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So i stopped playing wow to play ToR. Now im level 50 and just doing the same things


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Space missions = Star fox rail shooter (Daily quest)


Companions that gather = Good.


Class Specific Story lines = Good.


Space ship = Travel step with little purpose.


Flashpoints that have objectives = Loot, dungeons also have loot.


Huttball = Amazing.


Sex with NPC's = Are you a teenager?


Modifications to same gear = Appearance slot would be better.


Same gear to 50 = Same as above.


Rewards for socializing on a mission = Selecting 1 of 3 options that others pick from, not

a social activity.


Speeders = Mounts.


Ability to quick travel to discovered location = Nice, better than the standard hearth to

current bind.


Lightsabers = Swords that glow, not Lightsabers by virtue of the way they strike enemies.


Legacy system = Pointless until features are released, could be great, could be shallow.


Companions that heal/tank/dps = Various forms of hunter pets for everyone (Good.)


LS/DS choices = trivial but for gear granted. Story ends up the same, everyone is a

Darth, everyone is a Jedi Master, unable to lose Great Hunt.


Codex System = Lore reader (Not bad.)


So, yeah.


You are obviously looking for the littlest reason to put SWTOR down, my question to you troll is this; why are you here? Shouldn't you be playing Warcraft?

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I find myself logging in a lot less than usual as well. The guild seems to long into raid nights only and some of us play 10-49 pvp.


When you look at end game SWTOR its just copy paste from World of Warcraft. I will be very curious to see how long Bioware will be able to hold on to thier subscribers because, I have a feeling that they won't be able to keep me for much longer.

Edited by Calei
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Catastrophic design decisions on all levels. All because Bioware had to allocate ALL of their resources towards story and voicing. They forgot to spend money on making an amazing game, instead of an average game.


I disagree and I give credit where it's due. This game made a number of VERY smart design decisions.


-Crafting is done entirely by companions, ergo you can craft while still questing.


-Resources are pulled right from your cargo hold when crafting so you have no need to carry around every single crafting item.


-Holocalls allow groups of players to participate in convos without being there.


-CC-prevention measures in PvP ensure no one can be perma-stunned and murdered like in other MMOs.


-Bolstering stats in WZs means groups of friends at different levels can still play together.


There were more but I can't think of them now.


Point is, all of the above are a step forward for MMOs on the whole and, with the exception of holocalls, will likely be used in future MMOs.


There are other issues the game has, yes, but they HAVE made some very smart decisions when it comes to game design.

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... Insightful, thanks.


Now for those of us who didn't play that game (wonderful from what I hear though!). What was unique? :o


Well it was mostly a pvp endgame. Daoc had three different sides, each with 15 unique classes and Pve zones and all three realms bordered on a large frontier that was an open pvp zone (each realm had 4 frontier zones, making it a total of 12 frontier zones).

In each frontier was a number of keeps and two large relic keeps. You had to (basically) conquer all keeps to get access to a relic keep. If you captured an enemy relic it gave a bonus to everyone of your realm.

So there was a constant warfare in the frontiers and when an enemy relic raid happened the whole realm rallied to defend the relics.


But even aside from that the frontier was so big that it allowed all kind of open pvp. There were people running around in premade groups that roamed around looking for other premades or small zergs to kill, there were large zergs of 50-100 players battling between the realmgates, there was a whole subsection of stealth players who hunted each other or hunted loners and stragglers or who liked to camp bridges and stuff, there were keep sieges, complete with catapults, battering rams and boiling oil... there really was something for everybody and there often was a real sense of realm pride.


And since daoc had three sides there was never one side dominating the server since, for example, when Albion had the biggest zerg that night Midgard and Hibernia often worked together to smash them.


I really can´t describe it better without writing a novel but Daoc RvR endgame was awesome and no one really did something like that afterwards.

