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Why do so many people hate Baras?


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I see a lot of commentary from other Sith Warriors about how they 'hated Baras' or 'couldn't wait to kill Baras,' but I never had anything but appreciation for the guy, even when he stabbed me in the back.


I mean, Baras is heavy in the brains department, but clearly not as strong in the force as my character. Therefore, I made an excellent tool or weapon that he could wield in his ascent to power, but once I became a liability, it is perfectly natural for a smart Sith to attempt to dispose of me, as Baras did. After all, I was ambitious, and he knew it, even if I was still loyal when he turned on me. He'd taken me as far as he possibly could -- it was a good run, and we both profited. But when the time came for someone to make a move, he was the one who made the play. How can I blame him for being aggressive?


Basically, I can't fault the guy for doing what is natural for a Sith to do.


What's more, Baras is/was:


1) Smart.


2) Actually makes the male fat body type work, and seem powerful.


3) Willing to heap praise on me when I deserved it.


4) Nearly always trusted in my ability to get the job done, and was properly appologetic (or as close as he could be) when he doubted, such as when Duke Kendo tried to rat me out.


5) Taught my character a lot about the darkside.


Ultimately, I couldn't bring myself to kill Baras, and instead exiled him. I suppose I am just a big softy at heart, but the guy was a brilliant strategist and his plan almost succeeded. Plus, it's really hard to fault anyone who openly opposes the Emperor, especially when his ultimate plans are to basically sap the galaxy of all life to sustain himself. If Baras had become Emperor eventually, I don't think that would have been all that bad -- he's certainly a crafty enough fellow. I bet we'd win the war quickly under his rule.



So, yeah, I just don't get all the Baras-bashing. As far as I am concerned, he's right up with with Palpatine in terms of sneaky, smart, astute badguys.


Why do you guys hate him so much?

Edited by AJediKnight
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I mean, Baras is heavy in the brains department, but clearly not as strong in the force as my character. Therefore, I made an excellent tool or weapon that he could wield in his ascent to power,


That bit for me is exactly why. It was always about furthering his goals, rather than my own, manipulating the player just as much as everyone else.
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I thought Darth Baras was written very well, his voice acting was on point, the only problem I had with him, was his physique. Darth Burgerking I called him most of the time. Had he not been body type 4, he would have been perfect.


The fact is, he was your nemesis, you're SUPPOSED to hate him, that people naturally revile the character just shows how well he was written, he fits his role to a T.


Similar to Overseer Harkun in the Sith Inquisitor line (no I won't spoil that, he's met on the first planet so it's not really a spoiler just to know what I will say about him). EVERYONE hates him and wants to kill him.. well.. he's written specifically so that you DO hate him (hate is supposed to empower your Sith you know). I considered him the best written character in the SI storyline.

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I thought Darth Baras was written very well, his voice acting was on point, the only problem I had with him, was his physique. Darth Burgerking I called him most of the time. Had he not been body type 4, he would have been perfect.


The fact is, he was your nemesis, you're SUPPOSED to hate him, that people naturally revile the character just shows how well he was written, he fits his role to a T.


Similar to Overseer Harkun in the Sith Inquisitor line (no I won't spoil that, he's met on the first planet so it's not really a spoiler just to know what I will say about him). EVERYONE hates him and wants to kill him.. well.. he's written specifically so that you DO hate him (hate is supposed to empower your Sith you know). I considered him the best written character in the SI storyline.


Actually, I didn't hate Harkun -- I pitied him. I mean, how would you feel in his shoes? You're a force sensitive individual, in an Empire ruled by such beings, and you're relegated to being the equivalent of a kindergarten teacher.


As for Baras, I loved his size. I don't know why body type 4 for the males bothers people so much -- if you ever create one and take of their shirts, it's very obvious that, while they are pudgy, they're also built like a freight train. If body type 3 is a crushingly-powerful bruiser, then body type 4 is a massively-strong sumo wrestler. Baras was obviously an inquisitor, and if he wanted to let his physical form go to seed a little in favor of relying on the force, so be it.


But, yeah, I didn't hate Baras, and never really got the sense that I should be hating Baras. He was always kind to my character, and even tended to heap praise on me when I completed a major task. That's more than you can say for many Sith.

Edited by AJediKnight
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He is one of the best lords/darths in this game, story wise, everything has meaning for him and he has a great character, compared to the likes of lord zash and darth whats his face that hates you after chapter two of the inq story.


I think the hate just comes from that he has body type 4. nothing more

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I kinda liked Baras too. He wasn't a Grand Moff Kilran (who is so freaking awesome it defies mere words), but Baras was still decent. A pudgy conniving Sith Lord. What's not to like? Only problem I had was no matter how much **** I talked back to him, he never did anything. Not even a force choke to keep my Sith in line or anything.
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I surely loved and hated him due to fear of his intelligent as you even tough i understand it would turn a conflict in a long run, i could never predict or foreseen his next move, he always had a new trick or move under sleeve, due to his mastermind.


So it ended bad, as my fear to him was bigger than my respect to him, Baras is a type that will never stand down, he would find a way back up.


And yea, this means how well character written and voiced that, i had to consider these, not think its a game lets space bar it... He forced me to think and plan ahead, as who is he.


Also if u guyz read the star wars comics, you will see, Darth Baras is the planner and commander atack on republic home planet. So he isnt one to be taken lightly.


Edited by dirtycarebear
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Baras has the best lectures on the dark side in this game.


Compare SI's tomb scene where the sith code is recited by the hermit, to Darth Baras's creepy, drawn voice.


