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So i stopped playing wow to play ToR. Now im level 50 and just doing the same things


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I haven't played WoW in some time, but completly agree. The only reason i think i stay is the hope they do something more with PvP and space combat, so as to have a bit more to set it apart from WoW.


If not, theres other games in the works i have my eye on, just not WoW. I was tired of that awhile ago.

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I know what you mean, this game is my break from sword and board fantasy games, i think if I see another orc or elf i am gona hurl..LOL thats why none of the new games I see coming on line in the near future intrest me in the least.


Secret World looks intriguing to me but haven't read much about it lately. I may try it out just for the horror elements and interesting settings. Haven't read squat about gameplay so can't really tell if it is for me or not.


I do agree with you about elves, orcs and trolls though. SWTOR has been a nice diversion for me.

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I'm very tired of the Themepark MMO model too. I very much want a modern game just like the original Ultima Online. It had all the drama you could ever imagine in game, and there were no quests. It actually had REWARDS for your hard work like a house. Crafters were actually an integral part of the game because they made most of the gear in the game.


These modern "AAA" MMO's are really getting old fast. I wish Richard Garriott would just make a new Ultima Online.


Richard Garriott Interview:


Richard Garriott and Gordon Walton (SWTOR Staff) Interview about Ultima Online:

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I'm very tired of the Themepark MMO model too. I very much want a modern game just like the original Ultima Online. It had all the drama you could ever imagine in game, and there were no quests. It actually had REWARDS for your hard work like a house. Crafters were actually an integral part of the game because they made most of the gear in the game.


These modern "AAA" MMO's are really getting old fast. I wish Richard Garriott would just make a new Ultima Online.


Richard Garriott Interview:


Richard Garriott and Gordon Walton (SWTOR Staff) Interview about Ultima Online:


I'm sick of them too.


I've had enough of all these WoW clones where the whole game is basically a race to the so called "endgame" so everyone can start repeating the same thing over and over till they are bored to death.


And I don't even want to hear any of you so called "casual players" make a comment about "time sinks" either, because you LOVE time sinks more than anyone else. You just like them at the end of the game instead of spread out during the length of the game because for some very odd strange reason you just love repeating those quests and dungeons over and over and over again in an "endgame" format - and want the game to reach that point as quickly as possible.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I'm very tired of the Themepark MMO model too. I very much want a modern game just like the original Ultima Online. It had all the drama you could ever imagine in game, and there were no quests. It actually had REWARDS for your hard work like a house. Crafters were actually an integral part of the game because they made most of the gear in the game.


These modern "AAA" MMO's are really getting old fast. I wish Richard Garriott would just make a new Ultima Online.


Richard Garriott Interview:


Richard Garriott and Gordon Walton (SWTOR Staff) Interview about Ultima Online:





It's a shame that is largely an evolutionary branch that has died out (I guess original SWG was the last of it).


I enjoy the Everquest 1 model (which for some reason seem to be being called the themepark MMO - I dunno why because EQ1 was much more open ended than say SWTOR), but it's not the be all and end all....... it maybe the easiest though, which is probably the problem.

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You're fundamentally wrong on a few of your points. You can be in multipule guilds at once, for example. You simply choose which one you want to champion and earn rewards. GW2 has voice acting as well for many of it's main story quests, and the quests you pick up to start say an arena event, are a blurb of information - the entire game is designed about getting you to be Playing the game, and not watching it, or grinding.


The LFG system is un-needed, as the only thing you need focused groups for are the Dungeons themselves. Everyone is awarded equal loot/exp for a kill if they contribute to, including world boss kills and normal kills out in the world.


Max level is no different than low levels, other than you look cooler, and the story progresses. When you move between zones downward, you are always the top level for that zone, if you're 80, entering a 20 zone, you're 20. The mobs will never be below you.


There's lots more info out there, check it out. You may like it!


So since GW2 is still in NDA alpha how do you know all this without breaking the NDA?


PS it is pretty much the same as other MMOs

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- Scalable flashpoints from 1 to 10.

- Crafting economy where the good stuff actually comes from crafting - all drops/rewards enhance crafting and items slowly decay in game.

- PVP where you can play your side, or against each other in equal teams.

- Get rid of the trinity.

- Cute things, like pets, customized bikes, etc.

- And finally epic story line adventures for end game that involve mysteries, etc and give nice class specific or crafting specific rewards.


Do this or even some of it and you will have a nice game that might revolutionize MMO's.

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Hmm Sounds like you are tired of MMO's. Like it or not but this is the MMO's genre, you can if you want try a sandbox MMO but theres a reason they don't succeed.


My Advance take a break from MMO's try some FPS's, RPG's or something completely different.




The things people are complaining about are things that's standard for the genre. It's like playing a new first person shooter and calling it a clone because you use the left mouse button to shoot.

