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Right choice to of quit?


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The only reason why I play this game is because of Smuggler, I wouldn’t play any other class. I haven’t yet tried my scoundrel after the changes has been made. So I was wondering is it still worth coming back if you only want to play as smuggler? Is our downgrade that bad? I enjoy PvP so I spend most of my in game time in warzones yet to reach 50 as I am only lvl 44. I know allot of people say we are OP and we deserve to be downgraded usually my typical argue back is just “We found our perfect set up you haven’t” or is this downgrade good for the game because BioWare has rushed everything and we expect other classes to be downgraded as well in the near future?


So with 10 days left before my sub runs out is it worth it to return?

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Welcome to "Sage Wars"


Canceled my account yesterday, I got nerfed because I almost killed a Sage 1 on 1


Pre 1.1.1 a Scoundrel in BM gear facing a Sage in BM with similar skills in playing had no chance to win.


A Scoundrel in BM fighting someone in Crap would knock them down and beat them to death before they could do anything so now the class is useless.


One less Scoundrel in the game.

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The only reason why I play this game is because of Smuggler, I wouldn’t play any other class. I haven’t yet tried my scoundrel after the changes has been made. So I was wondering is it still worth coming back if you only want to play as smuggler? Is our downgrade that bad? I enjoy PvP so I spend most of my in game time in warzones yet to reach 50 as I am only lvl 44. I know allot of people say we are OP and we deserve to be downgraded usually my typical argue back is just “We found our perfect set up you haven’t” or is this downgrade good for the game because BioWare has rushed everything and we expect other classes to be downgraded as well in the near future?


So with 10 days left before my sub runs out is it worth it to return?


Short answer NO it is not worth messing with BW has been very unresponsive

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It's fine. Don't listen to whiners who have to cry now because they cant 3 shot people in pvp anymore.


You dont even know what you are talking about dude - so many people spitting out this crap - only overgeared people did that pre 1.1 to lowbys - and almost any class could do it


Our class is weak now - there is no advantage to being an Op at all - and really not much to being melee in this game - if you want to be good in PvP roll a ranged class


You will have people say in so many words "You can still use all the Ops ability's on people so they are just fine" I feel like I am talking to children most of the time on these forums - look at how much ranged gets (auto-facing,sheilds etc.) they are usually more survivable, do just as much damage, have just as much CC - BUT also have things to knock you back if you do get close, some even CC you right after you get knocked back - yet when you DO get into melee range....you do less or equal damage as them.....


Why play a melee class in this game? Because you rolled one since the start, dont know any better, or are just stubborn

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lol all these people cryin about nerf this nerf that, go quit no body cares, apparently your not good, apparently you needed to shoot first bb then stealth and repeat to kill someone, but now that you actually need skill to get a kill you all complain, bunch of useless babies that dont get what they want so they whine and complain, go have your parents by you a poney or something
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So go do it. Do you need the forums to tell you when to take a dump?


I try to be constructive and get info from the community so in future people can read this thread if they are in the same boat as I am, as well as players giving feedback to my comment so that developers could possibly read what the smuggler community think about players quitting and why. I don’t like to waste my time with a game where I have read a ton of bad comments on the outside of these forums, and I have clearly stated I had 10 days left until I no longer have access so why not ask people if it’s worth coming back?


But I did give the game a go, for like 1 hour. Entered 2 warzones didn’t notice any massive changes until I further progressed in the 2nd warzone where I faced certain classes (fire away with L2P, I welcome them) where I noticed massive changes that gives us a complete disadvantage, I’m not going to go into detail because allot players have already explained allot. But this game isn’t for me, I feel like I’m paying to play a Beta, clearly this isn’t a finished game and was rushed before launch.

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I'd actually like to hear what happened in the second warzone. The first one went fine, and the second one went bad. So you are just saying the class is at a big disadvantage now after a whole 2 warzones, both with different results. Edited by Scrutment
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I try to be constructive and get info from the community so in future people can read this thread if they are in the same boat as I am, as well as players giving feedback to my comment so that developers could possibly read what the smuggler community think about players quitting and why. I don’t like to waste my time with a game where I have read a ton of bad comments on the outside of these forums, and I have clearly stated I had 10 days left until I no longer have access so why not ask people if it’s worth coming back?


