sit here and claim to be tha ubahgod, if your opinion is that I am the standard to which all badness should be measured, go ahead.


However, this class is a bit out of hand at the moment that is my opinion. And I welcome other people's opinion on this matter, wether you agree or not. If you do intend to introduce competitive, rated PvP in this game, you kinda need some semblance of class balance that promotes competitive playing instead of making you the laughing stock of the gaming community. I will freely admit that while watching the Ilum PvP movie after the initial Ilum change was pretty hysterical, but it also made me sad because I knew it would give this game a bad rep to potential players.


And something the haters need to understand as well, we don't criticize to be douchebags, we do it because we want the game to improve. Otherwise it's just whining for the sake of whining and that seems like a lot of unecessary whining(especially when people make threads whining about others whining).


agreed, nerf them

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