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Why is Empire for Casuals?


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It's true. I've played on a few realms, both sides. The skilled players choose Republic in most cases. Republic is quality over quantity, Imperial is quantity over quality.


In WoW, Alliance outnumbered the Horde 5:1 on my server, and the Horde players were generally much better. The Alliance used sheer numbers to capture Wintergrasp constantly, until the Horde organized and toppled the 6:1 odds easily.


The point is, general rules NEVER apply, and are broken all the time. Stereotypes just don't work.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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Sorry but being the Sith's personal b*tches isn't exactly a good storyline. Nor is that ''pedo'' male voice for IA either. Granted Female is okay but Male. You better be shi**ing me.


Voice goes perfectly with a chiss.


And you've clearly never actually played through the IA story line before. But go ahead and limit yourself to not playing what's possibly the best class story in the game because of some self serving animosity toward the opposite faction :rolleyes:

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In WoW, Alliance outnumbered the Horde 5:1 on my server, and the Horde players were generally much better. The Alliance used sheer numbers to capture Wintergrasp constantly, until the Horde organized and toppled the 6:1 odds easily.


The point is, general rules NEVER apply, and are broken all the time. Stereotypes just don't work.


How is that the point? In WoW, Horde was typically seen as the underdog faction with more hardcore players. Still seems largely true today. I know a lot of people seem to believe that there are more Horde players in WoW than Alliance players, but that's factually incorrect.

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I don't see this phenomenon on my server at all, OP. On my server the vast majority of keyboard-turning clickers are Consulars and Sentinels. It's very enjoyable to watch them attempt to counter my Assassin while being unable to, you know, turn around, and the 3 second delay from the time I interrupt until it registers with them that their skill didn't go off.


What I did see on my server is that the Republic had the vast majority of no-lifers who got high expertise gear quickly and, so, briefly dominated Ilum until more Imperials started to match their gear. Once the gear difference was offset, Republic was relegated to the afterthought of a faction they deserve to be.

Edited by Mannic
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They're both exactly the same, the only difference between them is appearances, faction, PROJECTILE TRAVEL TIME, ANIMATION SPEED, and story line. Honestly, if sorcerer and operative appear OP, it's because Rep isn't picking Sage and Scoundrel.


Fixed that for you. To elaborate, coincidently, Empire "mirrors" are just faster in the two areas in italic in quite a decent number of abilities. Key abilities. Slow responsiveness and animation delay just makes it all the "stutier".

Edited by Soulaufein
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In WoW, Alliance outnumbered the Horde 5:1 on my server, and the Horde players were generally much better. The Alliance used sheer numbers to capture Wintergrasp constantly, until the Horde organized and toppled the 6:1 odds easily.


The point is, general rules NEVER apply, and are broken all the time. Stereotypes just don't work.


hi, just thought i would point out that since the early days, WG numbers have been matched. so it was 30 v 30, or 200 v 200, or 150 vs 150. just fyi

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Inquisitor - Consular


Agent - Smuggler


They're both exactly the same, the only difference between them is appearances, faction, and story line. Honestly, if sorcerer and operative appear OP, it's because Rep isn't picking Sage and Scoundrel.


Project damages later than the sorc equivalent. Sage KB isn't as far as the inq one. Sorc stun often ignores resolve bar.


Agent stun can be used on the move while smugglers have to stand still for the animation.


They may be mirrors but the animations nearly always favor the Imp equivalents. They are bugs but they are bugs that still have not been fixed.

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Voice goes perfectly with a chiss.


And you've clearly never actually played through the IA story line before. But go ahead and limit yourself to not playing what's possibly the best class story in the game because of some self serving animosity toward the opposite faction :rolleyes:



I played to lvl 31 while being in Alderaan. Couldn't stand it anymore. And me hating Imps? I got a lvl 50 Sith Warrior which storyline i enjoyed. Jaesa's voice was incredible. My own character's voice was decent. Baras voice was good etc etc.



And even if i would become a Grand Moff / (Insert Prestigeful title) IA are still the Sith's b*tches.


Hell even a Sith Lord got more power than a Moff or whatever other title. Seen from a RP-PoV IA are Sith's servants.




Oh and once again, that incredibly crappy male voice which does not suit my HUMAN char.

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I played to lvl 31 while being in Alderaan. Couldn't stand it anymore. And me hating Imps? I got a lvl 50 Sith Warrior which storyline i enjoyed. Jaesa's voice was incredible. My own character's voice was decent. Baras voice was good etc etc.



And even if i would become a Grand Moff / (Insert Prestigeful title) IA are still the Sith's b*tches.


Hell even a Sith Lord got more power than a Moff or whatever other title. Seen from a RP-PoV IA are Sith's servants.




Oh and once again, that incredibly crappy male voice which does not suit my HUMAN char.


So what? We can kill our "overlords" in Outlaws Den and Huttball, makes it so much sweeter.


Because we're on a lower social rung does not make us less dangerous enemies.


Also, the male Agent voice is awesome and suits the class perfectly (though it's kinda dumb on body types 3 and 4, lol) IMO.

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