Edited by Tairak
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I'm very tired of the Themepark MMO model too. I very much want a modern game just like the original Ultima Online. It had all the drama you could ever imagine in game, and there were no quests. It actually had REWARDS for your hard work like a house. Crafters were actually an integral part of the game because they made most of the gear in the game.


These modern "AAA" MMO's are really getting old fast. I wish Richard Garriott would just make a new Ultima Online.


Richard Garriott Interview:


Richard Garriott and Gordon Walton (SWTOR Staff) Interview about Ultima Online:


That was an awesome Garriott interview. He has the right vision... too many developers are focusing on the game and not the world... total waste of opportunity.


I'd like to see Garriott and Koster collab on a game, and quite honestly want it to be an entirely new IP.


I truly believe the next revolution is MMOs is going to come at us from the casual side, and people like Garriott, Koster, Gordon Walton agree...


As a matter of fact, I think Blizzard's Titan will be of this mold.

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Ok I will be the first to say that this game does not seem finish.


That being said. I am a realist, and I do not have ruby tinted glasses when it comes to WOW or this game.


First the bugs in this game....


like WOW doesn't have them? how long have they been trying to fix charge jumping...how long has vanish been broken...we are talking about bugs/glitches that have plagued wow since the beginning...and how long has that game been out?


yes this game has a lot of the same as other MMO's...but its still not a bad game...and worth the money I spent.


End game...


Really you guys are complaining about a grind??? I'll give you the fact that Guild Wars 2 looks like it may change the idea of MMO...but I'm not going to hold my breathe...every game that comes out says this...


understand what you are saying...your unhappy with what has kept us all occupied for years?


I chose to play this game cause I was tired of playing WoW...this game has provided me just that...a way to get away from WoW and still enjoy the things I love about RPGMMO's...and should be plenty to keep my attention until GW2 comes out....This game will not kill WOW...but I don't see it biting the dust until GW2 comes out...and even then...only if they deliver what they are selling

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Please astound us with something new.


The future is absolutely, unequivocally "more world than game" and with a much more casual tone where you do not have to be a combatant.


Think SWG and UO done with modern casual design sensibilities,


That is the future direction of the next big round of successful MMOs. And I believe you'll see just that with Titan.

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No one has patients anymore to give developers time to add stuff to the game?


Patients? Just how many years went into development? Couldnt they have thought to do something original in that time?


If you answered no, then go play another MMO..


I have.


And to the OP... what do you expect to do at max level? And the game is not dying and people are not running away from the game.


I expected some invigorating PvP to be honest. Also did i accualy say the game is dieing? I honestly dont remember, but i do not think it will be a hit for more than a few more months.


If you really have issues then take a break and come back in 3 months or so. No one is forcing you to play SWTOR. There are other games out there, but oh yeah....


If i read good things i plan to come back for a month and check it out.


In WoW your going to do the same stuff at max level..

In EQ2 your going to do the same stuff at max level..

In LOTRO your going to do the same stuff at max level..

In Vanguard Saga of Heros your going to do the same stuff at max level..

In Rift your going to do the same stuff at max level..


I played Ultima Online for 3 years straight with a maxed out character full time PvPing. That was different. WoW up until late BC fealt original and challenging.


do you see a pattern here?


Only from the wow clones like rift and swtor. I honestly didnt play EQ2 or vanguard saga. I disliked the feel of LOTRO through the week played it.


BioWare has made a great game to play through. There is more than one story in the game. They also never said, "OMG come race to level 50 and see our awesome end game!!" No, they said ,"Come play through our amazing story lines and different class quests, etc.."


BioWare in my opinion has done well at what they do best. Made a game that was fun to play through once. I hear people boast about how each class has their own story line and if i could only play the class quests id probably play them all, the rest of the content is to repetitive. I did not race to the end of the game so much as i enjoyed it enough to play pretty much non stop to see it through as i do with many RPGs. The nearly 3 weeks i got from the game was worth the 60$ i paid for it, it is not worth resubbing for the exact same content i can have from multiple other vendors that have done it much better.

