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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Uh, there are 1.7 active TOR subscriptions right now. That is fact. And the numbers are growing.


active subs are for month periods. someone can renew their sub and the next day cancel it and it will still be considered and active sub for the rest of the month.


Where is your proof subs are growing. Think it was feb 1st that they said they have 1.7 million subs so where did you get any imformation that it has increased.


Bioware knows exactly how many people have started to play this game (since you have to activate the account even to play the first month), they know how many people have canceled their account also. The only number they dont know is now many people plan on cancelling before their month cycle runs out. No on knows that.


But again they will word it to their advantage. They will not say that X amount of people have quit, intead they say that they may have not started the game yet or quit. They also know how many of their 1.7 active subs have cancelled but again they will not give out that info either.


All the number they give you can take as best case senerios. As of feb 1 there were not more than 1.7 million active subs and in those active subs some were still on the first (free) month and some have cancelled thier account.

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So they are lying because you want them to be lying.


Got it.


No it means that all his rage and trolling and pulling BS statistics out of his ear was for nothing....He didn't keep one single person from loving the game....and now there are


1.7 millions subs and growing


1.7 million


It took wow months to get that number


And TOR did that in one month

one month


Oh and the game is still flying off the shelf's like hotcakes.


Good times...damn good times.

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I find it hard to believe the numbers are growing, out of 11 of me and my friends that came from rift and wow only 1 is still playing.


they all had an active sub as of when those stats were taken but now we are all unsubbed



sorry but no way in hell there is 1.7 million subs the game is dog**** bad sorry all you fanbois love it but id rather play wow which i am so sick of and bored and hate than a game that is this badly made


yes the story is good but thats it take away the story and what do you have, a game that has 1/4 of the things in rift and 1/100th the things of wow (this includes features that should be in guild banks ui stuff)

Yes there really are 1.7 million subs right now. The investor conference call is near irrefutable. Lying about that is like lying before congress or to a judge or jury in a court of law.


Will it grow no one knows? Will people leave yes they will.. how many? who knows? I wont be keeping my sub active much longer then 3 months I think. You and your 11 friends will be gone, but rest assured advertising will bring in more new subscribers. And a whole new generation of 8 year olds are about to watch Episode 1 in 3d for the first time. And there's 12 year olds who have been watching Star Wars the clone wars and you bet they are seeing ads for SWTOR.

Edited by mezlabor
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active subs are for month periods. someone can renew their sub and the next day cancel it and it will still be considered and active sub for the rest of the month.


Where is your proof subs are growing. Think it was feb 1st that they said they have 1.7 million subs so where did you get any imformation that it has increased.


Bioware knows exactly how many people have started to play this game (since you have to activate the account even to play the first month), they know how many people have canceled their account also. The only number they dont know is now many people plan on cancelling before their month cycle runs out. No on knows that.


But again they will word it to their advantage. They will not say that X amount of people have quit, intead they say that they may have not started the game yet or quit. They also know how many of their 1.7 active subs have cancelled but again they will not give out that info either.


All the number they give you can take as best case senerios. As of feb 1 there were not more than 1.7 million active subs and in those active subs some were still on the first (free) month and some have cancelled thier account.


Prove it. We have EA's financial statements and investors call with the facts, you have... your theories and speculation with absolutely zero facts or numbers to back it up.


Keep trying though. ;)

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Keep crying and living in denial. It's hilarious watching you squirm.:D


I dont know what your talking about, ive played mmos since UO ive seen them all

this has to be one of the worst games ive seen id put it on the same level as AOC

for hype and how much actually works.


How can you spend this much on a game and have little or no endgame stuff

have no combat logs or ui features banks everything that is needed in a new age mmo


have game breaking bugs that leave people sitting there unable to finish their character



I'm willing to bet everything i own that within 6months this mmo will be under 1 million subs

6 more months under 500k


im not even guessing its already happening i mentioned 10 of my 11 friends quit i know of much more that have quit and wont come back

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WoW has had 7+ years to perfect what it has, and it STILL doesnt have voice acted quests or any sort of storyline at all.


