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Augments 1.1.2 Huge Mistake!


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The changes he is talking about are being able to get an Augment slot on orange gear and being able to remove the base mods from purples... IDK if those are in 1.1.2 or just "a future patch" though.


I think this is a good thing. There is no wardrobe-type function in the game and this sort of solves that problem. It also allows people to fully customize gear instead of having useless stats on purples (presence on a mastercraft purple when I'll rarely solo? Really?)


Huge problem with augments.


Once people have an set of gear with an augment slot. People will never get to enjoy any other gear in the game, as there will be no point to it. Forget tier gear, forget social gear it wont have augment slots so I wont ware it.


If all mods can be removed from gear then there is no difference between raiding for gear and raiding for gear so we can remove mods to add to our oranges. When better gear gets added to the game we'll still have to get it to upgrade said oranges


The ONLY thing I can see this doing is, if the only oranges with augment slots are those from crafters, it may cause an economics issue. If everyone wants said gear and crafters charge out the nose then it'll be painful, but most of my chars are BH/IA or Repub mirrors and I have a 400 Armormech so... yeah

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So you'd rather they stay with the current system of being made to wear tier gear for the same exact reason...


Edit: didnt explain myself very well. Currently level 50's are stuck with tier gear(limited customization the exact thing they're trying to fix is what you are complaining about) if they want to min/max. BW is attempting to make orange gear comparable which is what we've been asking them to do. How is making orange gear comparable to the tier were stuck with less options... it's not it's more options.


No, let me explain it to you.


Let's say right now a raid piece will give you


1000 to your main stat

500 to a secondary stat


After the change you can then take the mods off that piece, or get the mods from another place and put them on your orange piece with an augment slot and get


1000 to your main stat

500 to your secondary stat

PLUS an augment slot to add something else in


This will mean that orange gear with an augment slot will be the absolute best piece in the game. So what if you prefer that raid piece? Or what if you prefer your social gear? You know some people do as much as they can to get certain gear.


What the OP is pointing out is that after the change pvp gear will no longer be the best pvp gear. Orange gear will be. Raid gear will no longer be the best Raid gear, orange gear will be.

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Since I downtalk the Bioware Staff, Let me put my money where my mouth is:


Instead of instituting the fail system Bioware is proposing Bioware needs to set it up so when a crafter "crits" on gear, he doesn't get an orange piece with an augment slot, he gets an 'Augment Slot Creator'.


The Crafter can then sell that creator, and then players can add that socket piece to any gear adding an augment slot.


Make the Augment Creator only work on level appropriate gear (work on any piece up to the level of the gear that was made to crit it) and then they give the power back to the players.

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What the OP is pointing out is that after the change pvp gear will no longer be the best pvp gear. Orange gear will be. Raid gear will no longer be the best Raid gear, orange gear will be.


Mods will be available by obtaining said PvP/Raid gear to add to said orange gear. Not all existing mods can be made by Cybertechs (expertise mods, for example)


Think a little bit before you rage on about how bad this change is. It now opens up two avenues of obtaining gear: via raiding and via crafters. It also makes crafting more worthwhile

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Once again i have to explain the problem. Say you have the Pvp set, and you like it or maybe you have one of the social armor sets and you like that. Well neither of those can have augment slots because they can't be crafted.


There is the problem, instead of saying hey don't like your tier try this armor instead it is. Hey like your tier or like this social armor set well too bad coz they don't have augment slots so it is going to cost you stats to ware them.


lets say you just got an awesome looking gun with great stats from a Operation, well kiss that model goodbye coz your using your Orange gun from a limited choice of crafted items because it has an augment slot.

Haven't got past this yet but wanted to add something.


You say the choice of oranges is limited, but why don't they just add schematic versions of all possible orange drops somewhere (Or let them be discoverable through RE), then you can have whatever orange piece you want but you will just have to pay more for the better one if you can't craft it yourself (You could even let bound items be reverse engineered by other people but not used, so if you do get that nice item bound you can give it to the tradeskiller who can RE it for you - though that may take more thought in case it creates another imbalance I haven't seen).


That way all crafters will have something sellable to earn money from, they will all have their BoP items and nobody will really be worse than anyone else?

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Bioware needs to set it up so when a crafter "crits" on gear, he doesn't get an orange piece with an augment slot, he gets an 'Augment Slot Creator'.


The Crafter can then sell that creator, and then players can add that socket piece to any gear adding an augment slot.


Make the Augment Creator only work on level appropriate gear (work on any piece up to the level of the gear that was made to crit it) and then they give the power back to the players.


This I sort of agree with

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I will correct myself, it is not comming in 1.1.2 but in the next major content patch, which could still be not to far away. Orange gear will be able to crit augment slots so, it will not really help other crew skills in terms of stats just their money making ability.


It'll actually significantly HURT their money making ability. Currently, if you want a good piece of equipment with an augment slot, you have to buy it from a highly skilled player who has learned the good T2 schematic, procured the expensive mats, made it, and got lucky on a crit


If/when they add augment slots to orange items, you can simply buy a cheap to make orange item that some crafter with only 30 skill got a crit on, not needing any RE or expensive mats or anything.

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This was posted on the other thread. Add an Augmentation Device. Synthweaving gets one (or more, level-requirement based) to put on Force-User armor, Armormech gets one to put on non-force armor, armstech gets one for guns, and artifice gets one for lightsabers.


it would be great for the Galactic Market. And for those tradeskills that seem to be missing right now.


Definitely. I'd say take it a step further and let there be two versions. A cheap version that would be BoP and a BoE versin which costs a Biometric Crystal Alloy or Self-Perpetuating Power Cell. It would give the crafters who stuck with their Artifice, Synthweaving etc something but still allow us to sell said Augmentation device.

