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Sents need force pull


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We dont need force pull, but we do need some better range with our attacks.


Stuff like crippling throw and blade storm getting a couple extra meters on their range would be perfect. Right now if we charge a sniper, get knocked back and rooted, we have ZERO things to use, we just sit there holding our ***** if our escape is on CD


its horrible, roots are waaaaaaaaay too effective vs our class.

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We dont need force pull, but we do need some better range with our attacks.


Stuff like crippling throw and blade storm getting a couple extra meters on their range would be perfect. Right now if we charge a sniper, get knocked back and rooted, we have ZERO things to use, we just sit there holding our ***** if our escape is on CD


its horrible, roots are waaaaaaaaay too effective vs our class.


Exactly, when you get knocked back, which you always will, you can do nothing, specially on the knockback and root. A forcepull would remedy this, since those classes that knock you back can easily stun you right afterwards.

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We dont need force pull, but we do need some better range with our attacks.


Stuff like crippling throw and blade storm getting a couple extra meters on their range would be perfect. Right now if we charge a sniper, get knocked back and rooted, we have ZERO things to use, we just sit there holding our ***** if our escape is on CD


its horrible, roots are waaaaaaaaay too effective vs our class.


The big problem is that roots don't have any diminishing returns and are not affected whatsoever by resolve.


This becomes stupidly apparent when fighting multiple sorcs with AoE root/KB talent and snipers.


The assassin snare is also ridiculously long and strong, and the snare associated with merc knockback is also excruciatingly long.


The first one isn't the problem. Its the following ones after you've used your charge. Smart people will see you coming from the getgo and start kiting to force you to charge so they can safely KB you, though.


My suggested change that would resolve many issues all in one fell swoop: Add a short (2-3 second) stun on Crippling Throw and extend the range to 20m. Leave the heal debuff the same. As it stands, given our frequent focus issues, its 3 focus cost is barely worth it unless you enjoy spending half of the game spamming strike to pool resources for a burn. This would allow us to "gap close" without getting a force pull or second charge, and would provide us with a much needed lockdown mechanism. Obviously the CD would have to be adjusted.


Better yet, take the heal debuff off and give us a talent that when one of our dots is present on a target they receive a 20% healing debuff. Passive without being 100% and frees up Crippling Throw for other purposes.


Removing the focus cost on interrupt would also go a very long way. Most other classes interrupts are either a) free or b) negligable cost

Edited by Xilrasis
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1 Force is as negligable as you can get it though without it beeing free.


1 Force adds up every 6 seconds, especially when you consider its not global cooldown limited.


1 force is a much larger percentage of our pool (Especially considering we have to actively build it) than the percentage of any other class's interrupt.

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1 Force adds up every 6 seconds, especially when you consider its not global cooldown limited.


1 force is a much larger percentage of our pool (Especially considering we have to actively build it) than the percentage of any other class's interrupt.



Ahem. 1 Force is 12% of your resource pool. 8 Heat (What my interrupt costs on my Powertech) is 12.5% of my resource pool.


Doesn't seem much larger?

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I don't think it's necessary... On most knock backs you have stuff to deal with it.

Your CC break and force camo for starters. Ok admittedly they are on long cool downs and if they are on cooldown you are quite often in a world of hurt unless you play clever.


The number one tip I can think of is positioning. I find postioning to be VERY important on a sentinel. But it's something you have to learn very quickly, especially in huttball.

Simply put, if you target is anywhere near a physical object, place yourself between them and the object. Knockbacks are on quite a long cooldown. If you get them to fluff it by using the above tactic you are generally free to wail on them for quite sometime.


The one thing that REALLY annoys me about the whole thing. Is the not being able to charge a sniper in cover... Say they are not near an object you can hold yourself against. So you run up to them, then they knockback and root. You either CC break (meaning you have no defence against their stun) or pop a def CD and take the pasting. And then you have to run back up to them, often with a slow on you. With a sorc you simply leap back in. On a sniper? No. You have to use camo or trans, or you are basically screwed. So no zen = major dps hit, and I cant use my camo later to let my CDs refesh to open up the can of whoopass again..

