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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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CC = 1 min cooldown, a smart player would be mindful of resolve bar and situational use of their abilities.


A sage has a force stun, a force lift, and a knockback. The knockback can hit like 5 people and tag them all with just 1 button press.


They should also tag cappers with their ~18 sec DOT when CC isn't possible.


I can't imagine my Sage only getting 5 kills unless I was tunnel-visioning my UI frames.


In the OP's case, their team lost. Perhaps raw healing power wasn't what was needed, but CC of some kind? The key to victory is adaptability... tunnel-visioning your UI and spamming heals isn't always the solution. Especially if you can't rely on the people you're healing to get the job done.

Edited by Bhorzo
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You need 5 Votes to be equal to one Medal.


Alonda and Leano just laugh at you.

Next time try to get 6 Medals not mindless standing at the Tower and getting stuffed like everyone else with defender points for 6 Medals.


No you couldn't have done better. Then you wouldn't have feed yourself with defender Medals.


And if the Zerg was outside, and you actually healing there, you wouldn't even got 5 Medals.


Every Decent Tank could have made 10 Medals just doing what you did. Fight the Zerg at your Tower.


More engrish pwease. In any case, you are funny.

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A sage has a force stun, a force lift, and a knockback. The knockback can hit like 5 people and tag them all with just 1 button press.


They should also tag cappers with their ~18 sec DOT when CC isn't possible.


I can't imagine my Sage only getting 5 kills unless I was tunnel-visioning my UI frames.


In the OP's case, their team lost. Perhaps raw healing power wasn't what was needed, but CC of some kind? The key to victory is adaptability... tunnel-visioning your UI and spamming heals isn't always the solution. Especially if you can't rely on the people you're healing to get the job done.



AoE knock back = giving all the targets a half full resolve bar

Stun = 1 min cooldown

Force lift = 1 min cooldown, breaks on damage

Mindlessly giving 5 people a half a resolve bar on the off chance that they'll be killed soon is bad game play.

Using your stun on low hp enemies instead of getting people off yourself is bad game play.

Doting cappers is always a good idea, but spaming dots when your team mates are dying is bad game play, not to mention it'll make you run out of force in no time.


The key to victory is playing to your strengths, a healers strength is their healing power.

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900k is a bit above what I'm getting now in half champion, however it's very easy to get 7-8 medals in the current setup. I do agree they should have more healing medals and more protection medals.


You can fairly easily get the 2.5k and 5k damage medals if you're a healing sage against any sort of half decent team. Also the Quick Draw medal is very easy to get. 10 kills is another one that is easy to get.

So typically for me in a Warzone I get 2.5k healing, 5k healing, 2.5k damage, 5k damage, Quick Draw, 75k healing, 300k healing, and 10 kills. 8 medals as a healer and all you're really wasting is 4-5 gcd's in the entire warzone. That's with around 700-800k healing as well, so you're not losing anything really. If they changed it so I was getting more medals I'd be between 11-14 medals if I could get protection from shields and 2 more healing medals.

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If a healer is using a gcd to dps they're not using it to heal. The medal system needs to be reworked to reward people for doing their job. Could healers tab around and spam weaken mind to get more medals? Yes. Is that really what I want my healers to be worried with? No.


Eh. I think the idea of approaching a warzone like it's a Flashpoint/Operation isn't a good one. When I was playing my Sage, I was a damage spec (Balance to be specific). By this logic, I shouldn't have wasted a single global CD on shields or heals. If I can keep someone alive, I'll do so, then add in my own damage to burn off the target.


I'd rather have both of us alive while defending the node, then letting my team mate die just because I was only mashing a dps rotation. 200k+ damage and 70k healing was something I was seeing every single game.


I used to play as a healing Sage as well. I wouldn't spam heal. I'd toss out shields and heals as necessary, then start CC'ing and adding damage of my own to help burn targets. There's no logistical reason why I should continue healing someone at 60% health when the enemy is at like 40%. If they unload some mega CD and relic, then sure, I'll toss out one more heal and a bubble, but beyond that I'd just be heal botting and not being much help. That style of play also allowed me around 6-7 medals every match.

Edited by Rheeling
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AoE knock back = giving all the targets a half full resolve bar

Stun = 1 min cooldown

Force lift = 1 min cooldown, breaks on damage

Mindlessly giving 5 people a half a resolve bar on the off chance that they'll be killed soon is bad game play.


If your team isn't retarded, force lift shouldn't break.


