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Blaster > Light saber


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but you guys knew that going into this game.... sadly it's the lack of combat logs then subsequent pve changes that are the downfall of melee. melee MUST have more dps than ranged to make up for disconnects... it is not the case in this game...
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Who doesn't like explosions?


My first toon was a JK and I enjoyed it. All the lightsaber sounds were awesome. Sometimes I'd just hit Z to hear that buzz.


My second character is a Bounty Hunter! Knocking people on their arse with huge explosions rocks. I wait on my Death from Above cooldown before every fight just to watch the fireworks.


I definitely feel more powerful on my BH just due to the explosions.

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Melee wouldn't be worthless if your chance of defense against ranged damaged was based on proximity to that damage.


For instance. If you're 30 meters from a Commando, then your defense against his attacks goes up to 30%, but if you're 4 meters from him, then your defense goes back to it's base amount.


This should be for all ranged attacks including force lightening, where your lightsaber can soak up part of the lightening damage until you close within your own attack range, at which point it's too powerful for your lightsaber to soak anymore.


Poof. Melee fixed.

Edited by ForceCowboy
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Uhhhhhh what?


It's the only explanation. :p


Ok Sorcs and Sages clearly can, but the rest cannot.


The only thing that makes Jedi/Sith formidable in the movies and other SW games with a lightsaber is that they CAN use the Force.


Without that advantage it is basically guns vs swords, which of course guns win.




This is basically one of the reasons SWG didn't have Jedi initially, they felt they simply couldn't be balanced in an MMO.

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Melee wouldn't be worthless if your chance of defense against ranged damaged was based on proximity to that damage.


For instance. If you're 30 meters from a Commando, then your defense against his attacks goes up to 30%, but if you're 4 meters from him, then your defense goes back to it's base amount.


This should be for all ranged attacks including force lightening, where your lightsaber can soak up part of the lightening damage until you close within your own attack range, at which point it's too powerful for your lightsaber to soak anymore.


Poof. Melee fixed.


To enhance the idea further, how about:

Make a Talent that grants passive mitigation from Range weapons and Force Lightning, based on distance to target (as suggested above).

Remove the Range component from Sabre Ward or have it scale with the above mentioned new talent.

This wouldn't of course apply to explosive projectiles, they'd still hurt you, whether you blocked with your sabre or not.

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I set things on fire and blow them up.




This is pretty much the standard of the known Universe...both SWTOR's and our's.


Projectile Weapon = High probability of severe injury from long and close range


Melee Weapon = Moderate probablity (high if lightsaber) of injury only at close range


Projectile Weapon gets chance to hit first. What does that mean? It means dont bring a knife to a gun-fight. People have known this for centuries.

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I think lightsabers should actually work like Lightsabers instead of swords. I should just slice through everything like it was butter instead I graze stuff to death with a thousand sweeps.


If that's the case, then my blaster shots should kill you in one hit as well...since they normally would unless it's a glancing blow or you're wearing heavy armor (we all know that medium armor stormtroopers worn in the movies doesnt repel blaster shots).


Don't think realism has a place in videogames. ;)

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(



You should write a book :) That was entertaining.

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(


I thought they were plasma based?

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Oh and one more thing...


If I'm firing energy bolts at you...I assume they should be able to travel at the speed of light, but they obviously don't. In other words, you should not be able to block them, even with the increased reflexes of the force.


Man...knowing physics sucks. Like for example, ever wonder where all those missed blaster shots from starships end up? They should keep going forever until they hit a planet, ship, or other object. Just think about it, while you're doing your space combat missions blasting around like a crazed mad-man, some farmer with a wife and two kids is probably going to get one hell of a surprise when he's tending to his crops one morning and blaster shot comes out of no-where and obliterates him. It may take a few years for that blaster bolt to reach him...but still.


I'm officially selling my starship now... :(


This is from Mass Effect 2 This, recruits, is a 20-kilo ferris slug, feel the weight. Every five seconds, the main gun of an everest class dreadnought accelerates one to 1.3% of light-speed. It impacts with the force of a 38-kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city-buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means- Sir Issac Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-***** in space. Now! Serviceman Burnside! What is Newton's first law?


Serviceman Burnside: Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir!


Gunnery Chief: No credit for partial answers, maggot!


Serviceman Burnside: Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir!


Gunnery Chief: Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant *******es know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going til it hits something. That can be a ship. Or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in ten thousand years. If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someones day, somewhere and sometime. That is why you check your targets. That is why you wait for the computer to give you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not "eyeball it". This is a weapon of mass destruction. You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip!



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