Not to mention the fact that leap is a major focus builder for watchman, and not being able to use it messes me up quite often against them. It's like 1/3 of your focus gone.


So no, no force pull needed, just let us charge targets in "cover".

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We do need a pull. Being the only class in the game without a player displacment move sucks ***.


Main reason I am leveling up a commando.


Simply put, Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights need a force pull in general. "Oh, but just use force push to reset force charge's cooldown!" Yeah, no. I'm not blowing a 1 minute CD power I'd rather use to knock someone into a fire hazard/off the ledge in huttball/to thjeir death on the bridge at Voidstar just so I can reset Force Charge.


Hell, even Grapple and it's Trooper mirror are on a 1 minute CD, and their tank specs can make good use out of Jet Charge.

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Simply put, Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights need a force pull in general. "Oh, but just use force push to reset force charge's cooldown!" Yeah, no. I'm not blowing a 1 minute CD power I'd rather use to knock someone into a fire hazard/off the ledge in huttball/to thjeir death on the bridge at Voidstar just so I can reset Force Charge.


Hell, even Grapple and it's Trooper mirror are on a 1 minute CD, and their tank specs can make good use out of Jet Charge.


if you were a good player you'd use the push to knock the ball carrier into the hazards in huttball...

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People are always looking for the "Oh s**t" button. They do this because they are bad players. Saying we are the only class without a push or a pull is a pathetic argument.


This class is fine and from my experience doing very well in PvP.

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if you were a good player you'd use the push to knock the ball carrier into the hazards in huttball...

You think I don't *********** know that? Why have Force Push reset Force Charge's CD when I save Force Push FOR THAT EXACT DAMN REASON?! Do you have no idea how to comprehend my simple posts or are you just another damn troll?

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we don't NEED it, but I want that or push, no reason why we are the only class that cant force abuse people to fire pits.


Scoundrels/Operatives would like a word with you.


I've never seen a bigger "everyone's picking on me and we have to fight every pull uphill, in the snows, blindfolded, with no shoes on!" group of people than Sent/Marauder boards.

Edited by Naldaen
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Scoundrels/Operatives would like a word with you.


I've never seen a bigger "everyone's picking on me and we have to fight every pull uphill, in the snows, blindfolded, with no shoes on!" group of people than Sent/Marauder boards.


Scoundrels/Operatives have the option to stealth up to a straggler and open up on them, Marauders and Sentinels stick out like a sore thumb with your dual-wielded glowbats.


Granted, Scoundrels/Operatives have their own issues once the initial burst is over if their target is still not admiring the lovely color of the floor.

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We haven aoe stun, force leap, that other leap in focus tree, slows, slows in different trees, etc. I don't think we need anything really. Yes snipers are annoying but I think on little change would fix it. If you are attacking from behind, force leap should work- if he has the wall between you and him- then it shouldn't. I would rather see a cc immunity ability (not a eraser) but something that makes us immune to slows stuns debuffs (dots an channels still do Dmg just no slowing) etc. that way we have that mobility that sentinels are know for. I dont think it'd be too much especially if they make it possible to reduce cd and duration through speccing.
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Scoundrels/Operatives would like a word with you.


I've never seen a bigger "everyone's picking on me and we have to fight every pull uphill, in the snows, blindfolded, with no shoes on!" group of people than Sent/Marauder boards.


they have stealth and are not main focus fire.

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they have stealth and are not main focus fire.


"They have stealth" is not an answer to the whine that "the Sent/Marauder is the only class that can't push people into the fire." You're not the only class that has no knockback/pull.


It's like the "Woe is me, my interrupt is so much more expensive!" whine when it's not. It's false.

Edited by Naldaen
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So much bad information in this thread. Sentinels do not have an AOE stun. We have an AOE disorient which is very different. I think sents are really competitive and really close. I think they could use one of the following things to really round out the class without making it overpowered:


1) Force push or pull resistance (active) - passive would be OP. For example 2-3 second immunity upon cast

2) A stun only usable at range (not force stasis which requires channeling). 10-30 meter usable.

3) A push or pull (I personally would love to have this, but I think one of the first two options are better)

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