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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Seriously if they make a frontier like in daoc with bases to capture with defense points that has some crafting benefits involved with guild capture bonuses , like a daoc frontier but a lil smaller with all the good stuff all star wars style im gonna praise this game like my god and give free publicity 2 hours a day and encourage everyone i cross to play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But seriously with all the big names involved in this game and the budget and all we get is this lil crappy unworthy boring ilum .... dissapointed to the ultimate possible point !!!

cant believe Lucasart/EA and Bioware ? ilum is all they could deliver *PUKE* total deception , total commercial moneygrabbing cheapest poop ever fail ! ( i'm mad btw )

Edited by WoLFpwr
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Seriously if they make a frontier like in daoc with bases to capture with defense points that has some crafting benefits involved with guild capture bonuses , like a daoc frontier but a lil smaller with all the good stuff all star wars style im gonna praise this game like my god and give free publicity 2 hours a day and encourage everyone i cross to play !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you bribing BW with free publicity?

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Have you guys even been in a large scale fight yet? its a complete slideshow with crappy fps, even warhammer was way better than this at launch. Until they improve performance then not sure how they are going to improve RVR.
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Have you guys even been in a large scale fight yet? its a complete slideshow with crappy fps, even warhammer was way better than this at launch. Until they improve performance then not sure how they are going to improve RVR.


Dude... that's why I say




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What they should have done is make classes independent from factions.


Then you make 3 factions, Light, Dark and Nuetral, and players can swap factions/choose there own factions as you level up by actions/oppertunities in the game.


I feel this was a Large oppertunity lost by bioware to make the game just that extra little bit special.


Also would alleviate pvp imbalance issues, as well as add alot to the pve/roleplaying side of things.

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What they should have done is make classes independent from factions.


Then you make 3 factions, Light, Dark and Nuetral, and players can swap factions/choose there own factions as you level up by actions/oppertunities in the game.


I feel this was a Large oppertunity lost by bioware to make the game just that extra little bit special.


Also would alleviate pvp imbalance issues, as well as add alot to the pve/roleplaying side of things.


I was thinking that exact same thing,

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What they should have done is make classes independent from factions.


Then you make 3 factions, Light, Dark and Nuetral, and players can swap factions/choose there own factions as you level up by actions/oppertunities in the game.


I feel this was a Large oppertunity lost by bioware to make the game just that extra little bit special.


Also would alleviate pvp imbalance issues, as well as add alot to the pve/roleplaying side of things.


Atleast maybe lightside darkside would make sense if there was light / dark / neutral factions , now its like im a sith warrior but im raising my lightside because bioware didnt have a friggin clue what to do with it but they had to implement something with the choices , they make rpgs with dialogue choices ! i like blue and green !


or way worse a jediknight making darkside decisions over and over and staying a jedi is brilliant why not it will pass ! (it did , and still do)

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me, for almost seven years straight from launch. :rolleyes:


my goooooooooooooooood i miss thoses years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i played ALL friggin mmos ever atleast a day , got to say DaoC was the best of all pvp wise. from launch to like 5 years after , frontier / darkness falls ..... the memories ! best gaming of all time in an mmo ever !

Edited by WoLFpwr
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Lurikeen power!


Seriously ! they should make a small race like jawas playable ...


But i guess im just dreaming , im expecting every new mmo to be as epic as daoc in thoses years and they always end up very far from that or free to play after some months cause of fail and this smells like it very bad so far ...

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Bioware can never do DAOC... why? Because it would require them to rethink there world pvp and their "plan", and I am going to assume their massive egos would never let that happen. Takes a level of arrogance to continue going down this path that is trash for world pvp.


PVE SPOILER!! ohnoes....


















Third faction would be easy enough, end of the agent story line there is a 3rd group of people that work behind the scenes that are both republic and empire.. that could be the third faction.

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Bioware can never do DAOC... why? Because it would require them to rethink there world pvp and their "plan", and I am going to assume their massive egos would never let that happen. Takes a level of arrogance to continue going down this path that is trash for world pvp.


PVE SPOILER!! ohnoes....


















Third faction would be easy enough, end of the agent story line there is a 3rd group of people that work behind the scenes that are both republic and empire.. that could be the third faction.




make Ewoks a faction with 5 NEW classes only for them !!!!

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