But I did give the game a go, for like 1 hour. Entered 2 warzones didn’t notice any massive changes until I further progressed in the 2nd warzone where I faced certain classes (fire away with L2P, I welcome them) where I noticed massive changes that gives us a complete disadvantage, I’m not going to go into detail because allot players have already explained allot. But this game isn’t for me, I feel like I’m paying to play a Beta, clearly this isn’t a finished game and was rushed before launch.


Can you name me one MMO that hasn't gone through significant changes during the first year after release? The fact of the matter is that the limited scope of the beta can't accurately portray what is going to happen after release and it is ridiculous that you think the game would come out and require no balancing.


Also, if you rely on other people to tell you what to play then you're going to miss out on a lot of good games because someone else didn't like it. People's opinions are just that, OPINIONS. They are as biased about games as anyone else for their own reasons and nobody is going to have exactly the same viewpoints.

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I'd actually like to hear what happened in the second warzone. The first one went fine, and the second one went bad. So you are just saying the class is at a big disadvantage now after a whole 2 warzones, both with different results.


I was just saying I joined in on 2 warzones. as I said 1st one went fine, had no hick ups in that. second warzone I faced what I appeared to be a familiar ground before the dreadful update, where I could handle situations, so I was in a solo fight with a lvl 40 Sorcerer (I'm only lvl 44) where he basicly ripped me appart. So I lured him out again, had my defences at the ready did the same routine as I would of before when we weren't downgraded and basicly it was a repeat of the first fight. Don't get me wrong but I don't just rage quit becuase of 1 fight, perhaps he or she was a better player than I am. But as I said I feel that this game is still a Beta and we are paying to play a Beta. Changes to a class like smuggler thats one of the least most popular classes in this game is just making things worse, not only that but scoundrel is more of a stealth and solo class we play away from the group therefore we require our damage which has been stripped from us.

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Can you name me one MMO that hasn't gone through significant changes during the first year after release? The fact of the matter is that the limited scope of the beta can't accurately portray what is going to happen after release and it is ridiculous that you think the game would come out and require no balancing.


Also, if you rely on other people to tell you what to play then you're going to miss out on a lot of good games because someone else didn't like it. People's opinions are just that, OPINIONS. They are as biased about games as anyone else for their own reasons and nobody is going to have exactly the same viewpoints.


I apreciate your feed back, and I am new to MMO gaming. This is my first MMO and as a console gamer I kinda expected the game to be complete and polished. But I will probably return to the game once everything has been properly adjusted.

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Scoundrel is one of the worst classes now to play if you are a clicker. If you aren't and you know how to play the class, it can still be devastating and loads of fun in PvP. Another class to avoid as a clicker is the sentinel/marauder. I guess you could heal as a scoundrel though if you can't stop clicking your skills.
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I was just saying I joined in on 2 warzones. as I said 1st one went fine, had no hick ups in that. second warzone I faced what I appeared to be a familiar ground before the dreadful update, where I could handle situations, so I was in a solo fight with a lvl 40 Sorcerer (I'm only lvl 44) where he basicly ripped me appart. So I lured him out again, had my defences at the ready did the same routine as I would of before when we weren't downgraded and basicly it was a repeat of the first fight. Don't get me wrong but I don't just rage quit becuase of 1 fight, perhaps he or she was a better player than I am. But as I said I feel that this game is still a Beta and we are paying to play a Beta. Changes to a class like smuggler thats one of the least most popular classes in this game is just making things worse, not only that but scoundrel is more of a stealth and solo class we play away from the group therefore we require our damage which has been stripped from us.


Yodoma just remember everyone that says they are a Scoundrel/Scrapper will not always be telling the truth.


Favorite saying will be your bad, have no clue, bad rotation, clicker and won't be missed.


Some people want to see other classes get nerfed so they act like they play the class and say stupid stuff.


Some actually do play the class but the heal spec and really have no clue but act like they know everything about a line they do not play.


Think about it if they were playing Scoundrel/Scrapper what would be their reason for coming here and saying the class is great, some have even said it made it better and it needs to be nerfed again.


The healing line is still good for the class, if all you want to do is get some high numbers in WZ's the class is fine go around AE people, if you want to win 1v1 and burst people down BW has made it clear this class will not do this from now on.


I use to get 5k medal every WZ and would usually get a couple of 6k hits, there are some WZ's now that I will not break the 4k mark.


You will get hit harder than that from other classes Every WZ.


You play Huttball go attack a Scoundrel decide for yourself, I have noticed they are very easy to kill.


The biggest problem is at 50 the better other peoples gear gets the worse you will get, they just keep getting more hit points and you will not hit them as hard either.