I never said to MINDLESSLY give 5 people half a resolve bar. But there are cases when the knockback is very good, even on just 1 person... like when they're may be trying to cap, or to knock them off a platform for better positioning or to cause their deaths. I can't imagine playing a match where I don't MINDFULLY use my knockback multiple times on multiple enemies.



Using your stun on low hp enemies instead of getting people off yourself is bad game play.

Doting cappers is always a good idea, but spaming dots when your team mates are dying is bad game play, not to mention it'll make you run out of force in no time.


1) Your team should be helping get people off you.

2) Use your stun in cases where other people's stuns are on CD.

3) If you need to DOT cappers, your team has already failed, yes... but sometimes you're the last man standing. I never said to spam DOTS. Why would you spam DOTs? That is just silly.


The key to victory is playing to your strengths, a healers strength is their healing power.


If you're teammates are useless, then it's useless to heal them, and you need to take a big-picture view of the match. It doesn't matter if you can pump someone full of 1,000,000 healing... if they can't stop an enemy capturing a node 3 feet from themselves, then YOU become useless too, and instead you should be doing something to stop the cap yourself.



In a match with a good team, I use my CCs all the time, they're almost always on cooldown. Knocking someone off the platform for 1 GCD is better than healing someone for 7 GCDs while they kill the person I could have 1-shot. All it does is pad my stats, but makes victory 6 GCDs more difficult.


In a match with a bad team, I use my CCs all the time, they're almost always on cooldown. But in this case I also DOT cappers, and use my CCs more against potential cappers rather than those pumping out the most damage. As a healer I can single-handedly win the match by being the only one to focus on objectives.


I'm not gonna whine and cry about how "stopping node caps and CCing the enemy is not my job!" Of course it's my job if I wanna win. Victory is more important than stat padding.

Edited by Bhorzo
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dont get mad that Im doing something youll never, I literally did not have a free gcd to go out of my way and get more medals because it was an intense game and I was the only healer, at least im going for the warzone win and not just life-tapping in a corner to get my medals.


The 600k and 900k medals will help alot or even changing the shielding to protection pts as suggested earlier


yeah put protection gain from bubble and see 15 medals from dps sorcs/sages:p

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The fact is healers get screwed in the medal department because to be good at it you literally have to be spamming team mates trying to keep them up. Also healing medals aren't unique to healers. I've gotten 3 healing medals on a sith juggernaught who shouldn't get any. I do agree a good healer could use knockbacks/instant to get kills/killing blow/75K damage. On my sith sorc is decent gear I break 750K healing on a full match and get 7 medals or so using the right tactics. Also as a healer we should remember inturupting/knocking back/stunning is as good as a heal if it gives you that second more to cast
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If your team isn't retarded, force lift shouldn't break.


I never said to MINDLESSLY give 5 people half a resolve bar. But there are cases when the knockback is very good, even on just 1 person... like when they're may be trying to cap, or to knock them off a platform for better positioning or to cause their deaths. I can't imagine playing a match where I don't MINDFULLY use my knockback multiple times on multiple enemies.





1) Your team should be helping get people off you.

2) Use your stun in cases where other people's stuns are on CD.

3) If you need to DOT cappers, your team has already failed, yes... but sometimes you're the last man standing. I never said to spam DOTS. Why would you spam DOTs? That is just silly.




If you're teammates are useless, then it's useless to heal them, and you need to take a big-picture view of the match. It doesn't matter if you can pump someone full of 1,000,000 healing... if they can't stop an enemy capturing a node 3 feet from themselves, then YOU become useless too, and instead you should be doing something to stop the cap yourself.



In a match with a good team, I use my CCs all the time, they're almost always on cooldown. Knocking someone off the platform for 1 GCD is better than healing someone for 7 GCDs while they kill the person I could have 1-shot. All it does is pad my stats, but makes victory 6 GCDs more difficult.


In a match with a bad team, I use my CCs all the time, they're almost always on cooldown. But in this case I also DOT cappers, and use my CCs more against potential cappers rather than those pumping out the most damage. As a healer I can single-handedly win the match by being the only one to focus on objectives.


I'm not gonna whine and cry about how "stopping node caps and CCing the enemy is not my job!" Of course it's my job if I wanna win. Victory is more important than stat padding.


You're suggesting to use CC to tag people for kills, that means using your cc on someone who is about to die.

