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WARNING: Attempts To Hack Account


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Just letting you guys know. Someone tried to hack my account. I just logged into the forum, and I had to reset my password. My account had been locked because of too many incorrect answers to security questions. Game was locked out too.


Just letting everyone know...Someone is up to some bullcrap.


On the plus side, if the account hackers are trying to hack accounts, maybe that means the game is doing very well?

Edited by Thamelas
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Here is the thing... You have to get the password in order to be asked the security question? So how the hell they get my password?


Keylogger? I'd check my local system for anything that doesnt belong there if I were in your shoes.

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Here is the thing... You have to get the password in order to be asked the security question? So how the hell they get my password?


Not necessarily. You'll also get asked for it if you try to reset the password, I believe. Though, if they did that, there's a good chance they also thought they'd be able to intercept the mail that would have followed. You may want to change that password.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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If you have an EA/Origin account, it might be linked to your SWTOR account and a phisher can do some ******tery with you that way as well. Go check and see if EA automatically made you an account on Origin, and if they did, lock it down with some crazy BS password you'll never remember. Edited by marshalleck
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Curiosity dictates I ask: Do you have an authenticator?


If yes. Excellent.


If not, Then kudos to Bioware doing those pesky questions so many threads where made about. So many thought they where nothing but a headache but more security for one's account to me personally is always a plus.


Here's hoping it all works out for you.

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Curiosity dictates I ask: Do you have an authenticator?


If yes. Excellent.


If not, Then kudos to Bioware doing those pesky questions so many threads where made about. So many thought they where nothing but a headache but more security for one's account to me personally is always a plus.


Here's hoping it all works out for you.


I got one with my CE, but I never enabled it. I am now.

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I got one with my CE, but I never enabled it. I am now.


Right on. Make use of it for sure. It's an extra step to logging in to the game as well as this site but that one step is only 8 digits long and gives you that extra piece of mind. Just glad this hasn't bitten you in the behind and only served as a small wake up call. :D

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Here is the thing... You have to get the password in order to be asked the security question? So how the hell they get my password?


There are 1001 ways a hacker can get through your personal data. I suggest googling 'how to prevent computer hackers'

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1. Stop visiting untrusted pr0n, gambling, malware sites.


2. Scan your PC for malware.


3. Does your password contain more than just lower case characters and numbers? You should use a strong password with at least one of each of the below:


  • Uppercase character
  • Lowercase character
  • Number
  • Symbol


So 'password' could be pasS_w0rd

Edited by LeeTone
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I'm tempted to think there may be a bug in the login process, though it's never a bad idea to be cautious. Here's the scenario: I try to log in through secure wifi away from home, I get the "bad password" and "too many failed security questions" prompt. Not 10 minutes later, I log in just fine at home. Maybe there's a part of the login process that identifies when you log in from a new IP address, and maybe there's a bug in there? I changed my password just to be sure, but it's still odd behavior.


FYI, I ordered an authenticator two days after I bought the game, and it still hadn't arrived so I checked Origin order history. It says there is no order history to report. That's pretty cool, because I've purchased a few things through Origin, including TOR. :rolleyes: Guess I'll just reorder...

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