No story? What? What did you think you were doing in Outland? Or Northrend? Or the Cataclysm zones? Did you not feel strung along by a sense of the Warcraft lore and sensibilities? On a meta-level (as opposed to a personal level with your character) I actually felt more of the story in WoW throughout its evolution than with SWTOR. It followed directly after Warcraft 3: TFT, some excellent story-driven RTSing. You feel like you're part of the world on a grander scale than this weird thing in SWTOR where every character's story has to make them feel uber-important.


SWTOR is too far disconnected from the KotOR games and the things you did in them to connect to those, so it feels less like Star Wars and more like "SPACE MMO GAME WITH LIGHTSABERS". There are tangential connections that come into focus later on in the game, but even those seem disconnected to people who didn't read the books or some lore section in a Wiki on the internet. Most people don't know who the Sith emperor is in this time period. Most people don't know what happened to Revan after KotOR 1, or the Exile after KotOR 2. If you don't have the subtitles on in Maelstrom Prison, you probably wouldn't ever realize that the Jedi presence IS the Exile, that the canonical exile was a female who fell in love with Revan at some point in an obscure novelization. You probably don't know who Lord Scourge is or how he fits into all of this stuff. The name Vitiate means nothing to you. All of these things are really important to crafting the tone and feel of the galaxy at this point in time, as well as creating a grounded plot thread around which everything else can be built.


If you came into WoW as a veteran of WC3, you knew exactly who Malfurion and Tyrande, Thrall and Cairne, Sylvanas and Arthas were and how they ended up in the places they were in. You understood the state of the world of Azeroth (and even Outland). You understood the threat posed by the Lich King and the Burning Legion, and why everyone was banded together into the factions that they were. For the most part, the connection between WC3's factions and the playable races in WoW were logical, excepting maybe the Forsaken's affiliation with the Horde. But at least you knew who everyone was. It gave me a great sense of being a member of the appropriate faction, particularly early on in WoW's life cycle where real, organic world PvP existed and wasn't forced by some contrived BS like Ilum or Wintergrasp.


The only thing you have to go on in SWTOR is Sith Empire = ******es, Jedi Republic = ***** good guys. Who is Satele Shan? Presumably she's descended from Bastila, but that's like a weird 300 year connection in a society of people that aren't supposed to love and have kids. Wait, what? Why is Ven Zallow, a guy who clearly died in the introduction trailer, the most prominently featured character in the art of the game? Who is he? Why is he so important? Who is Malgus for that matter other than the guy who killed Zallow? You don't know who the Dark Council is, you don't know who the Jedi Council is, you don't know anyone in the military structure of the Republic or the Empire. Why should I care about anything in this universe? What's going on?


Please remember, I am comparing only the meta-stories of the two games. The overarching tonalities and settings, not the individual details of playing the game itself, but the things I consider more important in creating the mood and setting of an MMO, of being a smaller part of a larger system. SWTOR's system leaves me with a lot of cognitive dissonance about things, like the knowledge that when I finish a level 50 PvP WZ with 12 other Inquisitors in the game, every single one of them is on the Dark Council also. Wait, WHAT? It just doesn't reconcile with my view of the game world in an MMO. Every single character is the most powerfulest importantest person in the galaxy. Every Sith warrior is the Emperor's Wrath, every Jedi is presumably a member of the Jedi council as well. It's the kind of thing that takes me out of a story where I'm supposed feel like my character is special.


In WoW, you look up to the characters who are very clearly your superiors in both power and rank. You are not all the leaders of the Horde and Alliance. You are not a demonic overlord of the Burning Legion. You're just a guy in the world. You do important things, but in a way that makes the overall experience feel more cohesive. The newer zones (Northrend, Cataclysm and the new old world) do a particularly good job of creating a story that doesn't feel so contrived and unrealistic as the SWTOR ones do within the context of an MMO. You are a grunt in the army working towards the downfall of the Lich King. You are trying to rebuild the world and stop Deathwing from destroying it. You have better sensibilities and connection to the really big and important events happening in the world. You are part of a macrocosm that works better in an MMO rather than the microcosm of a Bioware RPG.

