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finally got a flashpoint going!


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After spamming for 2 hours in fleet finally got a group going for directive 7(non heroic)

(Community building is fun aint it?)


I was healing, guildie was dps, we pugged tank and dps


Iv been bashing my head against laptop, and posting on these forums for lack of a good LFD system. All the fanboys defend as to why it would be bad, Heres where it would come in handy.


We were on robot boss, where 3 assasin droids come to kill you, wiped on the boss 2 times, because the melee dps were taking farr too much dmg, even with careful energy management and use of my cd, i went OOM in like 30 secs, with group wiping both times, tank bailed on us............We didnt finish run btw.


(A few subtle things, peak hours, population in fleet was down, to 180, previously it was 250 everyday at the same time, we're on empire on a heavy server btw)


This was the only time iv done a flashpoint since normal black talon @ lvl 10


Only time iv managed to have the paitence to wait and spam for more than an hour to find a group as a healer.


This is why we NEED an efficient, effective LFD system, i hear its in the works on PTR, saw screen shot, would like to hear more about it.



Edited by Darth_Bond
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The only thing a dungeon finder would do is only make you wait only a few minutes to have a terrible run and not finish the instance. Be social in groups and set yourself up to run more instance s with the good players you run into and you won't have a problem with bad groups.


I remember WoW before the LFD tool so when I started playing SWTOR I made it a point to network myself with the good players. I never have a problem finding a group for a Hard Mode Flashpoint that clears it with few to no wipes.


You should have done more flashpoints on your way up to 50. That way you would have met some other players to group up with in the future. If you look at general chat, there are probably a lot more people looking for low level flashpoints than there are endgame ones.

Edited by Prilosec
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Tbh i only did esseless so far too and im lvl 43 now waiting in fleet all day long just to get to a flashpoint to get gear i dont need seems rather pointless and a waste of my time, i dont see myself doing many flashpoints at 50 either there are way faster ways to get gear without the boring waiting. A cross server dungeon finder ( lets face it cross server is just needet too, even the rift devs saw that at the end) would make me interested in flashpoints and it was 1 of my favorite additions in wow and rift, in wow i leveled some alts only with dungeons and bgs it was just faster that way as a healer or tank.
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Only time I LFG was at level 10-11 for Black Talon.

Ran all the other flashpoints with people in my guild. Never had trouble finding a group, when asking in guild chat.

Then again, the guild I'm in has approx 250 people in it and runs two to three 16 person operations, with people waiting to sub in.

Edited by Quiet
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the real problem is that faceroll pvp offers better rewards, faster than flashpoints. an lfd in a game where there is little to no point to running the content the lfd tool is for .. won't help. Edited by azmundai
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lol yeah because ppl actually could do better things with there time then sit in citys and spam lfg...

tbh while leveling a dungeon finder is a must there is no denying that, why should i sit in fleet and spam lfg if i can quest and get comendations to get the gear i need ?

There are not even intersting storys in later dungeons that make me want to do them its just pointless.

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The only thing a dungeon finder would do is only make you wait only a few minutes to have a terrible run and not finish the instance. Be social in groups and set yourself up to run more instance s with the good players you run into and you won't have a problem with bad groups.


I remember WoW before the LFD tool so when I started playing SWTOR I made it a point to network myself with the good players. I never have a problem finding a group for a Hard Mode Flashpoint that clears it with few to no wipes.


You should have done more flashpoints on your way up to 50. That way you would have met some other players to group up with in the future. If you look at general chat, there are probably a lot more people looking for low level flashpoints than there are endgame ones.




My eldest sister has horses if you'd like to buy one. You know, to trade whatever vehicle you might drive or ride around in for.


All cars do is destroy the social aspect of traveling anywhere anyway. I remember trail rides when I was a kid wherein which you had to depend on other people to get where you were going, and you just don't have that driving in a car.


We used to make a point of camping on the 100 mile overnighters with other people so we could all pool resources and have people to talk to and maybe something to do with others during the rest hours. I never had any trouble finding other kids to play with or people to talk to in general.


But I suppose you've probably never even ridden a horse before, in all likelihood. You should've ridden more horses when you were younger if that's the case and gotten to know people in the horse scenes.


Maybe if you look around you can find some people doing it?


/unhelpful and irrelevant help

Edited by Uruare
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After spamming for 2 hours in fleet finally got a group going for directive 7(non heroic)

(Community building is fun aint it?)


I was healing, guildie was dps, we pugged tank and dps


Iv been bashing my head against laptop, and posting on these forums for lack of a good LFD system. All the fanboys defend as to why it would be bad, Heres where it would come in handy.


We were on robot boss, where 3 assasin droids come to kill you, wiped on the boss 2 times, because the melee dps were taking farr too much dmg, even with careful energy management and use of my cd, i went OOM in like 30 secs, with group wiping both times, tank bailed on us............We didnt finish run btw.


(A few subtle things, peak hours, population in fleet was down, to 180, previously it was 250 everyday at the same time, we're on empire on a heavy server btw)


This was the only time iv done a flashpoint since normal black talon @ lvl 10


Only time iv managed to have the paitence to wait and spam for more than an hour to find a group as a healer.


This is why we NEED an efficient, effective LFD system, i hear its in the works on PTR, saw screen shot, would like to hear more about it.




It's not players, BioWare cited the same reasons and they are correct - it erodes any hope of community building.


When you take the time to put a good group together, you tend to remember those people... slowly, you're running with them often, and before you know it, maybe you even form or join a guild together. And pretty soon, you never have a grouping problem again.