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TBH im comparing to none of those games, im comparing to what in my opinion was the best MMO released, that being SWG.....I played from day 1 of the NGE, so basically a fresh game, that had a social aspect, had city atmosphere, had socializing and had good end game content with PVP that was not the best, but at least you actually had some form of Galaxy wide achievement in it.....SWTOR has Lucasarts behind it, who were also part of SWG's Development, as many flaws as that game had, it got it right in the places that counted.


Go ahead flame away to the fact that its dead now.....That has nothing to do with its content or playerbase, Lucasarts cancelled the contract with SOE to make SWTOR....and SWTOR is far far away from having the END GAME content SWG ever had.


Bottom line is in SWG you could fill hours and hours just crafting, let alone the social aspects of the game. Heck you could spend an entire night just decorating your house........Yes SWTOR may be a theme park game.....But it dosnt have to be, and to be honest there are no Excusues what so ever for the crafting system in TOR....Its a pointless joke.


I got better gear from doing Dailies in 1 week than I could EVEN get from crafting in SWTOR, For some reason the Devs decided crafting should play second fiddle to everything else in game and it wont be long before the effects start to show.


You cannot sell a game on Voice acting alone, and lets be fair that is all SWTOR has on any other MMO atm, because everything else is the same or in SWG's case.....WORSE.


If they had added Non-voiced quest lines and more random quest, put effort into creating instances SWG would have seen a huge increase in players once they had their fill of this linear mess. I loved my SWG!

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The things people are complaining about are things that's standard for the genre. It's like playing a new first person shooter and calling it a clone because you use the left mouse button to shoot.


Theres plenty of directions an MMO can go, but everyone keeps trying to steal WoWs golden ring by making the same game "end game" instead of trying to think outside the box


What exactly is standard for the genre'? Next to meaningless crafting, chasing purples on an endless treadmill, more tank and spank pve, pvp in box, what else is standard? Anyone who makes something other than this is no longer making an MMO? really?


How boring.


So basically what you are saying is we are at the pinnacle of MMOs? Anyone who is tired of this cookie-cutter WoW model may as quit MMOs all together? I feel bad for the longevity of the genre' if this is this case.


How sad.


edit for reading comprehension:


Games like SWG, UO, DAoC, EvE, Shadowbane, etc, can't be expanded on, or perhaps they aren't considered MMOs? Must we be reduced to themepark and sandbox? Is it that black and white, or can there be a gray area, that gives us more in our gaming?

Edited by Tic-
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title says it all.


running heroics is an option.


but mostly im doing pvp dailys and the failure that is ilum.


anyone know of any fun world pvp hotspots? anything im missing that is new and exciting that hasnt already been done better by other mmos.


thanks in advance.


P.S. my thought process is if im already established on WoW. why would i start over here for more of the exact same concepts that are even less refined and aggrivatingly buggy?


You wanted something new and exciting?


You really honestly expected to do what exactly at end game?


Give us an example, please.

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Theres plenty of directions an MMO can go, but everyone keeps trying to steal WoWs golden ring by making the same game "end game" instead of trying to think outside the box


What exactly is standard for the genre'? Next to meaningless crafting, chasing purples on an endless treadmill, more tank and spank pve, pvp in box, what else is standard? Anyone who makes something other than this is no longer making an MMO? really?


How boring.


So basically what you are saying is we are at the pinnacle of MMOs? Anyone who is tired of this cookie-cutter WoW model may as quit MMOs all together? I feel bad for the longevity of the genre' if this is this case.


How sad.






Please astound us with something new.

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Please astound us with something new.


I didn't say new..


Theres plenty of different MMO models to choose from, but we keep getting the same one.


I thought i was pretty clear, perhaps i should go edit it.

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I didn't say new..


Theres plenty of different MMO models to choose from, but we keep getting the same one.


I thought i was pretty clear, perhaps i should go edit it.


Alright, give us examples of other things to do in other MMO's.


Edit: That isn't -


Grinding dungeons / heroics


Farming Gear


Grinding PvP


Crafting (whatever it is you do with crafting)



Edited by Darth-Rion
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No you are not doing the same thing , you are doing the same thing with a challenge !!


That is the big difference !

So all those who whine about doing the same thing , go solo heroic 2 ..

Even beter try to solo heroic 4 , people do love challenges right :rolleyes:


I mean everything is so easy mode ... and people are so LEET !!

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So since GW2 is still in NDA alpha how do you know all this without breaking the NDA?


PS it is pretty much the same as other MMOs


No, it really isn't. I thought for years that all of TOR's stated goals were going to be a game changer. It wasn't until Spring 2011 (at some various convention which I can't recall now) that Bioware started to noticeably change their tune about what they were going to impliment into TOR. At that time, I saw the writing on the wall. Reading between the lines, I realized that I was going to have a number of disagreements about the game's structure. With this in mind, I stopped following TOR. When I later came back to this site after the NDA had been removed from Beta, my expectations for the game were confirmed.


I'm currently playing TOR because my last MMO (which was a placeholder until GW2 came out) made some company and game decisions that really hacked me off. As I see TOR, it's basically WoW v2.0. If people were expecting something more than that, then I'm sorry that they didn't reach the same conclusions as they investigated the game.


