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If you rely on gear, you're not a PVPer...


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If you rage over pvp, you should take a look at your life and ask why something as trivial as a game can irritate you to such a degree. When I get beaten in a game it's usually because I was outplayed. That's one of the joys of pvp for me. I learn something every time I fight someone more skilled than I am. It's hardly worth getting irritated over.


The carebear label was a nice touch though. Done to death, but still a nice touch.


Things like books, films, art and music can evoke emotions, but if a game does you have issues?

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But then you are not pvping with your char.


You might as well call it jedi #1023892




PvP fans want to play that game.

You don't, they do. Conflict!


You can't balance the two because they are mutually exclusive and any attempts wind up being an unplayable, unbalanced mess.


I would be happy if Bioware just stopped calling it PvP and correctly called it CvC.


I would be estatic if they introduced a separate metagame that was actual PvP and kept the CvC in as well.


Three games in one:

PvE = Your character killing mobs

CvC = Your character killing mobs controlled by other players

PvP = Your skill competing against other player's skill

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Calling pvp something different doesn't make your point anymore valid.


If you want twitch / pure skill pvp then play a twitch / pure skill game. I see no reason for the devs to devote their valuable time (which could be far better aplied to the actual issues with the game) on making a niche pvp mode (and yes, in the MMORPG playerbase twitch-based gaming *is* niche).


If you want twitch/pure skill, get off your pale *** and go play football, or soccer, or any other real sport.


Getting the latest cookie cut spec and running off into a WZ with keybinds and a rotation that you weren't smart or talented enough to figure out without reading about it isn't skill.


Those are all factors that impact PvP just as much as gear. Should we have talents, keybinds, and practical rotations disabled during PvP play as well? Because you know, those are all unfair advantages as well.


I will not be satisfied until there is a tutorial that teaches you how to play as well as every other player of your class before each and every WZ. Not until there is a list of all cookie cut spec options listed for you before you ever Q up. Not until they implement a feature to wipe the tears from my cheeks when someone kills me. It would only be fair.


I demand it.

Edited by Celebrus
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Things like books, films, art and music can evoke emotions, but if a game does you have issues?


I've never seen anyone in the library throw a book while reading it. Maybe I need to check out a few more libraries.


There are plenty of things in the world worth getting upset over. Games are a hobby that we're all plenty passionate about. If something irritates me in a game, it's usually a poor design decision, not being beaten in pvp.

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PvP fans want to play that game.

You don't, they do. Conflict!


You can't balance the two because they are mutually exclusive and any attempts wind up being an unplayable, unbalanced mess.


I would be happy if Bioware just stopped calling it PvP and correctly called it CvC.


I would be estatic if they introduced a separate metagame that was actual PvP and kept the CvC in as well.


Three games in one:

PvE = Your character killing mobs

CvC = Your character killing mobs controlled by other players

PvP = Your skill competing against other player's skill


Have you ever PVPed?


Let's assume gear is the same for everyone.


Stats are the same for everyone.


Everyone is the same class.


PVP is still not skill based. It's numbers based. The pre-made group with vent kills the pick up group.


The mob of 10 kills the mob of 5.


If you want "skill based pvp" take off all your gear and dual. WZ are not skilled based PVP. They are a fun mini-game.

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I've never seen anyone in the library throw a book while reading it. Maybe I need to check out a few more libraries.


There are plenty of things in the world worth getting upset over. Games are a hobby that we're all plenty passionate about. If something irritates me in a game, it's usually a poor design decision, not being beaten in pvp.


I've read a book before I wanted to throw so badly but I managed to fight back the urge

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Have you ever PVPed?


Let's assume gear is the same for everyone.


Stats are the same for everyone.


Everyone is the same class.


PVP is still not skill based. It's numbers based. The pre-made group with vent kills the pick up group.


The mob of 10 kills the mob of 5.


If you want "skill based pvp" take off all your gear and dual. WZ are not skilled based PVP. They are a fun mini-game.


Whoever gets lucky with RNG and crits more wins.


It's still more luck and roll based than anything else.

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Have you ever PVPed?


Let's assume gear is the same for everyone.


Stats are the same for everyone.


Everyone is the same class.


PVP is still not skill based. It's numbers based. The pre-made group with vent kills the pick up group.


The mob of 10 kills the mob of 5.


If you want "skill based pvp" take off all your gear and dual. WZ are not skilled based PVP. They are a fun mini-game.


The premade with vent is using their skill to win. They play with each other more often and so they know each other's skills and can rely on each other. That is the whole entire point of being in a team-based competition.


Your 10 on 5 argument is irrelevant. No one should expect to win unless they hold a tactical or strategic advantage that outweighs the logistical disadvantage that comes from having half as many people. The software is supposed to balance out the teams, but the fact that it doesn't always work correctly does not make your point valid as it is an error, not a function.

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I've never seen anyone in the library throw a book while reading it. Maybe I need to check out a few more libraries.
But I suppose you see people throwing their computers across the room all the time, right? :rolleyes:


There are plenty of things in the world worth getting upset over. Games are a hobby that we're all plenty passionate about. If something irritates me in a game, it's usually a poor design decision, not being beaten in pvp.


Most of the time I agree, I'm much more likely to get annoyed at myself for making a stupid mistake than at the other player for beating me. Exceptions being if someone is actively griefing me, etc.


However, things like respawning just as the gates go up and block the exit, etc - these things can annoy me. Especially when it happens a couple of deaths in a row.

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Oh, by the way everyone. Read the dev tracker. You can clearly see Georg Zoeller saying that they have NO PLANS OF NERFING EXISTING PVP GEAR. He also says that nobody has talked about removing the gap between fresh 50s and older 50s.


Love it. :)


The sky isn't falling yet!

Edited by Celebrus
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It's worth noting that over time gear becomes less of a factor because eventually everyone get their battlemaster set. It's only at first that gear makes such a big difference.


But the fresh 50's want full BM or else!


Of course they don't even consider that the time advantage with a class is far more advantageous than gear.

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However, things like respawning just as the gates go up and block the exit, etc - these things can annoy me. Especially when it happens a couple of deaths in a row.


I agree. I get annoyed with the little things often. I just don't get angry or rage and don't understand why someone would. Raging and being annoyed just don't conjure the same image for me. Perhaps our disagreement is just an issue of word choice.

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I just want pvp to be a test of skill as much as possible, not gear.


you need to have a lag free enviroment before skill can even be applied. IE Ilum...no skill needed. Well, I guess the skill to time your one move between lag outs is needed. lol

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But the fresh 50's want full BM or else!


Of course they don't even consider that the time advantage with a class is far more advantageous than gear.


just to be clear, when is the line drawn between fresh and older 50's? There are A LOT of people with BM gear that "earned" it in a couple of days on ilum right after the patch. There was zero actual work done, the population difference earned BM gear for too many. Not actual pvping.


Besides the game is barely coming on two months old. Nobody has played long enough to grip about "tons of hard work" going poof. Try seeing three yrs go poof over night to make a game more star warsy, then we can talk. :-)

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