Edited by Binafus
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The only advice I can give you is to 'ice' your Scoundrel for a while.


I did this; I'm a Sawbones healer in PvP and I became depressed and fed up with the game fairly quickly. When I see that hybrid Sorcerers outheal me, I (as a full spec healer) can not keep up with their package of utility, heals, dps and stuns, then it's time for me to wait for it to be balanced.


I'm sure that's not going to happen anytime soon, because we're a very small minority and largely ignored in favor of the Sage/Sorcerers. It truly is Sorcerer Wars: The Outnumbered Republic.

Edited by Aerevan
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The only advice I can give you is to 'ice' your Scoundrel for a while.


I did this; I'm a Sawbones healer in PvP and I became depressed and fed up with the game fairly quickly. When I see that hybrid Sorcerers outheal me, I (as a full spec healer) can not keep up with their package of utility, heals, dps and stuns, then it's time for me to wait for it to be balanced.


I'm sure that's not going to happen anytime soon, because we're a very small minority and largely ignored in favor of the Sage/Sorcerers. It truly is Sorcerer Wars: The Outnumbered Republic.


This is True

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Since I allready posted this on another topic il throw a spoiler in.




the initial idea of the Scrapper was to have a burst dps class to the tables who could turn the tides of a battle by removing a target or heavily damage a target.


then came the selective few who decided to stack surge and crit, top it with their surge/crit trinket, and mix it wit the biochem buffs and to top the icing they would also take the +15% expertise buff in order to gain absurd numbers and crit for very high.


When this became knoledge, more and more scoundrels/operatives began doing it and all people saw was jump in "knife you three times" and your dead.


So people went on the forum and complained about the damage. they said "Scrapper is too much damage". as a result, they nerfed the damage of the scrapper.


the huge flaw of this is that they now reduced our damage to below the shadow WITHOUT giving us the same utility which the shadow has, in order to survive, which gives us this gimped situation were we dont ahve the damage nor have the survivability/utility to kill equal people.


The facepalm of this is that the scoundrels/operatives who still does the above stacking of various crit/surge mechanics can still manage to 3-4 shot you, but only if he crits on everything.


So this initially mean that Bioware only nerfed the PvE capeabilities of the scrapper insted of actually fixing the problem.

And here is the kicker: If other classes did the same effort to get high crits, they would manage to get same results: kill people in a few hits.


So in reality bioware are nerfing a class based on bad game mechanics.


In my opinion there shouldnt be random health/speed/expertise buffs around the warzones. It just makes WZs frustrating. Especially since the scrapper doesnt have the knockback to support it.


They should also remove "Reusable" biochem stuff: Because it destroys the ability to make money off the Market and turns biochem into a raid favorite because its a huge moneysavor.


Finally they should buff our damage to higher than before BUT reduce the scrapper talent that gives us 30% critial multiplier so that our base damage is high but our crits arnt massive.


No I dont want to be Overpowered. I want to be balanced and also have the ability to do PvE without having crap sustained damage compared to all other classes.


*Hopes his class will get the buff it needs*



Edited by Zlashie
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Well, I'm not really sure what most of you are talking about, but I totally love my scrapper.

I used to play pre-buff marksman in Rift, after-nerf savage in daoc etc...

And I must say that this char has got much more fun to it than for example my shadow. And I'm entitled to compare those too :cool: Not that I'm saying that shadow is bad etc, it has its own charm to it.


I had a chance to play scoundrel before nerf, and I was feeling guilty for destroying people. Now I feel a lot of satisfaction while still destroying them. :rolleyes:

I would ask for tiny little bit of sustained dps abilities, so I don't run around pewpewing bolts, while my CDs are going.

Edited by Stranger_LDR
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The shared tree wouldn't be too bad if getting upper-hand didn't require 4m range. Despite that I'd say the shared tree is still actually quite fun and rewarding ... if you're a defense troll.


You are basically screwed because sawbones is comparatively even worse so don't even attempt that one.

Edited by flegg
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The class is fine. most people on these forums are complaining because of all the changes to every class but they aren't the skilled players who can learn to adapt to the changes.


IMO, all the people who complain that the healing, damage, and surivability needs to be buffed are bad or noobs who just want to play a OP class. This goes for all the classes, every forum has people raging about changes or need a buff but no one welcomes a nerf because their class is great at everything; everyone wants the advantage but not everyone can have it :)

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