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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Averaging 1 million unique log ins a day is certainly quite impressive.


Also for all those saying "but the server status's have dropped"


Here you go "I want to take a second to correct the reports which speculated that a lack of congestion was a sign of slow participation. Shortly after launch, we doubled the efficiency of each server, allowing us to handle twice as many players and remove the waiting lines. The lack of congestion is a function of great engineering."



They doubled the server size, well what do you know lol. So a server on heavy probably has more people on it then a server that was full at launch.


quote from an interview with the developers.




Please hold. The angry rebuttals will be back after a brief conference call. See below.

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ITT: People pretend that December 31st(Not to mention this was the free month.) = February 3rd.


EA is playing you fools mighty hard.


Here you go "I want to take a second to correct the reports which speculated that a lack of congestion was a sign of slow participation. Shortly after launch, we doubled the efficiency of each server, allowing us to handle twice as many players and remove the waiting lines. The lack of congestion is a function of great engineering."

I can't believe people actually believe this.

Edited by Logiick
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Many people (like myself) subbed for a month to see the direction of the game. Due to the fact that we recieved a free month it makes no sense financially not to invest in the game for atleast one month by subbing. From a pure logic viewpoint you have already spent enough money to atleast warrant playing the game for two months.


We will see the real numbers starting next month (end of feb. into march) when I predict that subscription numbers will begin to drop.


All you see within the swtor community is people crying about nerfs and balancing - the dev team is answering by constantly nerfing and balancing - this should be a good thing, right? Wrong, due to the lack of endgame content the development is obviously being staggered due to all of the exploits and balancing issues that are currently in-game.


It will be months before they iron this stuff out - and frankly I can play some FTP games until they do.

Edited by Dustmonger
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haha clearly i dont know what im tallking about . This is from today or yesterday im guessing.


Im glad they did an interview clearing up their press release.


Sorry!!! I dunno why they would change their stance on that, but at least they are being more honest with themselves now.


Really no need to apologize :) I thought the same as you before reading that interview and yes, I'm pretty sure it was a day later from the press release. It could very well be some kind of miscommunication, of course. But that's not really relevant. Fact is with 1.7m subs swtor is very profitable.

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1.7 million subs =/= 1.7 million players. Many subbed and don't play anymore OR they're all on 1 server.


While it is most likely true that some have subed but don't play I wouldn't apply the word many to them, especially not when the number they come from is 1.7 million. Besides there are 1 million unique logins per day, each averaging 4 hours play time. I doubt that the same 1 million players log in every day, e.i. there are more than 1 million players who help make up this statistic of 1 million unique log ins per day.

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It isn't?


Name 3 MMO's that have done it. 2 million subs in the first month.


And provide links to back it up please.


Who cares how many subs the game has now?

It's a SW game that came out days after another one closed.

It's SW

It came out in peak buying season

Many people are still on their free 28 days or put in their CC details before they even rolled their first character.


The proof - one way or the other - will be after three full months.

End of March, let's see where we are then


I'm not repeating my view one way or the other, but a great "launch" is not the criteria for a successful product.

Otherwise I'd be listening to Joe Dolce's "Shaddappa You Face" instead of John Lennon's "Imagine"

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Bull ......this game is blowing every other game out of the water sales wise





Retail in Europe it was number 40 last week, and dropped out of the top 100 based on the ABC figures released today.


Farming Simulator 2011 Gold is selling more copies retail in the UK (and you can buy that as a downloadable product as well from Impulse, or Gamefly)

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ITT: People pretend that December 31st(Not to mention this was the free month.) = February 3rd.


EA is playing you fools mighty hard.



I can't believe people actually believe this.


Yes i beleive some random person on the forums more than the developers that are answering questions about their perss release.

Clearly you cant read 1. in the press release it says "Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


It doesnt say "in 11 days" the press release has 2 different parts and i know its confusing for some people, but december 31's is FOR THEIR FINANCIALS!


2.Let me offer some metrics on purchase and subscription that will help you understand this business. As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December. We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out."


This interview is from 2 days ago, notice the wording "we currently have"


As for the increase in server caps, they mentioned they were going to raise the server caps when people where experiencing queue's a week into the games release. Didnt you notice that 1 day suddenly there were no queue's i certainly did, maaybe you should be more observant rather than blinding yourself with the hate you seem to have for this game.


