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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I support this change...people say it promotes afkers but currently the second you're down half the people desert the warzone so what's the difference? When you're BM there's no point in staying in a losing warzones when you're just trying to get your dailys done. When I only have a few hours to play in a day I quit every warzone I'm in the instant I think its not winnable. So yea...either chain quitters or a few more afkers which are already around anyway. No difference really.
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How is this thread still going? Maybe if you lowbies having such a tough time getting gear listend to those of us that are about a month ahead of you for pvp progression, we would win more matches. Some of my BEST pvp teams use people with next to no pvp gear (although that won't last for long) because they listen to the guys who know what to do. You have 1 minute at the start of every warzone. Take a look at the people around you. The ones with gear probably have played quite a few more WZs and you should listen to their advice when they attempt to coordinate. Then you will get you precious wins.


Giving rewards for participation is like giving a trophy to every loser who gets out first in a spelling bee. If you can't handle that, then maybe pvp isn't for you.

Edited by DarthxRage
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Republic seems to win about 10% of warzone matches on my server, and that's not an exaggeration.


Why is this? Population imbalance, or empire being favoured by devs in all things, or are all the republic players just complete pants?


Either way, it makes getting a daily a soul-destroying grind at best, impossible at worst.

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This thread is the reason why they need to stop handing out trophies for participation at elementary level sports functions. It makes people think that they should be rewarded for failing.


Let's say you spend an hour manufacturing a part that doesn't work for it's intended purpose because you didn't succeed at making it properly. Should you get paid for making it despite having failed your objective? If you said anything other than NO then you need to reevaluate your thinking, because failure should NOT be rewarded. All that will do is breed laziness and incompetence.


Bad example, people fail at making a part or project all the time and get paid, jobs pay you by the hour or salary, not normally by the success.


Ask the bankers that crashed the US/World economy how those million dollar bonuses went, for failing so bad at there jobs that they brought the world to its knees.

Edited by Malice_Nihilim
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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.



Are you joking? Get back to PVE.

Edited by atreyuz
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The purpose of the warzone is to win.


If you can't come together as a team to accomplish victory, you deserve nothing in defeat.


+1 for common sense


Sad to see people play an MMO and want everything handed to them. Heck, whatever happened to raids being difficult or gear requiring dedication to obtain? :confused:

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Take a look at the people around you. The ones with gear probably have played quite a few more WZs and you should listen to their advice when they attempt to coordinate. Then you will get you precious wins.


LOL., Not once in any warzone I have been in, has anyone ever tried to communicate or coordinate. That may explain why we lose 9 times out of 10.

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Not a joke, when they take stupid PvE systems out of PvP, then you might have a point, but as it stands, the PvP in this game is just PvE with humans running the mobs, there is no other difference.


What are you blabbering about? o_o Is this like you first theme park mmo or what?

Edited by atreyuz
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Except for the fact that half the time the win doesn't even count because of a bug that they can't figure out how to fix.


yep, that's the thing to be fixed. WZ wins not counting... not listening to these pvers who just want EPIX without any sort of effort.


The mmo generation of I WANT IT ALL, AND I WANT IT NOW

Edited by atreyuz
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I want the number of wins to scale with the average overall wins the faction you picked does on the server you rolled on.


I think this is the fairest way.


Now time on average is relatively the same for each faction all things considered.


If your faction wins three times as many as thte other overall in the previous day, you need 9 wins, and the losers need three..


You still have to go win, but it takes global expectations and handicaps into consideration.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Seven wins yesterday, only two of them counted. This was over the course of four hours because as soon as our team went down, be it lost one door, lost the second gun or went down 1-0, half of our team bailed. I don't care if it's play 10 matches per day or get 3 wins at least until the bug that doesn't count your warzone win as a win is fixed.
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I wouldnt mind the wins requirement if my wins would count - yesterday I won 6 games yet my daily only showed 2/3....couldnt even get it done because I had to go to bed..... Edited by Torn
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