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WoW didn't get anything right, except how to sell MMOs to the masses, its like the Britney Spears Pop-BS of MMOs. /rant

Leave Britney alone. She's blond. You don't make fun of blond people...



(...Phew good thing this is text and not a video. Doubt I could say that with a straight face...)

Edited by DarthKhaos
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And Bioware is the Rebecca Black of MMO. You can't honestly say that Bioware is a better company than Blizzard right now.


And yeah this is just another in a long laundry list of Bioware fumbling through the MMO process. Apparently Bioware doesn't get what it means to play or make an MMO yet so they are still learning.


And don't expect developers to come to these threads any more, just find a guild leader to give this question to since apparently that's the only way developers can hear what players are saying, is if they are told in person.



Why would you of all people want devs to come into threads?


So they could smack you around again?:tran_grin:

Edited by Reico
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one of the other issues I see is that if the best crew skill items at 400 come from PvE, like Ops schem drops, PvPers or casuals will never see it. I just haven't done enough research to find out if that really has yet become an issue. But I see it coming.


I have one schematic from a HM Ops it's Exo-Force Masters Sash I've only made a few but I have sold a few for close to 170k without an Aug slot.

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No, let me explain it to you.


Let's say right now a raid piece will give you


1000 to your main stat

500 to a secondary stat


After the change you can then take the mods off that piece, or get the mods from another place and put them on your orange piece with an augment slot and get


1000 to your main stat

500 to your secondary stat

PLUS an augment slot to add something else in


This will mean that orange gear with an augment slot will be the absolute best piece in the game. So what if you prefer that raid piece? Or what if you prefer your social gear? You know some people do as much as they can to get certain gear.


What the OP is pointing out is that after the change pvp gear will no longer be the best pvp gear. Orange gear will be. Raid gear will no longer be the best Raid gear, orange gear will be.


orange items won't have set bonuses.




while reading this whole thread all i kept thinking of is, how come no one has mentioned set bonues. Orange item with augment gets extra stats via the augment, PVE / PVP gear gets extra mechanic in the form of a set bonus (shorter cooldown on x, etc)


So ya theres a trade off, you might lose out on an augment slot but get a set bonus, or vice versa you dont care about the set bonus and opt for the better stats.


I'm glad theyre adding this cause i dont really like the look of the PVE/PVP gear at the end game and wanted to use oranges but figured id eventually switch because the set bonus, now i may not have to.


IMO what they should do is this:


Add augment slots to all PVP/PVE gear (or maybe only hardmode / nightmare)

Make crafted gear able to crit and get an augment slot

Allow the armoring to be pulled from the OP PVE and PVP gear BUT be bound to the slot it was pulled from

Have a set bonus attached to the armoring


This would solve the issue of farming the first boss of an OP to get armoring for all your piece (this was the reason the armoring isnt removable) because a boot armoring is only usable in boots (you could make crafted armoring available to all, just OP gear has the restriction) AND attach the set bonus to the armoring so that people who like the PVE/PVP gear get the set bonus AND augment slot, people who like the look of crafted gear can get the augment slot AND the set bonus making both options.... wait for it... EXACTLY THE SAME!

Edited by BCasey
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Current Problem

Most crafting professions are useless.

Proposed Solution

Make epic mods removable, make orange gear BiS when crit crafted (What?)

Problem With Proposed Solution

Everyone runs around wearing orange gear. As mentioned earlier, there would be no point in bosses dropping anything other than item enhancements, as Orange gear with an augment slot would be superior 100% of the time.



My Solution

Don't allow Orange gear to crit with an augment slot. Allow mods to be removable.


Armortech/Synthweaving - Allow max level crafters to add augment slots to the type of gear they craft (Helm, Chest, Legs, Boots, Gloves, Waist, Bracers). Adding an augment slot makes the item bound.


Artifice/Armstech - Allow max level crafters to add augment slots to MH weapons, OH weapons, and generators (Blasters/Assault Cannons for Armstech, Lightsabers for Artifice). Adding an augment slot makes the item bound.


Cybertech - Allow max level crafters to add augment slots to implants. Adding an augment slot makes the item bound.


---Limit the number of active augment slots to 2 per character.


---Increase the bonuses from augments.


---Unnerf Biochem. Only allow Rakata Medpacks in PvE. Instead of trading infinitely reusable stims, allow Biochems to trade stims that last through death.


---Let Slicing choose which stats they want (shield, power, crit, etc) on augment missions. Between the credits and increased demand for augments, this will still be a viable tradeskill for people who are only concerned about money.

Edited by DadadadaBATMAN
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Once again i have to explain the problem. Say you have the Pvp set, and you like it or maybe you have one of the social armor sets and you like that. Well neither of those can have augment slots because they can't be crafted.


There is the problem, instead of saying hey don't like your tier try this armor instead it is. Hey like your tier or like this social armor set well too bad coz they don't have augment slots so it is going to cost you stats to ware them.


lets say you just got an awesome looking gun with great stats from a Operation, well kiss that model goodbye coz your using your Orange gun from a limited choice of crafted items because it has an augment slot.


So after 5 posts by the OP we get to the root of the problem. It's a frick'in PVP problem. Who would have thunk it.

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So after 5 posts by the OP we get to the root of the problem. It's a frick'in PVP problem. Who would have thunk it.


I think you failed to understand what he meant.


If you like the appearence of a piece of gear you got, but it cannot be crafted, you are losing on the augment slot.

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I think you failed to understand what he meant.


If you like the appearence of a piece of gear you got, but it cannot be crafted, you are losing on the augment slot.


Yeah, I probably jumped to a conclusion there. :)


I'm not a raider or pvper, just a casual leveler, alt junkie.

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