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Yes there really are 1.7 million subs right now. The investor conference call is near irrefutable. Lying about that is like lying before congress or to a judge or jury in a court of law.


Will it grow no one knows. Will people leave yes they will.. how many? who knows? I wont be keeping my sub active much longer then 3 months I think. You and your 11 friends will be gone, But rest assured advertising will bring in more new subscribers. And a whole new generation of 8 year olds are about to watch Episode 1 in 3d for the first time. And there's 12 year olds who have been watching Star Wars the clone wars and you bet they are seeing ads for SWTOR.


there isnt 1.7million right now tho

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I dont know what your talking about, ive played mmos since UO ive seen them all

this has to be one of the worst games ive seen id put it on the same level as AOC

for hype and how much actually works.


How can you spend this much on a game and have little or no endgame stuff

have no combat logs or ui features banks everything that is needed in a new age mmo


have game breaking bugs that leave people sitting there unable to finish their character



I'm willing to bet everything i own that within 6months this mmo will be under 1 million subs

6 more months under 500k


im not even guessing its already happening i mentioned 10 of my 11 friends quit i know of much more that have quit and wont come back


Grats on having an opinion. I too have played MMO's for over 15 years now, starting with UO and I like SW:TOR. See how that works? 2 people with similar experiences with 2 different opinions.


You viewing something as a "failure" or a "POS" =/= it actually is, or that everyone else shares your views.


Do keep up the predictions though, the amount of squirming and moving of the goal posts the haters are doing is hilarious.

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It would not be prudent to declare victory yet, but if these kind of numbers are going to hold up, or just stay over 1 million for a year, I think we have a success.


People are comparing to WAR, but WAR was a game that appealed to the MMO PvP crowd, not the casual public. It was much, much more prone to fail due to the Migratory patterns of MMO players - who are now notoriously fickle. As you can tell from this forum.

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there isnt 1.7million right now tho


There are its 1.7 million to date. Yes its the q3 report but they were quoting sales and sub numbers to date not just December because they were outlining the profitability for this year as well as recapping their profits from the previous year.

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Prove it. We have EA's financial statements and investors call with the facts, you have... your theories and speculation with absolutely zero facts or numbers to back it up.


Keep trying though. ;)


prove anything I said was incorrect with your financial statements and investors call. You have the info so prove to me that anything I said is not true.


Prove to me that all the people that have cancelled their subs but still have some active gametime left are not included in the 1.7 number.

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Please quit talking out your ***.


While wow does have a huge player base in Asia its not 80% Don't go spouting off things you no nothing about.


As of 2008, 5.5 million of WoW's subscriptions were in Asia, per the press releases on Blizzard's own website. Compared to 4.5 million for North America and Europe (what I refer to as the Western Markets) Blizzard has stopped reporting market shares in their press releases, but they claim the total now is 12 million. I don't doubt the game has grown in the last 3-4 years, but I don't think it has doubled in NA and EU.

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"-- Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


Massive drop huh?


what id like to see is how much of those 1.7 million left after first month... cause there is a bunch of them...

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I dont know what your talking about, ive played mmos since UO ive seen them all

this has to be one of the worst games ive seen id put it on the same level as AOC

for hype and how much actually works.


How can you spend this much on a game and have little or no endgame stuff

have no combat logs or ui features banks everything that is needed in a new age mmo


have game breaking bugs that leave people sitting there unable to finish their character



I'm willing to bet everything i own that within 6months this mmo will be under 1 million subs

6 more months under 500k


im not even guessing its already happening i mentioned 10 of my 11 friends quit i know of much more that have quit and wont come back

Funny I was there for AOC and I remember that launch being an order of magnitude worse then this worse. I mean not even in the same league.