I'm saying CC should be used more situationaly, to get people off you, off of objective points/ledges, interrupt healing, buy time to heal. None of these would suggest getting a kill, infact more often than not you CC the person least likely to get killed which means your CC will not tag you a kill.


I would really like to see screenshots of your performance, as it is I find it hard to believe your cc is enough to tag 10 kills for you.

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You're suggesting to use CC to tag people for kills, that means using your cc on someone who is about to die.

I'm saying CC should be used more situationaly, to get people off you, off of objective points/ledges, interrupt healing, buy time to heal. None of these would suggest getting a kill, infact more often than not you CC the person least likely to get killed which means your CC will not tag you a kill.


I would really like to see screenshots of your performance, as it is I find it hard to believe your cc is enough to tag 10 kills for you.



Oh no, I'd NEVER use CC to tag someone for a kill... that would be silly.


What I'm saying is that throughout the progression of a normal warzone match, you should be using your CC anyways... and as a side-effect, you'll be tagging enemies automatically.


Eventually the person you CCed will die, and you'll get credit for it (unless they're outta combat for ~15+ seconds or something).


If at the end of a warzone I only have 5 kills, that means I probably only used my CC on ~5 people. If as a healer you go through an entire warzone match from beginning to end and only CC 5 times, that's pretty.... poorly played, in my opinion.

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Exactly... Either choose to get medals (being versatile) or choose to only do one thing.


It doesn't take that much time away from healing if you tab, hit an aoe on a bunch of players, retarget who you are healing.


That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.


I cannot speak for Sages/Sorcerers, but as a Bounty Hunter, this is impractical in the extreme.


I do not have the Heat Budget; I can either Heal, or DPS. Being specc'd for healing compounds this, as my DPS is just flat out bad. Yeah I can DFA on a clump or get lucky with a Fusion Missile on a small group, but hey now I am overheated, everyone is dying and I can plink on them for a couple hundred points of wholly ineffective healing with my spam attack until we all get to respawn.


Healing WZ's is unrewarding, frequently frustrating and thankless. Once in a blue moon I get a vote, but mostly I just get a few silver medals and reque to get a few more silver medals. Add to that the fun of getting constantly dogpiled by the opposing force...I don't know why I am still doing this.


And it's not just at cap, I am mid-level, healing rewards need to be increased all across the range, or no one is going to do it.

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Not to sound conceded but 900k isnt peanuts, it takes alot more than shielding and keeping salvation on cd, if you played a sage youd know, 600k is good for voidstar, 900k means you are maxing your class.


900k means the opposing team was downright terrible at identifying and controlling you via, stun, interrupt and death.

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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.




It's like that with all of medals.


There is no medal for 50 or 100 kills in a game, just 10 and 25.


No damage ones past 300k.


No hit ones past 5k.


I mean at the end of the day if they add more in, it just makes it too easy. Once you get 300k healing, dps etc.

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Hats off to you sage ---


Using major dps abilities, as we know, are pretty wasteful toward force --- and you already know our force regen in accordance to the amout we have in reserve...


I contribute with occasional CCs and stuns during any battle --- but it will only put me around 30-50k dmg while healing in Voidstar/Alderaan hits around 500k-700k. Lifetap seems to be the most ineffective way to "inflate" healing since you'll have to spam it 2+ times to even cast 1 effective full heal....and the overhealing still does not count.


a 500k healing medal would be nice.

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I play on Infinite Empire and have played against Jayess. He does this much healing. This is completely legit, no photoshop.


(I actually think that PeggyHill is a better PvP healer, but Jayess kicks out more heals than anyone, hands down.)


Jayess, I am the Jugg who targets you, interrupts you every time I am not on CD and gets slaughtered being a mere fly in your 900k healing. Oh, I don't get many medals for trying to kill/control healers.


There are lots of things that are the best thing to help your team win that don't crank out medals. Would I change that around, yes, probably, but I know it isn't as simple as adding healing medals.

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please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.


Congrats, you win the Ignorance Award. ;)


Yes, I also saw another one of your posts a little bit lower on the page, that also contributed to this award.


Also, create and try playing a healer. And pay more attention to the little numbers at the end of a warzone -- they can give you a good idea of what's been going on in that warzone.

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That's obscene...seriously overpowered...anyone that says other wise is delusional.


Name an Op/smug than can consitantly do 600k+ heals...


Most I ever healed was around 490k and I was healing from start to finish, non-stop. I too have full PvP gears.


Man, I envy sorcs and sages even more...christ.

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