That's how it's supposed to work.


Now, BioWare's world design seems to have mitigated the change of running into people in the open world very often and making friends that way, which was very common in WoW. So it may be tougher here, but a LFD tool is not the way to go.

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/who 50

/tell <random needed class> heya, how would you like to join us in defending the galaxy from whatever evil that is threathening it. We are looking for <role> to do <flashpoint>



do this about 10 times and you got a group, but no, you are supprised nobody is responding to /1 LFG !!! WHERE IS EVERYBODY ! NEED HALP !


I did this on a very low population server and atm i am in a new guild clearing hm flashpoints faster then you clear the orignial ones and my friendslist is full with ppl i group with on a regular basis.


I did this on a server were max 50's population on the republic side is about 20-30 (prime time on the whole server) Hell i even managed to get enough ppl together to kill the world boss in belsavis about 10 times in a row (need 8 good geared, but we usually did it with allmost every republic 50 of the server online) and yes, that is community building, cause on our server allmost everybody knows everybody by now (except for the new influx of 50's)


Community building is not sitting on your arse waiting for tyhe community comes to you. Try to keep that in mind.

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Well what stops you to do that even if there is crosserver lfg tool? you can keep making your premade grps you dont need to use a dungeon finder. Fact is most ppl skip flashpoints while leveling fact is there are enough server where forming premade grps is almost impossible good for you if that isnt the case on your server but god i hope bioware sees the light and gives us a proper cross realm lfg tool.
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It's not players, BioWare cited the same reasons and they are correct - it erodes any hope of community building.


Bzzzt, wrong. Someone really ought to ask a sociologist or a social anthropologist, or even a bloody poli-sci major, how things like that work. Software developers? Puh-leeze. I'd sooner take community building determinations from a grapefruit.


When you take the time to put a good group together, you tend to remember those people... slowly, you're running with them often, and before you know it, maybe you even form or join a guild together. And pretty soon, you never have a grouping problem again.


Sure. Live on the game and never log off again and, in mere months, you can socially network sufficiently to group for all kinds of things whenever's convenient for you.


But...well. If you play during irregular bouts of freetime or often have to take breaks for a week or two, for say...work or family related purposes?


Oh dear. Even if you knew people, won't most of them that play more often quickly outstrip you in level and wind up associating more familiarly with...hmm...only those that also play a lot when they do?


Hmm! HMM!



That's how it's supposed to work.


Yeah. But like all myths, fables and hilariously lofty ideals, it tends to break into a bajillion little pieces on contact with mean ol' reality.


Now, BioWare's world design seems to have mitigated the change of running into people in the open world very often and making friends that way, which was very common in WoW. So it may be tougher here, but a LFD tool is not the way to go.


Why should it be hard at all? Is this an MMO or finishing school wherein which we are to be taught by the Headmaster/Developers how we ought and oughtn't go about running like constipated weiner dogs on the gear treadmill?


Gonna be a real funny bit of business moving on into the future without some great tools for expediting the elsewise ponderous and time-consuming business of relying on spamming General in fleet for anything and everything.


I'll certainly laugh at it anyway. From somewhere else in some other game that isn't trying to basically convince me that if I don't spend every available hour of my time trying to make friends in their game that I will be directly impeded in my ability to play their endgame in terms proportionate to the time I spend doing anything else, ever.


Just for some perspective there.

Edited by Uruare
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Well what stops you to do that even if there is crosserver lfg tool? you can keep making your premade grps you dont need to use a dungeon finder. Fact is most ppl skip flashpoints while leveling fact is there are enough server where forming premade grps is almost impossible good for you if that isnt the case on your server but god i hope bioware sees the light and gives us a proper cross realm lfg tool.


oh, that is easy. After crossserver LFG you will get


ninja looting

leaving group if your item didn't drop from the first boss

just plain old ******s and idiots

rageing kids thinking they are the best players in the world

rushing thru an fp without ever saying a word


indeed, community building at it's best ?

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/who 50

/tell <random needed class> heya, how would you like to join us in defending the galaxy from whatever evil that is threathening it. We are looking for <role> to do <flashpoint>



do this about 10 times and you got a group, but no, you are supprised nobody is responding to /1 LFG !!! WHERE IS EVERYBODY ! NEED HALP !


I did this on a very low population server and atm i am in a new guild clearing hm flashpoints faster then you clear the orignial ones and my friendslist is full with ppl i group with on a regular basis.


I did this on a server were max 50's population on the republic side is about 20-30 (prime time on the whole server) Hell i even managed to get enough ppl together to kill the world boss in belsavis about 10 times in a row (need 8 good geared, but we usually did it with allmost every republic 50 of the server online) and yes, that is community building, cause on our server allmost everybody knows everybody by now (except for the new influx of 50's)


Community building is not sitting on your arse waiting for tyhe community comes to you. Try to keep that in mind.


Gosh, you are wonderful... Can't spell worth a hoot, but you sure are a shining example of why we don't need anything to help group people together. Sounds like all the OP needs is for you to be his friend.

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oh, that is easy. After crossserver LFG you will get


ninja looting

leaving group if your item didn't drop from the first boss

just plain old ******s and idiots

rageing kids thinking they are the best players in the world

rushing thru an fp without ever saying a word


indeed, community building at it's best ?


I'm quite ready for these side effects. From my experience with WoW's LFG, it's roughly around 20% of all runs. And I have a level 85 toon, that's been leveled exclusively through LFG.

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