Having said all of that, GW2 will be different. I've been following the game for close to a year now and everything that you quoted from another poster will be accurate. (You have to pay attention to all of the videos from conventions and from Arena Net's posted information, which is a real pain for people just starting to investigate the game. But the information is there if you hunt for it.) All players within the area will be considered "friendly" and will receive the benefits of your "group wide" buffs. Healing effects are AoE based and follow the same rules as group buffs. Your NPC mob difficulties will scale up and down depending on the number of players who are actively participating in a fight (instead of just standing AFK in the area). These systems will encourage spontaneous "grouping" with other players in the area as you can work together effectively while still just "soloing". Etc etc.


GW2 will be different. Now time will only tell if they can effectively pull off everything they're trying for. However it will still be original in any case. If you're looking for a taste of GW2 without hunting through GW2 Guru's forums, I suggest watching the 2-part series of Youtube videos by Total Biscuit entitled "What is Guild Wars 2"

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title says it all.


running heroics is an option.


but mostly im doing pvp dailys and the failure that is ilum.


anyone know of any fun world pvp hotspots? anything im missing that is new and exciting that hasnt already been done better by other mmos.


thanks in advance.


P.S. my thought process is if im already established on WoW. why would i start over here for more of the exact same concepts that are even less refined and aggrivatingly buggy?


Wake up to your preconceptions. The difference has to come from within you.


SWTOR is not WoW. SWTOR is built around the stories. The mechanics are similar because both are made for human beings of our culture.


SWTOR is enough like WoW in the basic mechanics that it can be played as if it were WoW, and if you play it as if it were WoW why would you expect a different outcome? If you play it as if it were WoW you will be disappointed, especially since it hasn't had time to embellish the so-called 'endgame' the way WoW has.


If you change your habitual playstyle and adapt to your new environment, then you have a chance at achieving a different outcome.


Listen to those who are enjoying SWTOR and discover the differences in how they play compared with how you are accustomed to playing. You invested real money in a different game: maximise your return, don't throw it away just because you failed to reevaluate your preconceptions.


For me, I approach it similarly to how I played Mass Effect, except it also has the multiplayer element that can profoundly expand the content. For me it is like taking the lead role in a complex movie using the quests and story choices like they were a script.


Use your imagination instead of being a slave to your own expectations.

Edited by Gleneagle
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Hmm Sounds like you are tired of MMO's. Like it or not but this is the MMO's genre, you can if you want try a sandbox MMO but theres a reason they don't succeed.


My Advance take a break from MMO's try some FPS's, RPG's or something completely different.


Nope, it sounds to me like he does like MMO's but this game is a gigantic letdown.


Catastrophic design decisions on all levels. All because Bioware had to allocate ALL of their resources towards story and voicing. They forgot to spend money on making an amazing game, instead of an average game.

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... Insightful, thanks.


Now for those of us who didn't play that game (wonderful from what I hear though!). What was unique? :o


It believe they're refering to DAoC's signature RvR (Realm vs Realm) system. Basically you'd fight other servers in a large contested area system. (The dominate faction wins server wide bonuses for their server.) However to balance out lop sided factions, there was a NPC 3rd party faction which would randomly attack and interact in the conflict. These attacks could give the weaker PC faction enough aide to team up against the dominate PC faction.


WAR tried to do something like this, but ended up failing to recreate or improve the legacy of DAoC. The next MMO candidate to try this system will be GW2. Many of us are curious to see if they can pull it off since Area Net absorbed the people who made both DAoC's RvR system and WAR's RvR system. Have they learned from past successes and failures? Time will tell.

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Alright, give us examples of other things to do in other MMO's.


Edit: That isn't -


Grinding dungeons / heroics


Farming Gear


Grinding PvP


Crafting (whatever it is you do with crafting)




What your describing i assume, is progression. All MMOs will have progression, the point I'm trying to make is the presentation.


Theres enough MMOs that have come out, and a few on their way, that are pretty good examples of this, such as the ones i mentioned in my previous post. If your that interested, google would be a pretty good tool to help you.

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I have to ask...Where does that graph get it's sources from? We're do they get the numbers?


xfire just shows you how many players are running xfire while they are playing whatever game.


The only thing SWTOR's numbers in xfire can tell you is how many people are playing SWTOR who also allowing xfire to harvest and use their gameplay data.


I don't run it. Do you? If not we are not among those it counts.

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Uhmm. Or maybe BW could've put in some more effort to make this unique, Even for end-gamers. There Are plenty of good suggestions on the forum and hardly any of Them has anything to do with raiding and FPs.


Or maybe the player could have played it as if it were a new and different game instead of just reproducing the way they played whatever other game they are accustomed to.


Most folks posting here thinking SWTOR is just like another game don't seem to realize that if they play it like that other game it is going to seem like that other game.


Some seem to need a mythical hairy thunderer to pop out of a cloud and slap them silly for blaming everything on anything but their own habitual playstyle.


Crazy is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

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