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Cutscenes are my Kryptonite


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There's something very odd going on here.


On my Sith Juggernaut (with tanking spec) I very slowly carve my way through groups of enemies. When the cutscenes come people cower in fear, I cut through armies I crush my enemies with unparalleled power and fury.


Meanwhile, on my Gunslinger. I take down bad guys in quick order with a few well aimed shots and a size 9 boot to the crotch. I've knocked Sith into the Abyss and then twirled my guns smirking.


Cutscenes strike.

I lose my ship.

I let Skavik escape while I look dumbfounded at the Imperial officers he was standing next to.

I stand around confused at the sith that yanked the gun out of my hand (forgetting about the other gun I was holding)


Something very strange is going on. :confused:

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To be fair I think they should make all the melee classes have to start every fight out of range of their weapon, and make them run into the fights.


I mean they make us stand their, 2 meters from a freeken Sith with no cover in sight.


Every cutscene I die...Only to 30 seconds latter dominate the fight because I run back into cover and then blast everything down wile they try to hit me.


Maybe it's their way of keeping us all humble. Cause if we were that aswome all the time we could not get into our ships cause our inflated heads would stick in the airlock.


Guess I should have gone dirty fighting. scene ends, whack right to the bosses jimmies, then I could sprint off and dive for cover...


Instead I just die like the *****#@# I am.

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To be fair I think they should make all the melee classes have to start every fight out of range of their weapon, and make them run into the fights.


I mean they make us stand their, 2 meters from a freeken Sith with no cover in sight.


Every cutscene I die...Only to 30 seconds latter dominate the fight because I run back into cover and then blast everything down wile they try to hit me.


Maybe it's their way of keeping us all humble. Cause if we were that aswome all the time we could not get into our ships cause our inflated heads would stick in the airlock.


Guess I should have gone dirty fighting. scene ends, whack right to the bosses jimmies, then I could sprint off and dive for cover...


Instead I just die like the *****#@# I am.


flash grenade is your friend.

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One of my pet peeves for RPGs in general - I magically turn into an idiot for every cutscene.


Shooting people? Why would I do that? I should stand around and talk while they tell me their nefarious plans!


Cover? What's that? I want to run up and talk to them in the middle of a big, bare room with no place to hide!


On the plus side, I'm getting pretty good at dealing with the results of my character's stupidity.

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flash grenade is your friend.







And yeah, oddly enough I also play Smuggler and Warrior, though I have the opposite ACs to you.


On one hand, the Warrior slowly stalks forward in cutscenes, cutting people down, Force Pushing them into walls (which is extra funny because I don't have Force Push), Force Choking them to death and generally being an implacable death machine...


On the other, the Smuggler is walking into obvious traps, getting knocked unconscious, blown up repeatedly and generally juggling idiot balls. She does have her moments though...


Draw! *shoots*

Edited by OniGanon
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It's valid for every class in the game. If you are starting a fight from a cutscene, or the guy you know you'll have to kill is friendly, kill the adds first. Because you are going to die to the boss, and you may as well give yourself some progress during the first round.
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Flash Grenade has a hefty cooldown, and can be used as an interrupt when Distraction is cooling down. Using it in the beginning of a fight is a waste of a potentially important ability. Also, it doesn't "count" as CC by your companions, correct? So they'll still rush in and break the stun when you throw it?
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Now they finally fixed the CD on Flashbang using it at the start of a boss fight means you'll normally get to use it again right towards the end when you need it most. It works reasonably well and I can only assume they balanced the fights on the assumption that we'd open with it to give us time to set up.
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then you turn into a hard *** aldaraan+.

Then you get exploded constantly. ( I counted at least 6 different me + exploded cut scenes )

Beaten over the head.

Left for dead.

Eaten by space-crabs.


...I made that last one up but the point still stands. Smuggler in cut scenes is not bright.

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Flash Grenade has a hefty cooldown, and can be used as an interrupt when Distraction is cooling down. Using it in the beginning of a fight is a waste of a potentially important ability. Also, it doesn't "count" as CC by your companions, correct? So they'll still rush in and break the stun when you throw it?


Fights from cutscene often start with the guy you're talking to surrounded by normal mobs. To me, having 8 seconds free of their fire to get into a better position and lay down Sab Charge, Shrap Bomb and Thermal Grenade to thin the crowd and knock down two mobs is far more valuable than having an extra interrupt later in the fight.


Sometimes my Companions break CC, but generally they behave themselves.

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Smuggler in cut scenes is not bright.


'Tis true. Still brighter than Corso, though. In the first Corso quest (I think it's the first - the one where you go look up his cuz on Coruscant), the 'twist' is so blatantly obvious, even the Smuggler says "What did you think was going to happen, Corso?" and that's probably the least scornful approach to the conversation...

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How about that great moment when Risha just watches some guy walk up behind you and hit you upside the head.


Even better, I was partied with a Jedi Consular at the time, so there were THREE people calmly watching me get knocked out and dragged away.

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