Or the infamous torture scene, where the character asks if Baras is angry, and Vette remarks that "Now im officially scared" :)




The guy is a psychopath genius, that's gone more psycho than genius over the time.


When I delivered Jaesa's family to him, and he muses on torturing them, I was looking for a way to help the poor parents, no way can I leave them to Baras.


He is a human, not an infallible, pompous Palpatine, his plans can go wrong, but he keeps you in case the .... hits the fan.


But he is also the ultimate fat guy from your school: he can be bullied, he knows it, and he acts on his fears that he will be bullied cause he is fat.


He fears your character, only reprimands him occasionally, and tells you to "loose your stubborn streak".

But that is not a streak... that is the way of the sith.



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Baras always seemed like a spoiled brat from a wealthy family to me. He's good at acting and using his insincere charm to get his way, but when the **** hits the fan he goes from 0 to frighteningly aggressive hissy fits instantly.


I hate hate hate hate HATED him.

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He's fat.



Honestly, I can't take him seriously. Especially when he talks about crushing people.


This is the problem I can't take him seriously. I just hope I get the opportunity to kill him at some point (only level 17 atm).

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I thought Darth Baras was written very well, his voice acting was on point, the only problem I had with him, was his physique. Darth Burgerking I called him most of the time. Had he not been body type 4, he would have been perfect.


The fact is, he was your nemesis, you're SUPPOSED to hate him, that people naturally revile the character just shows how well he was written, he fits his role to a T.




He was written well enough that he should be despised by the player.


I don't think anyone (at least not anyone with a brain) hates him for being a bad character.


The seeming pettiness of his goals, the sniveling, sneaky manner in which he accomplishes his aims, his smug superiority. All great character traits designed to get under the skin of people playing a Warrior archetype (and people expecting a Vader-esque role model).

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With you 100% OP


I can't stand most of the fat models, they're cartoonishly disproportionate. But at least Darth Baras is just a wall of armor, so it kinda works. And his character was amazing, the voice...

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Actually, I didn't hate Harkun -- I pitied him. I mean, how would you feel in his shoes? You're a force sensitive individual, in an Empire ruled by such beings, and you're relegated to being the equivalent of a kindergarten teacher.


As for Baras, I loved his size. I don't know why body type 4 for the males bothers people so much -- if you ever create one and take of their shirts, it's very obvious that, while they are pudgy, they're also built like a freight train. If body type 3 is a crushingly-powerful bruiser, then body type 4 is a massively-strong sumo wrestler. Baras was obviously an inquisitor, and if he wanted to let his physical form go to seed a little in favor of relying on the force, so be it.


But, yeah, I didn't hate Baras, and never really got the sense that I should be hating Baras. He was always kind to my character, and even tended to heap praise on me when I completed a major task. That's more than you can say for many Sith.


Actually he is quite the Warrior type instead of a Inq.



And yes i hated him since they called me his lapdog. And he hold alot of secrets from you, also he used you from the start.


Sure he was well written, and has a awesome voice, but killing him was so satisfying.


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I kinda liked Baras too. He wasn't a Grand Moff Kilran (who is so freaking awesome it defies mere words), but Baras was still decent. A pudgy conniving Sith Lord. What's not to like? Only problem I had was no matter how much **** I talked back to him, he never did anything. Not even a force choke to keep my Sith in line or anything.


actually in beta I ran into a sequence where Baras force choked my character from halfway across the Galaxy and I kept defying him even when I thought he was going to kill me.


It was pretty amazing. Unfortunately I haven't gotten it to work in live.

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Baras isn't fat. He's "full of force".


I loved to hate him. The character was very well written and acted and toyed with my (ie the player's) emotions through the twists and turns of the story. I was shocked for certain parts and thoroughly bent on righting the wrongs inflicted upon my character thanks to this big fella.


Baras was, imo, the high point of the SW story. Without his guidance and involvement, how compelling of a story would it really have been?

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I don't personally hate him, my character hates him. I can't wait to kill him because I'm invested in my character, and it's going to be a major moment in my character's rise to power.


So, basically, for the absolute best reasons.


Have I mentioned before how much the game's story is awesome?

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The fact that a bunch of Star Wars nerds sitting on a computer hate a fat man strikes me as a tad ironic.


Yes, the irony of this isn't lost on me either. I mean, c'mon guys, people are fat. Lots of people are fat. How can you be this superficial?

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Darth Baras is your stereotypical Sith, megalomaniac, conniving, sinister, sadistic, secretive, intimidating, powerful, superiority complex, dastardly plan to take over the galaxy, the works.


He's well, written, well acted and is a perfect teacher for a Sith, stern, yet generous and fearful of your power. It shows why the Rule of Two works so well.


He's my favorite character Empire side by far, Grand Moff Kilran is a close second, followed by Darth Malgus. Lord/Darth Zash is pathetic compared to Baras, she's evil but she comes off as goofy and I could never take her seriously, for one, she never does anything, relying on you the whole time while she sits in her office and goes to parties, ironically when she says "There's more to being a Sith than mulling around in dark tombs and crushing Tu'kata skulls apprentice." it applies to her more than any other Sith. Baras actually does something, he uses his time and you wisely, never for trivial tasks or pointless rivalries with other lords, he hides his ambitions well.

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he's fat and he wears a weird costume


but I do like his voice acting


the part where he is torturing that guy and you say something to him and he flies into a rage, that was awesome


I started off very obediently with Baras but now I pick the sarcastic answer every time ;)


the student is slowly becoming the master

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