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I disagree and I give credit where it's due. This game made a number of VERY smart design decisions.


-Crafting is done entirely by companions, ergo you can craft while still questing.


-Resources are pulled right from your cargo hold when crafting so you have no need to carry around every single crafting item.


-Holocalls allow groups of players to participate in convos without being there.


-CC-prevention measures in PvP ensure no one can be perma-stunned and murdered like in other MMOs.


-Bolstering stats in WZs means groups of friends at different levels can still play together.


There were more but I can't think of them now.


Point is, all of the above are a step forward for MMOs on the whole and, with the exception of holocalls, will likely be used in future MMOs.


There are other issues the game has, yes, but they HAVE made some very smart decisions when it comes to game design.


- Yet you can't quest while looking for a FP group, so it's a wash.

- Easily patchable into other games. Nice but no big deal.

- True, Holocalls are great

- Uh... No. Resolve is a crap system and bugged to boot. Other games just have diminishing returns and decent anti-CC skills.

- Bolstering is taken from WAR and all it really does is eliminate the need for brackets (Or not, as is the case for lvl 50 PvP)



So these things aren't exactly hot new innovations and even the ones that are are badly implemented.

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to the OP... this is actually a good question for you.


Why would you leave WoW if you were well established there? Were you in a guild, or have friends? What made you decide to leave and come here. I think you hold the answer to your own question. If you feel this way the you have the freedom to move to different games. You would in my opinion start over here because you love Star Wars. You were interested in the fully voiced NPCs. You were interested in the unique class stories. You always wanted to play a Jedi or an Empire character.


"Why would you leave WoW if you were well established there?"

I wanted to see something new.


I am bored with WoW. That is why i tried a new game. Obviously i enjoy star wars. Hearing about the time and money spent on this game i made the mistake of thinking it would be a new and exciting MMO.


Even if they add extra features that are currently in other games in the next three months or more; will they be new innovative features?. I dont care if wow or rift or eq didnt have raids or battle grounds. I care that swtor does have them and there is nothing inspiring about them. If this game gets new content it will be a revised version of what has already been done and that will not make the game better or make me want to play it more. Just because it is beta (and yes it is still beta) and does not have as much content as other games isnt the problem. The problem is the content it does have and will get is more of the same.

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Wait...you thought ToR would be different?










I hate you. Im not just saying it either, I mean it. = p


I honestly thought to much time and money would create something good.

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I just accepted my 7 day free time in WoW, that game has really improved over the last 7 months. Not to mention i'm actualy above 60 FPS when running it on max settings on my 6970 as opposed to the pathetic 25 FPS i'm getting in SWTOR. Had a look on the forums, Blizzard employees actualy RESPOND and go head to head with a discussion, they explain what they did and how they did it, if not what they plan on doing about it. They had a hotfix not too long ago, the servers where down for a whole... 15 seconds! and it was in the middle of the night for European members. I'm quite done with WoW, but it should be one hell of a role model for this game.



I'm quite done with WoW, but it should be one hell of a role model for this game.



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The question is, what were YOU expecting? Were you expecting a 200 million dollar drab end game clone of the existing standard? If you were, you should probably up your standards Just a smidgen. If someone serves you an Awesome appetizer, and then a bland main course at a restaurant, you send it back.

As a professional Chef, I don't get away with sending some parts of a meal to a table undercooked, and some parts perfectly cooked. It gets sent back and I hear about it.




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It's a shame that is largely an evolutionary branch that has died out (I guess original SWG was the last of it).


I enjoy the Everquest 1 model (which for some reason seem to be being called the themepark MMO - I dunno why because EQ1 was much more open ended than say SWTOR), but it's not the be all and end all....... it maybe the easiest though, which is probably the problem.



if dark fall ever makes a workable user interface it is a very good game as well.


i have a rather large group of friends ive played UO (and other games) with from 2-10 years back that feel just like you guys.

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