Why are you even here in the forums if you hate this game? I always ask this to the haters and none of them ever have a good reason. Your certainly not contributing any constructive critisicm that would actually help the developers.

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Retail in Europe it was number 40 last week, and dropped out of the top 100 based on the ABC figures released today.


Farming Simulator 2011 Gold is selling more copies retail in the UK (and you can buy that as a downloadable product as well from Impulse, or Gamefly)


well considering 40 percent of their sales where through origin that sounds about right , most of my friends and I bought it through origin.

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ITT: People pretend that December 31st(Not to mention this was the free month.) = February 3rd.


EA is playing you fools mighty hard.



I can't believe people actually believe this.




Page 6:

To date, we have sold through more than 2 million units.


Page 10:

As John stated, we have sold through two million units of the game since December.

We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started

playing yet or have opted out.


They wouldn't say things like "to date" and "currently" if those figures were from December.


Besides, I'd much rather trust the official reports like these than the baseless guesses from certain people on this forum. Those people said this game would make 500 k subscriptions after the first month, that turned out to be untrue, same kind of people who make statments like "Greg Zeschuk worked on Warhammer Online that's why this game will fail" Greg Zeschuk did in fact not work on Warhammer online.

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Just remember that Warhammer also had this same exact kind of success. They retained over 1.5 million subs after the first free month, but, in the end....... We all know how it turned out.


I like how people just love to pull numbers out of their ***.


here is a press release from the warhammer site, a month after launch.




750k subs.


Pulling numbers out of your *** much?

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Just remember that Warhammer also had this same exact kind of success. They retained over 1.5 million subs after the first free month, but, in the end....... We all know how it turned out.


You have no idea what you are talking about man, your posts are borderline delusional and your lack of proper information and desire to troll are disturbing.

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You have no idea what you are talking about man, your posts are borderline delusional and your lack of proper information and desire to troll are disturbing.


Yea funny thing is i actuallly beleive him for a second, imagine how many people will not bother to check and will beleive him lol.

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"-- Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


Massive drop huh?


Depends on how much "more than 2 million units" were sold.


If, its barely over 2 million units then no, losing 300,000 out of 2 million is not a lot.


But if its over 2.2 million units then you are pushing near 1 in 4 players not staying which IS a lot and starts to point to fundamental flaws.


its all in the numbers, no offical sales count was released, just a general statement, and that made a lot of investors wonder why they would do that after their stock was downgraded, not a normal thing for a company to do when there is a lot of investor fear.

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I like how people just love to pull numbers out of their ***.


here is a press release from the warhammer site, a month after launch.




750k subs.


Pulling numbers out of your *** much?


Not to mention that they sold 1.2 million in 12 days and by the time they ended the first month they lost at least 38% probably more since I cant find sales figures for the first month only the first 12 days, as compared to SWTORs 15%.

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Depends on how much "more than 2 million units" were sold.


If, its barely over 2 million units then no, losing 300,000 out of 2 million is not a lot.


But if its over 2.2 million units then you are pushing near 1 in 4 players not staying which IS a lot and starts to point to fundamental flaws.


its all in the numbers, no offical sales count was released, just a general statement, and that made a lot of investors wonder why they would do that after their stock was downgraded, not a normal thing for a company to do when there is a lot of investor fear.


They would have said 2.2 if thats what it was i imagine it was anywhere from 2-2.1 because regardless of retention those sales numbers would be good news for investors as even if 5 million ppl bought the game 1.7 mill is still a really solid sub number regardless of how many people bought the game.

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Depends on how much "more than 2 million units" were sold.


If, its barely over 2 million units then no, losing 300,000 out of 2 million is not a lot.


But if its over 2.2 million units then you are pushing near 1 in 4 players not staying which IS a lot and starts to point to fundamental flaws.


its all in the numbers, no offical sales count was released, just a general statement, and that made a lot of investors wonder why they would do that after their stock was downgraded, not a normal thing for a company to do when there is a lot of investor fear.


Standard industry drop off rate is 30% after the first month, so 1 in 4 is still good by industry standards.

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Yea funny thing is i actuallly beleive him for a second, imagine how many people will not bother to check and will beleive him lol.


Yes, that is his goal i believe, Biogood has been trolling in this thread from the start, to the extent that there is no other logical explanation other than that he is a professional paid troll.


Either that or he is very dense and has an IQ equivalent to that of a hamster so he cannot comprehend things.

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