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For those bored at 50...


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Honestly, I'm still content with the game. There's plenty of codex entries I don't have that I plan on hunting down at some point. PVP gear to farm up. Raids to do. Alts to level. Etcetera.


As for content, I'd like to see a lot of different things. First and foremost, they need to fix crafting. Not really as a content addition as balance, but still. New WZs, additions to space missions, further customization of your character/ship, Space PVP, Guild VS Guild PvP, Faction Vs Faction PVP (that doesn't suck like Ilum. Stage an invasion of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas).


I'd also like to see them give us some side minigames like Pazaak, Swoop Racing, Speeder races, etcetera. Heck, even an achievement system would add some replayability. They've already got a solid base with the Codex system, just add on into that for some additional goals for people to work toward.




Here i more or less just live on the imp space station and feel kind of like a space hobo.


Lol, space hobo.

Edited by Reyom
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bigger planets - more open areas and not so controlled by mountains and stuff.


PLayer houses/flats which could bee decorated by crafting furnature.


Open space with mmo content - you should be able to get in your ship at any planet spacedock and just fly away with lots of space contents. areas to farm mats and so on.


You should be able to fly your spaceship more like a simulator with pvp skills like maybe different missiles or block radar skills and such. You should be able to concentrate power to rear or front shields depending on if your hunted or hunting someone in space combat. Maybe be able to use your companions in space combat and order them (by skills) to man rear or side or front blaster to concentrate fire depending on where you need firepower. And upgrade your companions to be better gunners or to being able to faster repair shields for the spaceship... maybe by acuiring better gear for them with accuracy or questing for skill rewards which makes them better in space combat to.. and that should be hard quests.. like having to atleast kill some heroic bosses or something.


Guild leveling/houses/ships - there should be more to do with the guild... collaborating for weeks with your guild to be able to aquire and upgrade guild houses and ships, maybe unlocking zones or instances for the guild with better drops or mats for better gear.


Have many ideas but thats what I could come up with atm... lot of this is what I hoped would be in the game from launch after playing SWG a little and that is why im so dissapointed in this game.

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first a foremost a spaceflight system more like SWG. we already have the ships and upgrades now lets get em off the rails and in he cockpits. as it is our space flight in our mmo is single player. i want space pvp. is that broad enough?


also, world pvp is a wipe due to factions not having close to the same amount of numbers or it would be at least (the very least) acceptable to keep me intertained for a month or 2. im talking about ilum to be more specific. driving around the central area for 30-45 mins cause theres no rebs to kill is a wash. i dont dare think of what the rebs do for there dailies.


id love to tell you a lot of great ideas but as the game was designed on tracks i cant see how to implement them. the worlds are set out in straight lines not open areas. they have built it so even on pvp servers you are not intended to interact with opposite factions except in a few hotspots.


and its true im not a dev or producer i realy do not get paid to sit around and brain storm new ****. but in this case the devs didnt even brain storm new ****, they took what was already being done and added a very slight tweek to it.





is it realy so much to ask that the people who are paid to entertain us come up with new and rewarding ways to do so?

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There's a couple of things they could do.


Legacy is one. There's not a whole lot known about it besides character creation options and whatnot. It should be a real AA system and that'd give people at max level something to shoot for.


Achievements. The codex just doesn't cut it. Real achievements, that people can see, and you get rewarded for.


Things that don't involve killing. Examples would be things like fishing or collectables.


Make raids harder. The raid content is simply consumed too quickly. People go into normal mode for the first time and clear it all out. There are very few differences in hard mode. Most fights are completely identical. They need to tune up the difficulty and mechanics in hard and nightmare modes.


More dailies and dailies that rotate so you're not doing the exact same quests every day.


Crafting that's meaningful so learning schematics is actually useful. It'd probably be a good idea to make schematics less about winning a RNG lottery too. Crafting quests wouldn't hurt.


Better space missions. I'm not saying it needs to be free roaming or anything but if they're going to do a rail shooter they should do it right. Have leader boards, alternate rails, shake things up a bit. I liked doing space missions from time to time but even I have my limits when it comes to doing the same mine field level with no variance at all.

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Competetive Flashpoints.


In short, a flashpoint where 1 group from each faction "race" through the flashpoint. whoever does it the fastest gets the price. Perhaps facing the final boss.

Another version of this could be a sort of waypoint system, where the groups face each other at each waypoint and the winners get some sort of advantage over the next boss/group battle. A sort of PvP/PvE hybrid.


Just a short example of something i would like to see.

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anyone remember when MMOs had Housing? ahh those were the days


Aye houses that you crafted in, those were the better days. On topic...Off the top of my head.


An actual crafting system that requires both crafter's and raiders to aquire fully kitted out end game gear...Mods /enhancements/ barrels/ hilts/ crystals/ buffs should be player crafted only.


A social system and class for cantina buffs ( SWG anybody )


PVP that is worth playing, that is fun and has objectives....Ie: An open world map that requires all of Huttball/Voidstar/and alderan combined to win or battle in....this map should have strongholds and PVE player interaction for base defences. Ilum is not this...??

Edited by Nippon
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And you obviously don't understand the playerbase. Right now the game has enough FEATURE CONTENT, what we need is a better way to get it all working as it should be.


Dual Spec,

FP finder,

better crafting,



epic quests,

player driven missions,

pod race,

pazzak match,

pvp driven PvE content

space combat



All those would help the game as it is right now, introducing a whole new mechanic is not what is needed right now.


I am sitting at 50, full columi gear, dailies reward is not good enough anymore, my crew skill is at 400, I researched most lvl 49 to purple. My companions all have lvl 50 gear.


Now what? I log only for OPS to help my guildies get gear so we can do HM OPS. Since I don't feel like re-speccing and I missed the boat on pvp I will not go in and get slaughtered by full expertise players, every 1-2 hour because the lvl 50 pvp is scarce.


The flying mission are fun for the 1-2 times you do them, once you do them and beat them with all bonuses every day, it is not fun anymore.


You shouldn't even reply to fanboy threads. The OP obviously does not want to know nor care about what others want. He just seems to want to tell you you're wrong.

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You shouldn't even reply to fanboy threads. The OP obviously does not want to know nor care about what others want. He just seems to want to tell you you're wrong.



The OP wants YOU to just write what you wants to be added not change stuff that's already in game.

Not his fault you want this to turn into ''QQ Insert LFG AND TURN INTO WoW thread #124752''


For once stay on-topic. If you want to nitpick there's 100000 other threads.

Edited by LordBerenger
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But that's the problem.


There's plenty of content. There are like 12 flashpoint hard modes that would be enough to keep me happy as a clam for months. The PROBLEM is that the lack of a key feature, a flashpoint finder, is keeping me from being able to actually DO any of that content. :mad:


Compounding the problem is the unreleased Legacy feature which makes me not want to level any alts because I don't know if next month I'm going to find out that legacy would have either made it a lot easier, or unlocked some cool thing I'm going to have to reroll to get anyway. :(


The game HAS content. The problem is features.

I can show you where the flashpoints are if you keep getting lost.

And you don't want to level an alt now because the Legacy system MAY make leveling EASIER!?!?!?




I'd love to see some swoop bike racing. And the ability to join as a spectator to a random race.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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