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There are its 1.7 million to date. Yes its the q3 report but they were quoting sales and sub numbers to date not just December because they were outlining the profitability for this year as well as recapping their profits from the previous year.


"sales and sub numbers to date not just December "


So the subs from december are included ? Iam on of the 2nd largest EU pvp server and on some maps are less than 100 people sometimes on prime time. :confused:

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prove anything I said was incorrect with your financial statements and investors call. You have the info so prove to me that anything I said is not true.


Prove to me that all the people that have cancelled their subs but still have some active gametime left are not included in the 1.7 number.


Go ahead and read them yourself, they are readily available. Proof is all there, in plain English for all to see.

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As of 2008, 5.5 million of WoW's subscriptions were in Asia, per the press releases on Blizzard's own website. Compared to 4.5 million for North America and Europe (what I refer to as the Western Markets) Blizzard has stopped reporting market shares in their press releases, but they claim the total now is 12 million. I don't doubt the game has grown in the last 3-4 years, but I don't think it has doubled in NA and EU.



The last report was about 10.3 million. About half the subs are from Asia but its not anywhere near 80%.

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prove anything I said was incorrect with your financial statements and investors call. You have the info so prove to me that anything I said is not true.


Prove to me that all the people that have cancelled their subs but still have some active gametime left are not included in the 1.7 number.


Translation : I'm to lazy to look it up , its much easier to make stuff up .

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"sales and sub numbers to date not just December "


So the subs from december are included ? Iam on of the 2nd largest EU pvp server and on some maps are less than 100 people sometimes on prime time. :confused:


First off You probably see lower sun rates in Europe then in the US. Its 1,7 million subs to date and 2 million sell throughs. So we know 300,000 people did not resub from December. Given the Eu servers penchant for going down in your prime time it may be reasonable to think many of those losses were in europe. But thats merely an assumption.

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Yes there really are 1.7 million subs right now. The investor conference call is near irrefutable. Lying about that is like lying before congress or to a judge or jury in a court of law.


Will it grow no one knows? Will people leave yes they will.. how many? who knows? I wont be keeping my sub active much longer then 3 months I think. You and your 11 friends will be gone, but rest assured advertising will bring in more new subscribers. And a whole new generation of 8 year olds are about to watch Episode 1 in 3d for the first time. And there's 12 year olds who have been watching Star Wars the clone wars and you bet they are seeing ads for SWTOR.


This is true and a large part of why i do not think we will be seeing the game mechanics get richer and more indepth. i believe the diffculty lvl will stay very watery. though im critical i do think the game will be successful.

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There are its 1.7 million to date. Yes its the q3 report but they were quoting sales and sub numbers to date not just December because they were outlining the profitability for this year as well as recapping their profits from the previous year.


So....ppl actually think a company will use q4's number for a q3 report.....??


Jesus christ i wasted so much time

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Go ahead and read them yourself, they are readily available. Proof is all there, in plain English for all to see.


I didnt think so. You dont want to believe what I say and want to try and use reports to prove me wrong when the reports cannot prove me wrong. They only verify what I say.

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It would not be prudent to declare victory yet, but if these kind of numbers are going to hold up, or just stay over 1 million for a year, I think we have a success.


People are comparing to WAR, but WAR was a game that appealed to the MMO PvP crowd, not the casual public. It was much, much more prone to fail due to the Migratory patterns of MMO players - who are now notoriously fickle. As you can tell from this forum.


Personally, I'm not declaring "victory" or what have you as the sub numbers don't affect me in any way. I'm enjoying the game, I'll still enjoy it whether they have just enough to keep the servers going or 20 million subs.


I am, however, enjoying watching all the doomsayers who've been spouting their garbage predictions, doom and gloom, insults, trolling etc squirm and backpedal and grasp at straws. Getting a taste of their own medicine sure seems a hard pill to swallow for them. :D

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